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Author Topic: HOW DO ESCORT AGENCIES WORK?  (Read 28514 times)


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« on: 01 March 2009, 08:21:45 pm »
Im sorry if this post has already been discussed but i cant find it anywhere.  lol

Im thinking of starting out as an escort, I currently work on adultwork doing webcamming.  i want to work for an agency though.  How do agencies actually take their cut?

Thanks for any help given in advance xx


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« Reply #1 on: 01 March 2009, 09:11:24 pm »
Hi Rach

My agency usually sends one of the owners round at the end of my incall shift and they collect the money from me then.If Ive been working outcalls i usually hang onto it and give it to them next time I'm working incall.
I did once work for an agency outcall only and i had to put my commission into their bank account at the end of each week. No agency should ask for your bank details (or any other personal info in my opinion,mine don't know my surname,where i live,nothing)

So basically the way of picking up commission varies from agency to agency,you should always ask them at the interview though,you need to be totally clear on what their procedures are.

I find here in the northeast most agencies seem to take a 25 to 30% cut of what you make per appointment,it may vary in other places though. Anyone who wants to take more than that is rip off merchant and should be avoided like the plague.


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« Reply #2 on: 01 March 2009, 09:13:00 pm »
Hi.  I wouldnt give my bank details to any agency and I'd be suprised if they asked for them to be honest.  I think most people in this business prefer to deal in cash, cant go wrong that way.

And dont give any money up front.  there are plenty of posts etc about scam agancies here on saafe so make sure you have a good look around.  

good luck with it.


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« Reply #3 on: 01 March 2009, 09:28:40 pm »
thanks for the help ladies xx


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« Reply #4 on: 02 March 2009, 09:58:11 am »
Hi rach,

My agency takes 30% but remeber with an agency they are sending people to your house (for incalls) and you dont know who they are, they may on occasion say they are a ''regular'' (even if they have just used the agency once they are still a ''regular''!!) or ''he sounds like a lovey man'' on the phone but i doubt you'll get more info. My agency are ''high class'' and they do NO checks. A guy calls up, says i want to see this girl, one hour, at 7pm. The agency say ok, what is your name and here is the address. Guy makes up a name, Fred, and thats IT! I dont hear from them anymore. No calls to check im safe, nothing. I found when i was with aw, yes i made a lot less money but i had at least some idea of who im inviting into my home- i would only see men with more than good reviews, speak to them on the phone etc...



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« Reply #5 on: 02 March 2009, 10:28:26 am »
thanks hunny xx


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« Reply #6 on: 02 March 2009, 03:24:20 pm »
Hi rach,

My agency takes 30% but remeber with an agency they are sending people to your house (for incalls) and you dont know who they are, they may on occasion say they are a ''regular'' (even if they have just used the agency once they are still a ''regular''!!) or ''he sounds like a lovey man'' on the phone but i doubt you'll get more info. My agency are ''high class'' and they do NO checks. A guy calls up, says i want to see this girl, one hour, at 7pm. The agency say ok, what is your name and here is the address. Guy makes up a name, Fred, and thats IT! I dont hear from them anymore. No calls to check im safe, nothing. I found when i was with aw, yes i made a lot less money but i had at least some idea of who im inviting into my home- i would only see men with more than good reviews, speak to them on the phone etc...


Do you have security of any kind.  I mean, phoning the agency to say your safe atleast?


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« Reply #7 on: 03 March 2009, 01:21:03 am »
Lexie- ha you must be joking! nope nothing like that. They dont call me or text to see if im ok and dont expect me to ''bother'' them either. I do text them when i client arrives but thats only so they know he has arrived so in other words, so they can make a log on their computer the booking is taking place, in other words so they know they are getting their commission.

On occasion, when a client has got chatting as hes come in i have forgotton to text the agency. After 30 mns or so i may get a text saying ''has he arrived yet?'' or i may not here from them at all. Once i forgot to text them to say a client had arrived, so they text me after 20 mins asking ''is he there'' I by that time was a little 'busy' with the client, and didnt text back. After he left i forgot all about texting the agency and left it. The next day talking to them they still added their commission from this booking. They just assumed I had not text them because he had come and there were no problems etc. Rather than think ''well hold on a minute, shes not text me when hes arrived like she usually does, and hasnt replied to a text either...maybe somethings wrong'?? I didnt get a single other text or phone call to ask if everything was fine.

And remember this is one of the top 3 high class agencies n london. Most ''people'' saying they are the ''best''!!! (best at what!?) To summarise they dont care about the girls, they care about getting their commision only. When I had that nightmare saturday night and I called them the FIRST thing they started to say was its not their fault, how were they to know etc etc and the best line, ''oh but he sounded so niiiiiice on the phone''.

My friend is with another of these top agencies and the same thing there. You know, I remember watching confessions of a call girl and belle having to check in with the agency before and after a booking, and saying the agency owner vets the clients that she is her ''security'' etc...I dont know, but id love to be with her agency!!

At the end of the day its upto us ladies to look after ourselves, even if the agency does help with that at the end of the day we should only rely on ourselves, so if we have strong intuition the guy is no good, tell him to leave right away. Dont wait and hope you may be wrong like i did, then it'll be too late. Not keep large amounts, or even any amounts of cash in the home, or jewellery. And always be on your guard with EVERYONE- even regulars are known to steal when the girls arent looking and they cant do that if there is nothing to steal. At least put all valuables in another room just not in the same one you are in with client.

Tips my friends have given me-
If you must keep a lot of cash use the safe deposit in selfridges. You can leave jewellery cash anything you want in there, they dont ask questions. If by any chance they do say its to keep your private documents and passport in.

Install a very good fake camera right outside your door if you are not in a portered block with cctv cameras already there. Clients will see the camera and this will straight away make them think twice about doing anything bad. It doesnt have to be working, my friends just get very good realistic looking ones.


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« Reply #8 on: 03 March 2009, 01:45:55 am »
Tips my friends have given me-

Heres one from me, find someone to take your security calls.  if the agency just want a text, have it ready to send so it doesnt take any extra time and then have someone else to call so someone knows your safe and well.

Its amazing the stuff i hear about some agencies, yet one more reason HH should get a grip on reality really.  feel free to put my number in your phone and if you need a security buddy and im around id be happy to help.  i always feel much better in myself knowing that someone knows where i am and when i should be fininshed.  I know it wouldnt have helped in this case, he would have still ripped you off but the offer is there if you ever need it.


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« Reply #9 on: 03 March 2009, 02:00:32 am »
thanks x


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« Reply #10 on: 03 March 2009, 07:16:56 am »
Lexie- ha you must be joking! nope nothing like that.

It sounds like we might be with the same agency! Although, the guy who runs mine is quite nice and does have everyone's wellbeing at heart (even if it's only so he can make maximum cash, of course) but he leaves the day-to-day booking process to a couple of 'secretaries' who work on commission so aren't particularly rigourous with their screening efforts. I guess they do filter out the worst callers, but if a guy's booked before and been fine, then he's a "trusted regular". In fact, as long as they haven't had any major complaints about a guy, he's a "great client".

Realising that my agency weren't quite the investigative force I'd hoped, I tried joining another - but this agency lady, despite seeming really sweet and caring, was actually a bit disorganised and had the weirdest bunch of clients on her books. Some ok-weird, some not!

So then, I tried joining AW and making a site and doing the indie thing. But I'm working at and studying for a totally separate career (which I love, so takes up most of my time, just wish it brought in more money!) so I really don't have time to spend answering my phone and emails literally all day, when so many of them are timewasters. And for some reason, even if they book, I end up freaking out and cancelling because I hate the thought of working 'on my own'. I do kind of have a security buddy and she's great, but - I dunno. I think I prefer the extra anonymity and simplicity of agency work (show up, chat, fuck, leave and they never know who you are!) over having to maintain an online work persona and be polite to every Tom/Dick that calls me. I think I just have to be honest and say I'm not cut out for indie escort work at all! Not all of us can be, I spose. I have to keep clients an extra arm's distance away, emotionally, in order to keep my sanity.

So, yeah. Agency work is an odd creature! The right one for me, but not for all, by any stretch.

Edit: Shock horror - thought I might actually answer the OP's questions! My agency take 30% which I send to an anonymous post office box of some kind via registered post. The woman-run agency I was with for a while had a bank account which I had to desposit each fee into. Unless the fee was large - in which case, she'd send a guy round (to my house!!) to pick it up. Yeah, great. ::) That didn't work out.
« Last Edit: 03 March 2009, 07:20:08 am by EmilyJones »
Disclosure: The other person behind


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« Reply #11 on: 04 March 2009, 08:10:34 pm »

I have found an agency online that looks quite professional compared to others, not sure if I am allowed to put the name on here to see if any of you have used them or heard if they are ok???


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« Reply #12 on: 05 March 2009, 06:34:28 am »

I have found an agency online that looks quite professional compared to others, not sure if I am allowed to put the name on here to see if any of you have used them or heard if they are ok???

Please feel free to.


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« Reply #13 on: 05 March 2009, 05:33:22 pm »
ok bunnies was one, elite, and pacha?