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Author Topic: Hotels......embarassing!  (Read 6837 times)


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« on: 13 November 2009, 03:11:14 pm »

So.... just had my first booking at a hotel. It went well and was a lot easier than anticipated, however one thing that niggles me is walking past reception with the staff looking at you!! I feel like I had ho' written across my forehead in big black letters! How do you other girls deal with hotels? Has anybody ever been stopped? What do you say if anyone does stop you? My god that would be my worst nightmare...! One of the porters actually asked if I was 'alright there' and I kind of just smiled and said yes thanks, walking quickly away whilst cringing!
I work for an agency and can't do incalls so I think going to hotels is gonna be regular occurence!  :-X
« Last Edit: 13 November 2009, 03:15:30 pm by Ooohlala »

Anika Mae

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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #1 on: 13 November 2009, 03:45:44 pm »
You don't have "ho" written on your forehead, and you'll soon get used to going into hotels. People are in and out of hotels all day, especially the bigger ones. They're staying there, visiting people who are staying there, working (as staff!), going to the bar, the gym, function rooms, the loo (well I do that). The fact that you're a woman walking into a hotel is one of the least remarkable things imaginable.

Nice hotels are likely to have people who'll ask if you need help, but that's just customer service because people are in and out all day for all the above mentioned reasons. Usually it's easy to work out where you're going so you can say no thankyou, but I've asked to be directed to rooms in big confusing hotels and that's been fine too.

On my way to my first job I was stopped by a nosey receptionist in a budget hotel who insisted on calling my client and asking him to come down, except all she said to him was that I was there, so after we'd both waited for a while she called again and then said I should go up. That was just someone doing her job badly and nothing like it has happened again in my five years of working, and even so it was only an annoyance.

There's some hints for looking confident in hotels here:


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #2 on: 13 November 2009, 03:56:49 pm »

Thanks Annika-Mae... I think I'm probably a tad paranoid!  :-[



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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #3 on: 13 November 2009, 04:01:52 pm »

Sorry for spelling your name wrong! Doh


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #4 on: 13 November 2009, 04:08:26 pm »
I once swanned through a hotel, thinking I must be feeling especially paranoid about looks from people, only to realise when I finally got in the lifts that my stocking-tops were totally visible under my LBD hem. But rich heiresses are known for dressing like hookers anyway so I tried to calm myself down by reasoning that I hadn't *totally* blown my cover. I probably had but at the end of the day, 'snot illegal to visit a man at his hotel for sexy business. The hotel can, of course, have procedures in place to eject suspected hos but I just dress quite demurely and I have a mean middle-class-shocked-at-this-treatment face prepared at all times. ;)
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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #5 on: 13 November 2009, 04:12:29 pm »
Haaaaaaaaa that is totally something I would do!! Luckily for me the guy requested that I go casual (yey) so got away with a black pair of pants and a shirt  :)


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #6 on: 13 November 2009, 05:26:02 pm »
I had to bang on the outside door of a place once that, unbeknownst to me, locked the outside doors at 11pm (I had a booking at half past). When the night porter arrived I had to tell him that my husband had checked in and gone to bed, and I had been stuck in traffic and arrived late - all fine until it was time to leave an hour later and I had to walk past him again  :-[.


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #7 on: 13 November 2009, 05:43:01 pm »
I always wear a business suit and carry a brief case and walk past the reception confidently - as though I'm a guest on the way to my room (although it soon becomes obvious I'm not when an hour or so later I'm walking back out  ;D) or just someone meeting a guest for business (which of course we are!).  I always make sure I know the name he's checked in under just in case I'm ever asked (when doing my phone check or when walking through the hotel).  Although I've never been asked whilst walking through the hotel, I've often been asked the question "who would you like to speak to" if I just ask to be put through to the room number.

It does help to know where the lifts are so that you can head straight for them.  There's been a few times when I've forgot to check this and done my confident "I'm here on business and I know where I'm going" walk when I've arrived at the hotel only to find myself going in the completely wrong direction and then had to walk back past the reception to find the lifts!  :-[  

I once went to a hotel where the lifts were, for some inexplicable reason, tucked right out of the way in a corner.  I must have walked past that reception three bloody times looking for the lifts until eventually the receptionist, obviously unable to stand it any longer, said "Can I help you?"  To which I replied .."errr, sorry but I'm having difficulty finding the lifts.."  :-[  

I'm sure hotel staff are well used to our visits and don't bat an eyelid.
« Last Edit: 13 November 2009, 08:37:57 pm by Vanessa »


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #8 on: 13 November 2009, 05:48:18 pm »
I had to bang on the outside door of a place once that, unbeknownst to me, locked the outside doors at 11pm (I had a booking at half past). When the night porter arrived I had to tell him that my husband had checked in and gone to bed, and I had been stuck in traffic and arrived late - all fine until it was time to leave an hour later and I had to walk past him again  :-[.

Lol.  Also had it the other way round, when your leave a hotel after they lock their doors and you have to summon someone to let you out!  This once happened to me and it took bloody ages for the night porter to show his face - think I must have woken him up!


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #9 on: 13 November 2009, 06:33:11 pm »
I went to an outcall at a travelodge a while ago and as you cant get in without a card client had to come to door and meet me. I walked upto him and said hello and started chatting in the same manner you would if greeting a partner/friend (there were other people around) He responded by putting his finger to his lips and saying 'ssshhhh' really loudly and then proceeded not to speak to me for the entire walk to his room.

Because clearly two people walking in silence like that looks far less suspicious than two people walking along having a normal conversation :o

And no the booking didnt go that well,strange that ;D


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #10 on: 13 November 2009, 06:42:16 pm »
I feel like I had ho' written across my forehead in big black letters!

I dont know about you but I like the feeling of walking past receptionist and business people and feeling like a slut LOL...I was at one of the huge conference type hotels recently, walking thru there thinking, "mmmhmmm...yep, a ho is on the premises LOL".

But I understand, its not as noticeable with us LOL.

Anika Mae

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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #11 on: 13 November 2009, 08:21:23 pm »
No, I get that too. I got a kick out of going to hotels at night with guys from the champagne bar and walking out alone a couple of hours later. It was kind of obvious then but with escorting I think it usually isn't.


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #12 on: 13 November 2009, 11:50:32 pm »
I am fine going in and only a little selfconcious when going back out again, but I tend to just brazen it out and if I notice I'm being watched I'll look at them smile and say good night.

What always makes me uneasy is when the guy feels he is being gallant by walking me to the door and if I'm taking a taxi waiting with me for it. I cringe when we pass reception.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #13 on: 14 November 2009, 12:07:10 am »
Ooooooh nooooo! God that would be awful! People would be thinking "We know what you've just been doing!" Plus don't they realise that once it's over you just want to get home, not stand outside making polite small talk until the taxi arrives  ::)


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Re: Hotels......embarassing!
« Reply #14 on: 14 November 2009, 04:08:59 am »
Hmmm..I've been walked out to a Taxi in the past, I just don't see anything wrong with it.

For all they know, that client could be a sugar daddy; not everyone who is with an older man is an escort. I just cannot imagine that receptionists at large/medium sized hotels are going to figure out you're an escort. I dont think they are watching people that much. And as far as the going out...there's been plenty of times I walked up to my hotel room, stayed for an hour or 2 and realized I left something in the car.

Unless we have HO written on our forehead, I just cant see the need for unnecessary heart palpitations.