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Author Topic: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?  (Read 2754 times)

Your Tera

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How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« on: 23 August 2011, 06:52:13 pm »
When you get a communication of some sort NOT through AW but as a result of your "ad" as they call it... How do you balance the pulling them in and friendly conversation with the "put up or shut up" sort of finality?

When you get some lovely texts and then a phone call from a man  inquiring as to different scenarios most including "a dinner date." Lots of gentle back and forth, me suspecting he thought it would be a "date", at which point I say, "if that includes having dinner that's great..." blah blah blah. Only then am I asked for my fees, which I send. I think that I've let this get dragged out and won't get a booking, but I also think I can't find the balance between, "Pay and we'll play. Period." and "Oh, you're lovely, when would you like to book... my availability fee is... great, I look forward to it..."
How do you do it?

« Last Edit: 23 August 2011, 07:10:17 pm by Your Tera »


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #1 on: 23 August 2011, 07:20:57 pm »
Got some lovely texts

No texts. They don't count. Texters - unless they listen to my one and only response (which I only send if their texts are polite and written properly) and stop texting immediately - are put on my blacklist. I would not waste time trying to turn a persistant texter (AKA a wanky timewaster) into a proper client. Sure, it can happen, and sometimes I feel more patient than other times, but overall? I would never, ever rely on a booking from a texter. They go in the Extra Low Priority pile - only deal with them if you have absolutely no other clients to pay attention to that day.

[...] but as a result of your "ad" as they call it [...]

If they tell me they're calling because of looking at my website/profile/ad and then go on to ask me a bunch of questions about services, rates and so on, then they're a timewaster and I tell them to look over my website/profile/ad again, because all the information is on there, and call back if they actually want to book. I say this in a very polite and smiley fashion, of course, and sometimes they do actually listen and follow my instructions. But more often, they disappear because they know they're not going to get any free sex chat from me.

Remember, a lot of guys actually prefer to "live out" their fantasy of booking an escort by just calling and talking about unnecessary details which are quite boring for us, but obviously very exciting for them. These guys will never book and there's no way you can give them the courage to do so, so don't waste your time - outline your booking procedure ("Step 1: Read my website properly; all your questions about my services, my looks and my availability are answered on there; Step 2: Call me with the date, time and duration of appointment you'd like. See? Simple! Thanks, bye!") in brief, and get off the phone ASAP.

Basically? Trying to turn timewastey phone callers into proper clients is a waste of energy. Tell them your proper booking procedure, in case they're in the 2% of guys who are honestly "innocently confused" or new to it all or whatever, tell them you can't wait for them to call back and make a proper booking request, and say goodbye. Spare all your energy for genuine clients (the ones who will only briefly want to confirm services/outfits/rates before getting on with talking about dates and times - timewasters don't care so much about dates and times - unless they're big fantasists - because they're already wasting your time and getting their kicks by just chatting to you for ages) otherwise you'll end up bloody knackered, peed off and out of pocket!
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Your Tera

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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #2 on: 23 August 2011, 07:28:23 pm »
Thanks EmilyJones. I get that, and I am good about the clear timewasters. But, sometimes I know I'm TOO rash to jump to the money conversation...or am I never too rash to do that?

Your Tera

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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #3 on: 23 August 2011, 07:31:50 pm »
Or is that actually my first clue? That if they were serious I wouldn't need to be delicate... duh, Tera


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #4 on: 23 August 2011, 07:59:19 pm »
Or is that actually my first clue? That if they were serious I wouldn't need to be delicate... duh, Tera

Right. :) If they're "shy" of talking properly about arranging an appointment, then they're likely going to be too "shy" to turn up. Even if they're honestly shy/frightened, it's not your job to spend hours coaching a non-client into becoming brave enough to book; tell 'em what they need to do, tell 'em you can't wait til they get brave enough, and leave it there.

By the way, I'm assuming you're in the UK since you mentioned Adultwork? In the US, or anywhere where sex work is illegal, there may be more reasons for dancing round the matter at hand during phone conversations. But in the UK, there's no excuse! There are just no really justifiable reasons for a long phone conversations (or multiple texts) if all the information about you and your booking procedures is on your website - but there are a lot of random odd'uns out there who have nothing better to do than talk on the phone about stuff you don't care about/stuff you've already covered in detail on your website/stuff that's got nothing to do with anything - which is fine, if they are paying ?1 per minute! But trying to swindle sexy phone chat for free out of new/naive escorts is just not nice. I don't like to speak to those sorts of people and I definitely don't want to meet them.
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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #5 on: 23 August 2011, 09:14:35 pm »
I  agree 100% that texting is a complete no-no.
I only have 1 regular client that started life as a text pest - and that's because after a series of late night pestering, I texted him to:
*F***k Off! Seriously - F***k off now!!!*   ( Bit of mean kept him keen it transpires )

I treat my Escort business the way I would any other profession ie; mobile hairdresser/nail technician- No1 being that I do not indulge potential clients in Text chat. They aren't my mate and I would no more text my hairdresser: * u available? gagging to get me roots dunXX* than I would my accountant or plumber..
 I also rarely email more than a standard, polite reply as how can you ever know in this game you aren't corresponding with a child, a bitter ex-client/stalker, a rival Escort ( for more paranoid theories er ..text me?  :D )

I am polite and friendly, but business-like at all times.
I ask straightaway if they have seen my website aswell as my Ad and if not, I refer them straight to it ( actually I text it!  ;D ) and tell them to call back to make a booking request if they decide they want to. This takes the onus off ME wanting them, to it being THEIR choice totally ( and I think men in particular like something that takes a modicum of effort to acquire and MAY be unobtainable to them? ) Maybe that's just me though because I just couldn't do the * ohh, I am gagging to meet you baby!!*  :-[

I get the impression that you don't have a website though and need to give the details that your Ad won't allow?

I would keep it light and soft, but definately get it out there in the shortest of times and emphasize all the positivies that come along as a package with you - maybe you are  non-rush/limit your bookings/like to spend time indulging/being indulged / do not limit to 1 orgasm only etc, etc ( -surely there is a more poetic phrase for that?  :-\ )
As that kind of stuff is on my website, I simply don't answer anything personal and I tell them this at the begining of the call.
Like Emily said though, keep your voice warm and friendly throughout ( I have a broad Lancashire/Yorkshire accent and everyone tells me how lovely I am even when I am ranting at them!  ;D ) and if they cross the line with the questions, simply hang up and block them if you can.
« Last Edit: 23 August 2011, 09:32:09 pm by kimba »


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #6 on: 23 August 2011, 10:38:42 pm »
I think it all comes down to how efficiently you handle your calls. Ultimately the agenda for both of you should be a booking. You can quickly weed out the timewasters by taking the lead and asking the questions for the information you need. Don't let  them waffle on no matter how "lovely". Guys waffle for several reasons for example timewasters not really wanting a booking but wanting a chat or the guy could just be nervous so still needs you to take control.

This in no way has to be in an unpleasant tone of course just take control. You know what you need from them, a booking time, date, duration etc You can judge by how easily that info is given to how genuine they are and this applies to emails, phone calls, texts.  ;)


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #7 on: 24 August 2011, 12:11:18 am »
Be friendly but specific.


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #8 on: 24 August 2011, 09:47:58 am »
Thanks EmilyJones. I get that, and I am good about the clear timewasters. But, sometimes I know I'm TOO rash to jump to the money conversation...or am I never too rash to do that?

Never too rash.

I have a text rule - one strike and you are out, (and only if it is in clear English).  My answer is always "I am available, ring me".  End of! If they do not do that then they will never book.

Same with private numbers.  If I do not notice it is a private number when I answer and I get the "details" enquiry, I just say that everything is on my website and I do not accept bookings from withheld numbers, so please look at it again and ring with a number showing.  In over three years only one has, and made and kept a booking.

You have to be tough in this line for your sanity.

Your Tera

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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #9 on: 24 August 2011, 09:56:45 am »
Thanks all. I knew you'd help me sort my own brain out, and you have. You've all been (as usual) wonderfully clarifying and educational.
Forward, march, Tera!


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #10 on: 24 August 2011, 05:08:05 pm »
I actually don't rule texts out, they can be handy when I can't speak or am busy. If it becomes clear he has a lot of questions to ask though I will ask him to call, or point to my website.


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #11 on: 24 August 2011, 05:11:29 pm »
same here  unless they ask what i do then i  tell the to call ect  but  it can be handy a fair amount of the time  a

I actually don't rule texts out, they can be handy when I can't speak or am busy. If it becomes clear he has a lot of questions to ask though I will ask him to call, or point to my website.


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #12 on: 24 August 2011, 05:21:02 pm »
I answer them too, provided they're specific - I apply the same rules for polite enquiries to texts as I do for emails (I don't answer emails sent in txt spk either).

I'm happy to arrange appointment details by text because it avoids me having to talk on the phone which I hate, and then we can just speak briefly to confirm at the agreed time. I don't answer anything (text or email) which doesn't include my name and at least indicate that they've seen my site - I ask them to ring unless the message is just too gross or rude to bother with, and then my trusty SMS Blocker steps in  :D.

I think the key with phone calls is to keep it brief - there isn't really any reason a genuine booking should take more than a couple of minutes to arrange, and if I start getting the silly questions about services and so on that are all on my site I direct them there and politely suggest that if they have lots of questions they put them in an email, so I can answer them properly when I have more time. It very rarely happens.


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #13 on: 24 August 2011, 05:45:25 pm »
I answer them too, provided they're specific - I apply the same rules for polite enquiries to texts as I do for emails (I don't answer emails sent in txt spk either).

I'm happy to arrange appointment details by text because it avoids me having to talk on the phone which I hate, and then we can just speak briefly to confirm at the agreed time. I don't answer anything (text or email) which doesn't include my name and at least indicate that they've seen my site - I ask them to ring unless the message is just too gross or rude to bother with, and then my trusty SMS Blocker steps in  :D.

I think the key with phone calls is to keep it brief - there isn't really any reason a genuine booking should take more than a couple of minutes to arrange, and if I start getting the silly questions about services and so on that are all on my site I direct them there and politely suggest that if they have lots of questions they put them in an email, so I can answer them properly when I have more time. It very rarely happens.

Yep I'm amazed at the number of guys who will actually try and book without specifiying a specific time, or length of appointment and sign off saying "I'll call in the morning for the address".


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Re: How do you balance the "sales" conversation?
« Reply #14 on: 24 August 2011, 05:49:31 pm »
you might find it useful to have a script of some sort that you cant stick to  thats what i do  
if they call i  ask if they have seem my website    

if its no i say  have you seen my photos ect anywhere  
if its still no then i say ok have a look at my website then give me a call back

 if its yes
then i ask how /long and when they were thinking of  with regard to an appointment and for what time ect

If its for today or tomorrow ect I will give them details of the service that i offer and  the price  and whats included   and then ask them  if thats  what they are looking for       ( this is basically closing the sale  and  its a  yes or no question so they have to anwser either yes they want a booking or no they dont  )

if its yes then i ask them what time and when  and then i will agree that that time is fine ect  and that i will send them a text with direction and how to confirm on the day )

if its no or not sure i say ok  well im here all week ect so when you decide just give me a call back
  this takes no more than a minute 2 minutes at the most  and its simple and easy  
 if they are hesitant about anything i just ask them if there is anything want to know ect  and it might be that they want a uniform or a shower ect  

 it keeps you in control of the situation at all time and your not anwsering endless questions   also you wont get guys turning up say but you said you do xxxxx because you know full well that you didnt cos you stick to a simple script    
 if i have to constantly be texting , calling back and forth, or emailing back and forth with someone with regards to details which i have already given them before  then i will generally assume that they are timewaster or fantasy type of guys

It should be a simple process of  they want to book you So they call or email you ,  you give them all the details and info neccessary to book  you ie call you to book or get info ,  they follow your instruction on the day  and thats it