I find 2 hours goes really fast personally. With a new person it's kind of nice to find out about them - to a point, I mean, you don't need to know everything.
Just ask about his job, what he does, does he like it? What it involves. If he does not want to talk about it then you have music, what do you like, films? Holidays, where do you like to go away? Where would your absolute dream place to visit be?
I have pets and my kitten fell asleep in a guys jeans once, it was hysterical as the jeans started to move across the floor by themselves, so we talked about cats and his dog....
You'll be surprised what you can find to talk about really, you think you will have little in common, but there is always something, always.
You will know when the guy walks through the door or you walk into his place, you get a feel for the sort of person he is and somehow know to talk a lot, a bit or not much at all.
Just relax and the awkward silences are rarely awkward - sometimes you will come up against the person that you struggle to get any conversation going with, but you will do that in any walk of life I guess - it's not always like that though.
I was a bit like yourself when I started going, all worried about what to talk about, how to structure the time. Honestly, I don't even think about it now. It goes as it goes, I wait till the guy is in front of me and take it from there.
I had a guy that was awful, terrible and before the booking I was on pins, after it I swore that was that - never again would I worry about it. It can never be as bad as the booking I just went through. It never really has been either. It was really, really awful though, Ha. It cured me of this worry. I can't take responsibility if a man can't hold a conversation, I tried hard, it was not my fault.
You'll be okay.