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Author Topic: Guys who offer dinner  (Read 7811 times)


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Guys who offer dinner
« on: 20 January 2009, 05:07:30 pm »

How do you respond to those guys who ask if you will meet for coffee or offer lunch/dinner before the first appointment. I've had a few of these approaches in the time I've been escorting and when I decline unless it's part of a booking they act as if I'm unreasonable, ungrateful even.



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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #1 on: 20 January 2009, 05:12:18 pm »
Decline, decline, decline.  If they want to meet for coffee for free they are just timewasters - they will never make a booking.


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #2 on: 20 January 2009, 05:16:01 pm »
Personally, I always decline. I dont offer a scratch and sniff free preview. :)

I'm always polite and simply explain that it is just not the way I operate.

Any guy who acts like you describe is unlikely to be a genuine punter anyway IMO.

There is also the worry they could be a journo who can get your details and an easy pic of your face in order to be able to end their tabloid article with "I made my excuses and left".


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #3 on: 20 January 2009, 05:47:23 pm »
Decline, decline, decline.  If they want to meet for coffee for free they are just timewasters - they will never make a booking.

As a guy who has made EVERY escort mistake in the book...specifically the first few weeks I started, I'd have to say NO. I have accepted dinner offers from well-off men and taken coffee appointments with men who I thought would book me after the 'date'. Non sense, and its a silly waste of time. Invariably it ends up being a conversation about your work with them being nosey as they have never met an escort before. Tell them if they want to make dinner plans, they're going to have to book time. And tell them to f*ck off if they say you're inconsiderate, this is a business not some personal's website  >:(


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #4 on: 20 January 2009, 06:20:42 pm »
These are exactly my feelings, and I've never accepted such an offer. I sometimes think the guys are in their own little world - expect us to be either desperate or bored. If I chose to go for a 'free' lunch voluntarily, then it's with someone I have chosen to be in my circle of personal friends - not a random guy off the internet.

I had thought of accepting, turning up in what I want to wear, insisting on the expensive restuarant of my choice, then leaving work phone on so I can disapear to answer calls as they come in (it's not a booking and it is during a 'work' day). Eat quickly then leave for an important appointment.

Tempting but a lot of effort, and a bit callous.


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #5 on: 20 January 2009, 06:46:07 pm »
Hey Strawberry,

Not sure if this is the context in which any of them have said it  (it seems from your post that the guys in question have deluded themselves into thinking you would be interested in meeting them for a date.....) but on two occasions I have met clients for paid lunch-dates before they decide whether to make a long booking or not. I have social rates for this, which they seemed grateful for- about one third off of what I charge for a booking. I don't advertise them, only suggest them if they ask to meet for lunch/coffee etc. If they are serious about seeing you, then they might well take you up on this offer, and if they are just trying to get their rocks off for free, they will have absolutely no answer to this!

him: can I meet you for lunch before I book?
you: of course honey! I have some great social rates for this sort of thing, would you like me to quote them?
him: oh. errrrr, would I have to pay?
you: Oh not the full fee sweetie, it would be lovely to meet you at a reduced rate for lunch!

See?! They have absolutely no comeback for this if you innocently pretend it never even entered your head they were trying to get a free date! Wheedles out the TWs in an instant too ::)


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #6 on: 20 January 2009, 06:57:12 pm »
Yes, I have arranged a social date before and I have significantly lower rates for this. These guys said they didn't want it as part of a booking, I did offer the more recent one a dinner/lunch date booking - which I offer as much less than the equivalent private time rates, but didn't mention I would/could do the social bit.

I will do so in future, thanks.


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #7 on: 20 January 2009, 07:24:32 pm »
him: can I meet you for lunch before I book?
you: of course honey! I have some great social rates for this sort of thing, would you like me to quote them?
him: oh. errrrr, would I have to pay?
you: Oh not the full fee sweetie, it would be lovely to meet you at a reduced rate for lunch!
him: Well, Im going to take you out for dinner, you can order whatever you want...dessert too. I'll pay for everything, I wouldnt need to pay right?


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #8 on: 20 January 2009, 09:00:20 pm »
him: can I meet you for lunch before I book?
you: of course honey! I have some great social rates for this sort of thing, would you like me to quote them?
him: oh. errrrr, would I have to pay?
you: Oh not the full fee sweetie, it would be lovely to meet you at a reduced rate for lunch!
him: Well, Im going to take you out for dinner, you can order whatever you want...dessert too. I'll pay for everything, I wouldnt need to pay right?

you: goodbye fantasist!

Then send him a text message with the details for he he he he ;D


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #9 on: 21 January 2009, 12:00:12 am »
I actually state on my site that I am available for social bookings and any invites to dinner or lunch or drinks before arranging a booking are at the social rate.

A guy I saw last week, called a couple of days later and asked me out to dinner, I said I'd love to and that he was of course thinking of it as part of a longer booking, upon which he went a bit funny, said yes, how much, then said he would think about how long he would book for and call me back. i haven't heard from him and our 'date'was supposed to be tomorrow. Well you never know.

I don't think it is wise to blurr the lines between business and private life, so I feel you have been right to turn down those requests, but maybe the social booking offer is a way for you to go, though I think you will find that many will retreat once money is involved.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #10 on: 21 January 2009, 12:48:54 am »
Hi All,

I agree with JoeyR, dinner dates to get a freebee drives me crazy.

I had such a call the other, she asked if I was 'free' for dinner and part cover the tab etc but as usual it was a waste of my time.  Something about being a male escort must make the clients think that being a man we are always game...hmmmm.

I do try to be subtle in pointing out that I work for a living without leaving them feeling flamed.


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #11 on: 21 January 2009, 01:33:15 am »
Welcome Ricardo,

Go with the social booking fee, if they really want to test you out to book, they'll pay otherwise TW.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #12 on: 21 January 2009, 02:04:14 am »

Go with the social booking fee, if they really want to test you out to book, they'll pay otherwise TW.

It works for me! The social rate that is. Though I often have this as an adjunct to some private time rather than on its own, and wouldn't go much out of my way for a social date with a new person.

 Welcome to Saafe Ricardo :)


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #13 on: 21 January 2009, 02:38:12 am »
granted i have had a few requests for: can i meet you for a coffee? to which i say: you pay me for my time, so i am happy to meet you at my rates...but to be honest, i have had quite a few genuine clients say: we'll go out for dinner and then have some private time....they pay for 'my time' at my correct rate, and its bloody brilliant! i have had loads of those type of bookings and its really nice when it happens as you can have a nice meal and then the private time, to which you are happier to oblige because you've been well fed! :) xxx  moral of my story is: there are genuine clients out there!! xxx


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Re: Guys who offer dinner
« Reply #14 on: 21 January 2009, 03:13:14 am »
Hi All,

I agree with JoeyR, dinner dates to get a freebee drives me crazy.
Something about being a male escort must make the clients think that being a man we are always game...hmmmm.

Okay! hello! Thats what Im saying. Dont get me started, I'm in somewhat a mellow mood tonight, although still no bookings but Im being optimistic.