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Author Topic: New Year Resolutions anybody?  (Read 4584 times)


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New Year Resolutions anybody?
« on: 01 January 2009, 04:14:04 pm »
Work-wise or personal. Who's made resolutions and who's broken them already?


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #1 on: 01 January 2009, 05:16:12 pm »
I made some (i think they all count as resoloutions im not sure).

My first is to work hard and get myself in to a new flat/house very soon and as soon as i move in..... Im getting a dog.  Never had one before but wanted one since i moved to the South West so im going to make it happen asap and have already started looking at the rescue websites.  Its like being broody but for a dog not a child  :D

I'm also planning a trip that i have wanted to do for many years and im going to do everything in my power to do it this year, and its a driving trip so i can pack the car with a tent and some cooking equipment and take my dog  :D

I'm also starting an art class.  been on about it for ages so im going to make it happen also... i also want to pose for a life class.  Thats first on the list, im making a call about it tomorrow lol.

I figured there is no point in saying im going to loose weight or give up smoking or any of the usual stuff because it wont happen then i will have failed!  Stick with fun resolutions like dogs and holidays and its more likely to work out good  ;D


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #2 on: 01 January 2009, 07:34:16 pm »
To hopefully be a fully fledged and sucessful indie by the end of the year!

Cos im sick of giving away lots of my very hard earned cash to agency owners,grrrrrr >:(


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #3 on: 01 January 2009, 08:36:00 pm »
Mine is going to be to figure out what city I want to live! I dont think it will come as an easy choice, but hopefully by beginning of spring I'll have an idea. There's alot of factors will have to weigh each one.


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #4 on: 01 January 2009, 11:20:34 pm »
I will  continue with my body transformation at the gym.
Plan for and go on a proper holiday, not a working one.
Stop being so lazy and work more ;)


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #5 on: 02 January 2009, 12:18:37 am »
Well I have just finished off the box of ferrero roche so there goes the no more chocolate resolution.

Hmmmmm, ok, I hereby resolve to put my clothes away in the wardrobe when I take them off the radiators, instead of flinging them in a pile and leaving them there until they are all worn and back in the wash basket again.

Lame, but achievable.

Welsh Lass

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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #6 on: 02 January 2009, 12:39:36 pm »
I declare and promise in 2009 to:
Smile at people instead of frown and curb my road rage when the car in front of me is going soooo slowly over a speed bump, like it is Mount bloody Everest or something, I am forced into first gear and am practically ON STOP.
To be tolerant of annoying toddlers in the shops when they scream and scream for NO GOOD REASON and run about as if they are in the playground and never pay attention to their parents.
I will try not to grunt in disgust when a woman with a pram thinks she has the God given right to barge in front of me almost knocking me off kilter just because 'I have a baby you know!'
(I have kids by the way and I can't remember ever being that disgustingly rude when each of them were in a pram!)
I will try my very best to not hum Gordon is a Moron whenever I see Mr Brown on the telly.
I will try not to will Mr Cameron to fall of that bike of his as he cycles to work of a morning but that's a tough one really, nevertheless, I will try.
I will not laugh again ever when my daughter's bed falls apart at 3am and she is left in a heap of old pine and quilt on the floor and looking as if she does not know what the hell just happened to her! (last night - God that was funny!)
I will play AC/DC but I will knock it down an octive or two.
Chocolate is my enemy and as such an apple is my friend  :D
I vow to not go near any underwear shops for a good 6 months as I am out of storeage space and do believe I have 'a problem' when it comes to this lovely, fabulous, brilliant stuff...
I will try not to fall of a client's bed again.
I will try not to laugh when one of my cats jumps on a clients back mid performance and startles him beyond words.
I can't really think of any others. But I think that's enough to be getting along with, I mean, by the end of this week I possibly would have broken the bloody lot anyhow....
Happy New Year!
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #7 on: 02 January 2009, 04:57:05 pm »
This year i plan to start reading again, i havnt been able to pick up a novel since finishing a literature degree 2 years ago. Also im going to keep a closer eye on my spending and start to make cut backs such as making lunch at home, instead of going to Greggs and making menu plans for the week so i dont waste food.  P.S Happy New Year to all xx


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #8 on: 02 January 2009, 06:39:30 pm »
I always make a resolution not to put shopping trolleys back.  It is easy to keep and it keeps people in jobs collecting them.  Philanthropic as well!

Keira 34JJ

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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #9 on: 04 January 2009, 07:22:26 am »
I have a few...

1. Use that damned gym membership I pay every month for
2. Do the whole learn to drive thing
3. Finish the decorating and home improvements
4. Take up a college course

Happy New Year everyone

K x


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #10 on: 04 January 2009, 09:27:41 am »
Yes I have

Yes am sticking to it !!!!

Cannot reveal as it's workwise connected and some of my more curious clients read this ! 

Alex xx


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #11 on: 04 January 2009, 09:42:23 am »
well, I hardly ever come up with a new years resolution on the day of new years. I never say, "whop, its 200_, Im going to do this instead of that..."

But, I usually start thinking of them torwards the end up the year, just before the new year begins. Afterall, at the end of the year we recap on all the things we've done. For many, 2008 must have been a shitty year for just about everyone I knew..and the lack of new years plans showed. I dont believe we celebrate a new year on new years eve, rather we toast to what a great year it has been to wish it goodbye. That wasnt the case this year.

This year though I am resolving to start being more aware of who's really worth being around. Lately I havent been going places by myself like I once did, because I was always needing a friend to go with. But I used to really didnt have anyone to go with and went alone, and met people all the time. Its been twice that I have befriended celebrities because I either went alone or ventured away from my 'group' at a nightclub.

And then, instead of me being so dependent on a friend who may not really be, I just meet other people who may actually be worth my time and energy. Hello!


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #12 on: 04 January 2009, 10:04:30 am »
"A" list celebrities???

or " B" list!!!!

or dare i say it "Z" list (if there is one)..............


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Re: New Year Resolutions anybody?
« Reply #13 on: 04 January 2009, 08:33:53 pm »
LOL, ok maybe I did over emphasize on 'celebrity' LOL...I would just say one had known owners to most of all the nightclubs back home, so we always ended up getting in vip or front of the line whenever we went out, another who I had met before I left Miami was in film production.

Point was, there's a better chance to meet different people (in my opinion) when I dont always go with a friend.