Hunni I've had this kind of boundary pusher, always over time, doing the whole I only see you because you are special etc
He is doing this because he knows you are new and is taking this opportunity manipulate you
The simple solution to this problem is to tell him you will not see him again, its not the easy option but it has to be done
Guilt tripping someone into doing things they are uncomfortable or unhappy about is abuse, pure and simple. He is using you for his own gain and will keep pushing you to the point you don't know which way is up, it wouldn't surprise me if he is angling to get his bookings free and to work towards being your pimp, under the guise of looking after you of course.
Don't worry about replacing the income you will do fine and you will grow in confidence from getting rid of him from your books
Tell him no more then block and move on, if he continues to contact you or harass you by turning up etc then report him on client eye and speak to NUM (national ugly mugs) they are amazing
Be strong you can do it x