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Author Topic: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!  (Read 2614 times)


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I just feel like crying right now. Reason being is I arrived back home Thursday morning and was available for bookings all weekend once I got back in town. Well I havent gotten any bookings since I got back, and its the weekend! What the hell is wrong with that picture? It reminds me of why I went on this tour in the first place: because I wasnt making enough where I am! Its just depressing because its like Im not making any descent money, the last several bookings I've had here since December have been travel bookings i.e. clients in town from other cities...and it overall sucks. Seems like all local clients have been exhausted. Yet on my tour I atleast got a few here and there and although it wasnt as good as I thought, it was better than this quiet SHIT.

I dont know, I just feel like starting back over again but I dont have the means to start another tour right away. But all I know is now Im disappointed for coming back home because I dont know when I'll get another booking again. This city really sucks. Its a shame with all the people who live here and the square miles this city has, the demand just seems nil in comparison. I just feel ridiculous and am also spending far too much advertising and getting nothing in return. Im about ready to sell my car and move to a real city! That would be a bit extreme! But no, I just want to have a normal stream here, and Im not getting it.

Oh well, I've already decided the only way to get out of this mess is to start job hunting, save up, and get the hell out for good! This is not how I want things to be! I've also thought about bitching on the punter forums where other escorts nearby may give advice, but I did that already and got a little bit of help, just enough to confirm my suspicions...and I also dont want to embarrasse myself by telling them how bad Im doing here either!
« Last Edit: 16 March 2009, 09:14:36 am by JoeyR »

Welsh Lass

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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #1 on: 16 March 2009, 10:37:20 am »
Oh Joey, you know, things are quiet right now. People are loosing their jobs left, right and centre and if not actually loosing them, the threat is there so frugal comes into play.
Things economically, are as bad in the States as they are here. We all have to hang in there and wait this out.

Do you live in a city area or out in the country? Is a move to another city really what you want? Do you have good friends where you live that you will miss?
You know, if I had no kids, I would move for sure. I just can not uproot them and go, no matter how badly I hate living here. I have to see them through schooling here where they began it.
I would sod off in a flash given half the chance if not for the children.
In a way, you are fortunate to only have yourself to provide for.

Have you tried dropping prices perhaps?
Your quite a young buck so get some study done through this quiet spell. Get on a course, learn things that you can use when your 6 pack vanishes... Think long term while your still young, I wish I had!
I would seriously recommend that. Think of yourself 20 years from today and get something going now for then.
Listen to me, I am older than you. Had I done that I would not be where I am right now...

Above all though, don't get upset over it. Don't think this is solely a problem you have. It's not so.
We are living through a rough time, all of us are, from the average man in the street to the big shots, we are all nervous.
It was reported yesterday this is just the tip of the iceburg, by the end of this year and through next year, they say, these economic sorts, we will know what struggling is.
That might not be the case, we know how that sort like to frighten, but, just in case it is, take it as a heads up and think and plan now for then.
Sorry I can't be more optimistic for you.
Not knowing your practical circumstances it is difficult to properly advise.
Come on, get that tart's smile on Joey. You will find a way through this.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #2 on: 16 March 2009, 03:41:03 pm »
Have you though of finding a lady to work a duo with. Hear me out, there are loads of guys who are closeted, and just being with a man is quite intimidating for them. So having a women in the room makes them feel less "Gay", since it is a couple. Just a thought. Kisses V`


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #3 on: 16 March 2009, 06:15:12 pm »
Do you live in a city area or out in the country? Is a move to another city really what you want? Do you have good friends where you live that you will miss? Have you tried dropping prices perhaps?

Well I live in the city, and yes a move to another city is what I want...but there are some pros and cons to it. Its not terribly bad here, but I know it can be so much better. I havent made any close connections since I moved here so I wouldnt be missing much as far as friends, most of mine are still in Miami anyway.

As far as dropping prices, Im not sure! The 2 directories Im on...they all charge atleast 180 upwards to 200. If I lowered it to say 130-150 I may look cheap and 'out of place' do you think? I already lowered my fee by 20 these past few weeks and even when I went on tour I didnt raise my prices, in fact I had to decrease by another 20 in one city...and one of my clients took notice of that and I said, "I had to match the location prices"...

I've also listed on another site that usually charges less...but low and behold yesterday I got an email from the same client, at the same time-frame on the cheap site and the expensive site (he never booked )...seems like they all go to the 1 or 2 main sites anyway!

Have you though of finding a lady to work a duo with. Hear me out, there are loads of guys who are closeted, and just being with a man is quite intimidating for them. So having a women in the room makes them feel less "Gay", since it is a couple. Just a thought. Kisses V`

hmmm...havent thought about that one. I dont know any women friends around though. Perhaps to 'recruit' some. Having a transexual partner may be more likely to happen, and I do know one!
« Last Edit: 16 March 2009, 06:16:47 pm by JoeyR »


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #4 on: 16 March 2009, 06:49:24 pm »
Transsexual is also a possibility, pre-op or finished? Again this is important for the target market I am referring to. The need a Woman in the room, to justify their desires aren't to off the chart. If you could tap the market of repressed closeted men out there. You would be doing well. Good luck hon.


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #5 on: 16 March 2009, 06:51:40 pm »
In this business there is no guarantee.  At times, you will be quiet ? get used to it and when you do earn be sensible and put money aside.  You cannot live on a day to day basis but have to stand back and monitor earnings over weeks and months.  It usually balances itself out and also depending how long you have been in the business ? it takes time to really establish yourself and perhaps have regulars.  Also I am sure the economy is not in such a great way so shock horror but you might have to ride out any downturn in turnover.  

But is there any chance at all you could post without the total drama?  lol  You know we all have similar issues ? the universe does not quite revolve around you yet....  


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #6 on: 16 March 2009, 07:07:30 pm »
LOL, Honey I tried but last night I felt so down! I dont like passing the weekends without a booking. Last Friday on my tour I got 2 in one night!

And Violette its a pre-op. Call it best of both worlds  ;)


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #7 on: 16 March 2009, 08:41:33 pm »
Awww chucks!  Yeah, I actually do understand your emotions.  As much as we try not to - we sort of take it personal.  If the phone is quiet it is easy to get depressed and scared.  But seriously, you must not think of clients/business on a daily or short term basis.  Keep your earnings on a spreadsheet and monitor it on a longer basis and it should make you feel better.  Look at the total each month and track it over longer periods to see patterns.  I found it to be soothing to actually look at my income long term.  It still is bloody good for the few hours and more then matches a well paid job.   


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #8 on: 16 March 2009, 10:17:22 pm »
That does sound like a great idea. Statistics can be scary though too. I mean, line graphs and bar graphs trailing on through a 12 month period is great when the curve goes up (which I hope it does now that the holidays are long gone!)

But when you see something spiraling downward, you cant help but wonder. My dilemma is, I dont know where I want to be! It reminds me of this lady who said her family moved away from one city, then moved back...and just as they were getting off the highway realized why they left in the first place...then moved back to the other city; only to want to go back home again!

I need 2 homes. I just cant stay in one place all year long. Florida is enjoying spring break and I ended up leaving only to come home to this misery again!  :'(

Welsh Lass

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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #9 on: 17 March 2009, 07:35:13 am »
I like Violette's idea Joey, that makes a lot of sense you know. There must be so many guys out there who would not book you unless a girl was there just to 'mask' things...
I like Honey's idea of spreadsheets as well. It's really good psychologically to do that, to see, you may have had a quiet week or two but you still took home, monthly, more than your mate that works 8 hour shifts down the local supermarket.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #10 on: 17 March 2009, 05:42:29 pm »
There must be so many guys out there who would not book you unless a girl was there just to 'mask' things...

Although the idea COULD be my experience of meeting bi-sexual and married men, I have to disagree as that being the main issue. I dont think by me not having a woman around that guys would be so frightened to not want to book. I would have to say, off the top of my head that about every other guy I see is bi; some more closeted than others. And like BurlesqueHoney mentioned, individual bookings tend to be the most favorable pick. The cost for having 2 would be high, unless either of us is willing to take a pay cut and split the fee.

On the other hand, I can say from my own experience and seeing with my owns eyes that cross-dressers do about as well as women when it comes down to it. Men who sub-consciously like dick would only be willing to do so if a woman has one. And apparently, there's lots of men out there like that. At this point that isnt my forte so I will stick to what I am and let em appreciate what I have to offer  ;)


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Re: I need a shoulder to cry on: I should of stayed on my tour!
« Reply #11 on: 19 March 2009, 04:54:32 am »
well I still dont feel much better about having come home. I was driving around tonight and just felt so resentful about coming back. I should have moved when I had more than enough money, but at the same time I wasnt quite ready to as I needed to take care of a few things first. Its a really tough dilemma. You want to move because you're bored and upset, but cant until the time's right.

Ok  rant no more.... :(