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Author Topic: Help  (Read 8084 times)


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« on: 29 April 2007, 01:51:08 pm »
I have been "outted" by the sun and have had to tell family and friends about what I do.
I dont know where to go for help and support.


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Re: Help
« Reply #1 on: 29 April 2007, 07:31:10 pm »
Gosh that sounds awful and something we all have to think about unfortunately.

Its a shame that many journalists, editors and the media in general cant see beyond their salacious story to its effects on ladies and their families and friends.

What sort of support/help are you after, something practical or a friendly understanding shoulder? 

I hope things are not too distressing for you and yours.
« Last Edit: 29 April 2007, 10:40:44 pm by administrator »


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Re: Help
« Reply #2 on: 30 April 2007, 07:58:13 am »
hiya Selina and welcome
terrible shame that this has happened to you (its something that not many encounter ....)
i suppose just tell the truth as  you have been outed you cant really deny it
its a very very difficult situation to be put in and i really feel for you
we are all here if you want to talk ...


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Re: Help
« Reply #3 on: 30 April 2007, 12:32:20 pm »
If ladies felt they could write a message of support then please could you log onto the sun site and post in the reader's comments.,,2-2007190791,00.html


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Re: Help
« Reply #4 on: 30 April 2007, 03:05:00 pm »
Hi Selina , I have added my comments
you will know who I am  ;)
just hope its not getting on top of you


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Re: Help
« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2007, 01:47:45 am »
Selina I am so sorry to hear that this has happened to you.
I have added my comments to the Sun, but given the tone doubt they will be added. If so I will go back and try again.

Keep strong, and remember that you have done nothing wrong. Whatever anyone else happens to feel.
If I can do anything or you need to off load on someone please get in touch I will be glad to be a shoulder

God I hate the gutter press

Edited to add...Good God it's there.......for now lol
« Last Edit: 06 May 2007, 01:52:56 am by Sunni-Tara »