If I remember correctly, I think they tried to hike the price up a while ago - maybe a year or so ago?
It obviously didn't work as they reduced it again after a very short while..
Maybe if enough of us boycott the damn site for a couple of months the same will happen?
I remember it being completely free when I first Escorted 2 and a half years ago ( even for outrageous hussies like us )
Like everyone else, I too am sick of having my photos removed if I dare to expose even a hint of midriff - and yet scroll down to the bottom of my ad to see * similar ads* and there are half naked underwear shots everywhere?!
Tip; A cunning plan I had of using a Bikini shot instead of undies worked for a while- until I was again-ahem-exposed
- but I really do think it is at the discretion of the Mod who's shift it is at the time you post..