Apologies Amy, just I had tried to open an account for another business and was turned down because it was within the adult industry
Oh that's OK - I just wanted to make the distinction between 'can't' and 'don't want/choose not to'. I don't want newbies thinking there's anything wrong with their job, or feeling they have to lie if they'd rather not.
is there a risk though the bank could refuse / freeze an account based on 'immoral earnings' at any point they feel like it or is there a legal protection of sorts?
The term 'immoral earnings' has never existed in law - it's a myth. Obviously banks can pick and choose who they deal with like any other business, but provided the business is operating legally there isn't any reason for them to turn you away unless they don't want your money, in which case you'd be better with another bank anyway.
Amy, did Natwest open the business account with you when you gave them all the honest info, the reason being I would like to do the same thing, and be totally upfront, could you let us know how you got on?
I can't say yet as I only did it at the start of the week, and I've only had the apology email telling me my application is being processed but things are slower than usual because there's so much going on. I will update once I can

As far as the alternatives go, I would think massage therapist' is pretty safe middle ground