I would also add:
-Get rid of toxic people around you. I got rid of my 'best friend' this year, and I have never been calmer.
getting rid of her has been a catharsis. She was stealing my time and only meeting me when it was convenient for her and not me. She was judgemental and plain nasty and mean.
-I also got 2 hobbies that are kind of excercise but not weight lifting by any means, but still exercise and gets me out of the house
-9 out of 10 weekends are just for me and family&friends. Come Friday evening and I am not thinking about work or clients because that's how my brain works. Weekend=Relax
-Healthy food a must, and no sugary drinks. I only drink water and green tea (and sometimes coffee and wine in the evening)
I don't eat sweets/crisps/take aways/binge drink/smoke.
-Take probiotics every morning to keep your stomach healthy and thrush under control
- I can't really afford massages in the spa, but I make my own massage oils with a base oil + essential oils and after I scrub my body I put on this amazing smelling natural oil in a 'massage motion' and
I feel like I've just come out of a beauty salon.
- Although I am not all that beautiful, I like to make myself look nice (mani, pedi, hair colour,make up, nice dress). It all boosts my mood
- cleaning the flat is suprisingly calming
- going out for a coffee with a friend at least once a week. Just makes me feel normal