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Author Topic: Holidaying with client?  (Read 4990 times)


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Holidaying with client?
« on: 17 July 2016, 06:25:06 pm »
I'm just after a bit of advice. I've been asked to accompany a client on a week long holiday. I don't know him that well ,as I've only seen him a few times on over nights. Initially I agreed but as it gets neater to the holiday I'm feeling a bit unsure. There's been no mention of fees so I'm wondering how to approach it, I have no idea what figure I should charge??  I'd appreciate any advice you girls can give as this isn't something I've ever done before. Help !!


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #1 on: 17 July 2016, 06:52:37 pm »
Hi  ;)I've never been in this situation myself, but I think I would take an average weeks earnings and maybe charge half?
As you're actually having a holiday I don't think you can charge a full weeks wages, but you do have to take into account how much you're losing out on.
Ideally you should have discussed this beforehand, but maybe ask him how much he's offering?
I'm a little bit jealous!!! Xx


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #2 on: 20 July 2016, 04:27:11 am »
Why would you charge half what you could earn for a week when you are working regardless of the location? The client will still have certain expectations like you'll treat it as work and just because you go on a holiday doesn't mean you shouldn't be getting paid. If I'm not earning what I would be earning if I didn't take the job then for me it's a waste of time.

Had a couple of enquiries about this sort of thing but don't know if I'd entertain it and certainly not agree to anything before all the details are worked out. It sounds like you just said "yes!" without hearing anything about what you will be paid and the itinerary planned for him and you. Do you take overnight bookings with no plan on anything? Do you want to spend the whole holiday twiddling your thumbs wondering what to do with the client?


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #3 on: 20 July 2016, 08:11:20 am »
If there's been no mention of fees then he will be thinking paying for your holiday is the fee.

Personally I don't think going on holiday with someone I don't know or anything work related is much of a holiday not to mention a weeks worth of lost earnings but each to their own.



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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #4 on: 20 July 2016, 08:14:56 am »
I agree with Kendra. If he hasn't mentioned money, he's hoping you won't charge him anything.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #5 on: 20 July 2016, 09:20:26 am »
I agree with Kendra too. Many guys think that the fee is the cost of the holiday. I'd be putting him straight pronto.

A "holiday" with a client could be a lot of hard work so don't undercharge him.

Like the others have said, it wouldn't be for me either as I couldn't relax to enjoy myself and what else are holidays for?
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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #6 on: 20 July 2016, 02:29:48 pm »
I agree with the others, he is probably thinking him paying for the holiday is enough so you need to get  the arrangement straight. Not just how much he is paying you, but his expectations in terms of him covering costs of food and entertainment (whether that be club entry or museum entry or whatever you'll be doing!) how much shagging he wants, how much free time you'll get by yourself. A week is a bloody long time to be in someones company 24/7. You'll need the odd afternoon or evening away from each other.

In terms of money, forget about your hourly rates and think about it as a separate issue. How much money feels right for you. Start at a figure and then think about whether you feel that would compensate you mentally as well as financially balanced with how much you like the client's company and how much you want to go to this place. If it doesn't then raise it and think again.  Before you approach him about fees think about a lower limit or start high and if he splutters say well seeing as it's you I shall do it for X lower amount.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #7 on: 20 July 2016, 11:26:02 pm »
I agree with PPs, he's probably thinking this is gonna be a freebie.

I'd probably start the convo by texting him and saying "We didn't really discuss my fee for this week away! It's going to be XXXX [I'd suggest at least 2500.] I'll need 500 up front as a deposit so I can [pay my cat sitter/buy some swimwear/get some holiday reading.] Do you want to send that direct to my bank?"

I suspect at that point he'll suddenly uninvite you  ;D
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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #8 on: 21 July 2016, 09:34:21 am »
I agree with PPs, he's probably thinking this is gonna be a freebie.
Lol to this!! Agreed
I'd probably start the convo by texting him and saying "We didn't really discuss my fee for this week away! It's going to be XXXX [I'd suggest at least 2500.] I'll need 500 up front as a deposit so I can [pay my cat sitter/buy some swimwear/get some holiday reading.] Do you want to send that direct to my bank?"

I suspect at that point he'll suddenly uninvite you  ;D


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #9 on: 21 July 2016, 10:23:14 am »
You need to clarify fees, and do it asap.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #10 on: 21 July 2016, 10:40:56 am »
I think if you so much as mention fees, no matter how much or little you want, he'll get all butthurt and the trip will be off.

It's very unlikely you're going to be going on the trip.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #11 on: 21 July 2016, 10:42:45 am »
It's very unlikely you're going to be going on the trip.
Agreed. Unless you're happy to work for no money.


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #12 on: 21 July 2016, 11:31:08 am »
I once had a regular client who used to email me often invite me to New York for a couple of days. I was so excited and agreed, thinking he knew my rates. I remember the email tirade when I told him my fee would be 3000 plus air ticket ( This was a very low fee, but he said he would be in meetings all day). I remember him telling me that he did not think I was a "professional escort" and that he thought the hotel and dinners would be enough. He had changed him mind now, and that I was a real fake... Had to buy my own ticket too :FF Bare in mind this guy was a top google exec. on bazillions, when anybody now asks about a holiday, I just think freebie hunter!

Cant be worse than the client who invited me to go shopping on Bond Street, took me into Louis Vuitton to see if there was anything I liked.....and then expected me to pay for it. He then got annoyed at me when I was not buying anything as this was a shopping trip. Same  kind of scenario. :FF


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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #13 on: 21 July 2016, 04:19:25 pm »
I have done a few holidays before with a few clients i reg see. I charge the same everytime ... 1 week, ?4000 ... And I have two requests they comply with too ... 1) ?800 to be paid as a deposit. 2) I want my own room (double min) ... They get as much sexy time as they want but at the end of the night i dont want to be 'on alert' so to speak and would like a little sleep. They have never had any issues with this. So win :)

I would say ... Text your client, point out you havent talked about your fees yet and see where it goes from there.
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Re: Holidaying with client?
« Reply #14 on: 21 July 2016, 10:55:05 pm »
Typical fantasist not to mention freebie-hunter. Most guys who ask if you want to go away on holiday with them believe that a cheap Ryanair ticket and a shit all-inclusive holiday is enough compensation for opening your legs wherever and whenever he pleases all week.

No thank you the only person I want to vacation with is my husband who can fuck me wherever and whenever he or I please all week, no client should have that privilege unless he's paying you a fuckton of cash.
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