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Author Topic: Holidaying with client?  (Read 4992 times)


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #15 on: 22 July 2016, 11:08:48 am »
Hmmm, some clients do expect a free holiday. I'm always firm, but I do hate being looked at as if I'm being unreasonable.

One man kept asking, not expecting to pay, I did go on one holiday with him free because it was to a place I'd been really interested in going to, and just wouldn't have gone otherwise. I laid down rules and boundaries, also that I'd get a certain amount of me time. I also knew from his bookings that he wasn't going to be shagging non-stop. He covered all my expenses, I did however take my own emergency cash and cards.

Later on after asking about further time away, he did realise I'd need to be paid, and invited me to a wedding which involved an overnight stay. This time he said he would pay whatever my rate would be. I agreed a fee which was a bit less than my standard overnight, partly because much of it was public socialising, but still a fair whack representing two days work. Worked out well. He moved on when he found out I was getting married my own self!

What I'm trying to say is if you stand your ground, it does eventually sink in and if someone wants to spend time away with you, they may well stump up.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #16 on: 22 July 2016, 10:07:43 pm »
Hey guys. Sorry Ive not responded sooner, Ive not been on my own holiday.
Ive decided I'm not doing it as i dint feel comfortable with bits he had said,  no separate room, with him 24/7,  still no mention of fees. He was becoming a pest texting all the time,wanting to call me. Like we were in a relationship!  So i put the brakes on. Thanks for all your advice though xx


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #17 on: 22 July 2016, 10:21:32 pm »
I've been on holiday that meant to say


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #18 on: 07 August 2016, 01:44:32 pm »
I've had inquiries about this recently. A long weekend away. I haven't yet managed to get my head around how much to charge yet. If it's from Thursday until Monday, do I charge four overnights?
 I've only ever done overnights before, nothing longer.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #19 on: 07 August 2016, 04:25:12 pm »
I've had inquiries about this recently. A long weekend away. I haven't yet managed to get my head around how much to charge yet. If it's from Thursday until Monday, do I charge four overnights?
 I've only ever done overnights before, nothing longer.

Do you publish a rate for 24 hours? If so, I'd go with 3.5 times that rate. So if it was ?1000, quote ?3500.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #20 on: 07 August 2016, 06:20:21 pm »
Do you publish a rate for 24 hours? If so, I'd go with 3.5 times that rate. So if it was ?1000, quote ?3500.

I post a rate for my overnights, my overnights are usually anything up to 12 hours. So is it that times 3.5 or....?


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #21 on: 07 August 2016, 07:48:31 pm »
Just an update on this. The man in question is still texting daily and requesting appointments, which is fine as I don't mind seeing him. However he's now back on the holiday subject! I've explained in simple terms that I expect my fee and  given him a price with a very generous discount because I know he's booked and paid for the holiday, I kinda feel sorry for him because I don't think he has an active social life or many friends (reading between the lines)
He's made me feel guilty for expecting to be paid,which I know is ridiculous! This is my job,this is how we met, I get paid to spend time with this man, so why does he find it do difficult to understand?


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #22 on: 07 August 2016, 07:52:52 pm »
He does understand...he's just trying it on...therefore, he's not the nice man he appears to be.

That's my view anyway xx


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #23 on: 07 August 2016, 08:59:54 pm »
The phrase "I am running a business" might be your friend here.
You could explain to him that going away with him for X days means you could potentially miss out on X multiplied by 8 multiplied by your hourly rate.
So if he wants you for 5 days, and you charge 100 per hour, that's potentially 4000 worth of business that he wants you to turn away, for the dubious benefits of being on holiday with him.

So whatever rate you have already offered him for the holiday, you've given him a massive reduction on rates. Let him suck on that for a bit.
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #24 on: 07 August 2016, 10:26:06 pm »
I've quoted him 2500 ,I understand that this sounds a massive amount but it's only ?25ph. I've realised I'm giving this man too much consideration. He's definitely trying it on! X


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #25 on: 08 August 2016, 07:45:20 am »
2500 for a week is an absolute bargain. I would charge that for a weekend!
And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
The undiscovered continent for you to undress


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #26 on: 08 August 2016, 06:07:48 pm »
Cant be worse than the client who invited me to go shopping on Bond Street, took me into Louis Vuitton to see if there was anything I liked.....and then expected me to pay for it. He then got annoyed at me when I was not buying anything as this was a shopping trip. Same  kind of scenario. :FF



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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #27 on: 08 August 2016, 06:22:49 pm »
I would also take into account where exactly you are going and how much travelling is involved. I spent 4 days in Malaysia few months ago and including a deposit that included cost of flights I charged ?4000 where as if it had been say France I would probably only have charged ?2000-?2500.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #28 on: 08 August 2016, 07:38:34 pm »
The cheeky sod text late last night saying he was sorry for the confusion but he'd decided to take his kids instead! Apparently he'll be on touch when he gets back. Somehow I don't think so!
Problem solved thank the lord  ;D


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #29 on: 08 August 2016, 08:14:20 pm »
The cheeky sod text late last night saying he was sorry for the confusion but he'd decided to take his kids instead! Apparently he'll be on touch when he gets back. Somehow I don't think so!
Problem solved thank the lord  ;D

Think you got your answer there...he thought you'd go for nothing. If he contacts you again, maybe just stick to short bookings so he can't try and take the piss again x