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Author Topic: Gut Instinct  (Read 2069 times)

Dexi Delite

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Gut Instinct
« on: 04 September 2011, 10:52:40 am »
I had a guy text on Fri, asking to see me Sat night or first thing Sunday.  I don't usually answer texts, but it was polite and I told him I could only do Sat daytime ( I was going out with friends on Sat night and don't work Sundays), and to call if convenient. He texted back on Sat morning and asked if he could see me Mon morning as he was travelling in from over seas and could organise his travel plans accordingly.  Again I texted back and said I was unable to (had an appointment), but could be available from 2pm Monday, and to call me.  He texted a 3rd time saying 2pm is fine and to book him in.  At this point I was becoming increasingly annoyed.  I had told him twice to call to arrange and he still hadn't. I texted back again and said I wanted him to call to arrange.  I didn't hear anything from him until Sat teatime, when he actually called.  He sounded well mannered, courteous and genuine and asked if he could book me for 2 to 3 hours.  As I hadn't seen him before I said it would be best to book for 2 hours and see how we got on and extend if he wished, rather than have the awkwardness of booking 3 hours and it not go to well.  He was fine with this, and he would text me once his ship had docked with hotel details. 
However Sat night I came on 5 days early (I have been known to come on twice in a month.  I'm never regular, which is a really pain in the arse).  So I texted him and told him and that I would be limited on Monday as to what I could do, and  if he would rather see me at a later date when full service was resumed then I would understand.
He texted back saying "there is more than one way to skin a cat, " and was still happy to go ahead with Mondays booking.

Through all this I have had a gut feeling all is not quite right.  He has given me no reason for alarm, his texts and phone conversation have been friendly and polite, but I can't help thinking somethings wrong and have concerns about doing this booking.  Am I just being paranoid, and should I just go ahead with the booking?  Although I have shot him down several times he is still keen to see me?  I don't know what to do and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

« Last Edit: 31 January 2013, 12:22:34 pm by Dexi »
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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #1 on: 04 September 2011, 11:39:15 am »
I would always say go with your gut.  Sometimes you just can't put your finger on what it might be, but if you have concerns about him then that has come from somewhere.  IMO it's worth losing the money rather than see someone who you're not sure about.  This job is so difficult as we constantly have to decide whether to see somebody or not, but sometimes you just get a 'feeling'.

Slightly off-topic, but a similar thing happened to me last week - had lots of emails from this guy and he pissed me off asking questions which are there in black and white on my website, so I told him to bugger off (I put it slightly more politely than that). He emailed me again, insisting that he wanted to see me, which I found strange considering the email I'd just sent him.  So I booked him in and told him to call me the morning of the appointment to confirm. I was unsure about him, but wanted to hear his voice before making my decision.  Surprise surprise, he didn't call, which I wasn't displeased about.  I'd rather not see someone who I have doubts about.


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #2 on: 04 September 2011, 12:29:57 pm »
I would always say go with your gut.  Sometimes you just can't put your finger on what it might be, but if you have concerns about him then that has come from somewhere.  IMO it's worth losing the money rather than see someone who you're not sure about.  This job is so difficult as we constantly have to decide whether to see somebody or not, but sometimes you just get a 'feeling'.

I agree, and however silly it may seem or look on paper, there is nothing worse than that 'wrong' feeling and on the odd occasions I've ignored it and gone ahead things have never gone well. Even reading your description of events puts me off seeing this one - there's something not quite right somewhere (him ignoring repeated requests to ring rather than text would be enough for me) and I would skip it.

The uncomfortable feeling now is nothing compared to the one you'll have ten minutes before the booking is due to start if you accept it (and I've panicked and bailed once or twice when I've told myself not to be silly and ended up cancelling at the last minute because I'm a nerve-shredded wreck).


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #3 on: 04 September 2011, 12:39:42 pm »
I trust in my gut, and it never lets me down  :)


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #4 on: 04 September 2011, 01:01:05 pm »
The uncomfortable feeling now is nothing compared to the one you'll have ten minutes before the booking is due to start if you accept it

Agreed! Trust your instincts. (Also, the comment about the cat was probably innocent but it made me wince!)
Be safe.

R xx


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #5 on: 04 September 2011, 01:07:58 pm »

Agreed! Trust your instincts. (Also, the comment about the cat was probably innocent but it made me wince!)
Be safe.

R xx

Yeh I felt uncomfortable for you reading just about the text messages then the cat comment, like Rooby said probably innocent but....completely freaked me out!

I think it's so incredibly important in our job to trust your instincts. I only ever once ignored them when a client was giving me the heeby jeebies and then spent the rest of the appointment wishing the guy would leave. I learnt my lesson from that (he wasn't anything terrifying just made me really uncomfortable and felt really cheap) and so if my spidey senses start tingling even a little bit I turn them down. Better to be over cautious me thinks.

Dexi Delite

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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #6 on: 04 September 2011, 01:45:42 pm »
Not only do I have a gut feeling about this booking, but it seems that the powers that be are also at work.  Not only have I started, but I contacted my designated driver earlier, who told me he is unable to do tomorrow. Me thinks someone up there is also looking out for me.

Is it just me, but if a guy wanted to spend a few hundred on a 2 or 3 hour booking, then was told there wouldn't be full sex because of that time of the month. I'd have thought they would be more inclined to rebook, so as they didn't feel like they were wasting their money and get the full monty (so to speak).  It's a lengthy booking when there's limits on what can be done.

And you are all very right.  No amount of money is worth risking  our safety or life.
I was beginning to convince myself that I was been stupid, but you all have re-affirmed to go with my gut.
I just need to think of another excuse to blow him out now  :D

Thanks you soooooooo much for your help ladies.
« Last Edit: 31 January 2013, 12:22:49 pm by Dexi »
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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #7 on: 04 September 2011, 02:34:11 pm »
Time of the month + "there is more than one way to skin a cat" comment...
Um, I think he has anal sex in mind.
« Last Edit: 04 September 2011, 10:57:42 pm by JodieTs »


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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #8 on: 04 September 2011, 03:32:03 pm »
Go with your gut, the only times I havent done this, thinking I was being oversensitive things havent gone great - and I felt wary the whole time, so trust yourself!

Dexi Delite

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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #9 on: 04 September 2011, 05:00:06 pm »
Decided it was best to go with the time of the month comment (seeing as it's true), not to mention that I'm currently suffering from period pains so wouldn't be at my best.
I got a text back saying "Understood".

Relieved that's all over with. lol

Thanks again ladies
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Re: Gut Instinct
« Reply #10 on: 04 September 2011, 05:22:33 pm »
Relieved that's all over with. lol

Good - that's usually the best sign, that huge sense of PHEW! that you get once you've canceled the booking, that means you were absolutely right all along.

Like Amy said, I wouldn't see anyone who kept texting in response to me telling them not to text - how idiotic and boundary-pushing is that?! If he cared but couldn't have called at that time for some genuine reason, he would have just said "Sorry, can't ring now, will call at x time tomorrow!" or something, rather than persistently trying to book by text like you're some sort of pizza delivery place. Ick, I just hate texts SO much. I would never text a professional for any reason; they are too informal and casual and not everyone is your best mate/mum/nan, for God's sake. Even if, like you did, I will sometimes reply to a polite one to inform them of the correct booking procedures, I almost always regret it. It's rare that a person's so dim that they can't understand "Ring For An Appointment"; much more likely that they read it and ignore it because they think our safety and comfort are less important than their willy.

Apart from that, it's hard for us to judge from a written account - there aren't many other big flags, but we aren't the ones talking to him. You can never be as instinctively concerned for someone else's safety as you can be for your own (save for offspring, of course!) which is why agencies frequently fail to vet clients sufficiently, I reckon. It's only when it's YOU on the phone to some guy who YOU'RE going to be alone and naked with that you can make a good decision about whether to go ahead or not. So yes, please do trust your gut 110%! :)
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