I worked at home for almost a year; it was great in terms of money, but after a while it began to feel more like an Airbnb rather than my home. I could never sleep in my own bed, even if I brought new covers as it just felt dirty and I always felt unsafe even though most of my clients were lovely and respectful. Also, once you start working from home your personal to work life balance will plummet.
I eventually had to move as my neighbours started to catch on and i just felt so unsafe and uneasy, no matter how much i cleaned it always felt dirty and clients were constantly messing up the bathroom, leaving their smell & one time i even had a client leave excrement stains on my bed sheets lol.
Hotel costs & what you make back vary depending on what city you visit, you could tour cities as I've heard that's good money - it depends how often you'd want to work tbh - I know of quite a few relatively cheap hotels in good locations too if you need any recommendations
This is just my experience though, others might be different but if you decide to work from home a few tips id give are:
-Always have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom (more than 1, so it looks like someone is there with you)
-Always have the TV on in the living room (again, so it looks like someone is with you)
-If asked if it's your home, always say no its just an Airbnb (I made the mistake of telling someone it was my home and they began to stalk)
-This one depends on your comfortability, but if asked if someone was with me id always say 'my boyfriend and my friends are here as we all went out last night'.
Hope this helps, this is just my experience though yours may differ!xx