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Author Topic: Going Full Time  (Read 2432 times)


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Going Full Time
« on: 26 June 2012, 04:57:03 pm »

I just wanted to know if anyone has transitioned from doing this part time to doing this full time?I'm currently doing a course that I hate, and have no intention of pursuing in the future - and rather than spending two more years being broke, stressed and unhappy I have been considering going full time.

I know it's hard work, and I've been reading through the main site religiously, and thinking of business plans and strategies, websites, advertising etc. The things that appeal to me the most are the autonomy I will have working for myself, and if I'm lucky/use some degree of sense and planning the money I will hopefully make. I know I'm not going to be a millionare, but really what I want most in life is to own my own home and I think that if I'm careful and work hard I'll achieve this much faster than if I pursued the civvy career I was thinking of.

Any thoughts or opinions are welcome, and I'm grateful for any replies!

Sass x

Green Carnation

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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #1 on: 26 June 2012, 05:43:54 pm »
I once thought about making escorting my career, and although this profession has many advantages, I would find it a struggle in the long run. This job is bloody hard!
I also had a picture of my future, lovely, OWN flat in London, and my independent high life, but unless you are a really really strong lady (like ParisB for instance), I wouldn't dream about relying on income from escorting for the next 20 or 30 years.
I will just give you a few thoughts, but those are mine thoughts, and you or others may not agree.

- more and more girls, from all around the world are escorting in the uk. It's become difficult to be busy, or even get a decent amount of clients.
- putting up with timewasters, weirdos, no shows, freaks, wankers, users, abusers, stalkers, thieves and other potentially dangerous types, and even a thorough and diligent tax man
- health risks
- incalls issues- nosey neighbours, landlord, people knowing your address if you are working from home...
- quiet times can be really depressing
- lying to friends and family
- if being open about what you are doing- also problems- people wanting to borrow money, assuming you are a cash machine
- is there a chance for a real relationship/ children when you are working as an escort?
- pressure on making more and more money, in case it goes quiet, and you still have to pay bills

Once I was on holiday in Portugal, and there were a lot of Brits. I started thinking if I could somehow 'do' one client per day at my hotel room, to get some extra holiday spending money. It's that simple, one hour a day, lots of cash. Just figure out how to bring the guys in. Then I thought i was being ridiculous, and i should just relax and get some sunshine, and STOP thinking about business.
I might sound discouraging and a pessimist, but that is just my point of view, and anyway,I would LOVE to be a full time escort, if only I could somehow get rid of the bad sides of the job!


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #2 on: 26 June 2012, 05:51:04 pm »
I actually started off as part time which I think is a great way to 'try it out' and give you an idea of the reality rather than the stereotypes and myths. 

So you do have to be strong yes and very importantly  - make time for yourself and your life outside of escorting   No its not not easy, its very hard work - there are many downsides to escorting, and you do have deal with them day in/day out if you are full time.  If you think you can cope with that, give it a go.


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #3 on: 26 June 2012, 09:24:40 pm »
Options are always good, for the reasons already given and they're often easier to have with qualifications. Escorting can also fit very well with studying.

But whatever you decide about part/full time, if you're hating the course, and don't want to do what it is supposed to lead to, find out how you can stop. You may be able to have a year out before starting something you do enjoy, for example.
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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #4 on: 27 June 2012, 09:05:44 am »
and rather than spending two more years being broke, stressed and unhappy I have been considering going full time.

I don't want to be a downer to your idea of becoming full-time because I'm just not a hater like that. I don't hate on other females trying to get into the game honey.

But...broke, stressed and unhappy can be the case even in full-time work...on occasion. This whole month of June I haven't deposited a decent amount of money of more than $200. That's HORRIBLE. Normally, I can't get the bank to stop offering me credit cards/extra accounts/identity theft protection with the deposits I make.

Being a broke bitch has stressed me out and made me very unhappy, and honestly if I DIDN'T have to do this full-time I wouldn't. Not now atleast. Just not enough clients out here to jump onto this ship. I'm actually getting out of it myself full-time and doing it only for travel bookings as locally, it's all tapped out. I cry every night wishing things were the way the were. But alas, nobody calls.


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #5 on: 27 June 2012, 01:55:13 pm »
I quit my job to go full time escorting - I hated my job though and would have quit either way because I was so depressed about the job I was never there!

I ended up getting a part time job with my Dad, you can never predict how much money you are going to make. Sometimes im laughing, other times I think fuck!
I dont earn alot in my part time job and most days I CBF..but I do it because no matter what I earn from escorting, I have just over ?100 a week that is enough to pay my rent (live at home) phone bill, food and essentials.
So if you do decide to give up College/Uni try and get a part time job, even if just 10 hours a week..then you know you have some sort of income and stabability.
Full time escorting isnt easy x


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #6 on: 27 June 2012, 06:08:38 pm »
To be honest myself  and probably a fair few of us on here who started in this business a long time ago would probably agree with me on this  Those years when it was busy, and the money was rolling in and, Wall St was on the cinema and Greed was good ;D and mobile fun were brick size    (well maybe not that far back) but you could do this part time and make an amazing full time wage.  You could do 8 10 12 15 clients a day easy and the phone would still be ringing  You actually chose how many clients you wanted to see.     
You didnt have the internet, just adds in papers which in some ways was better as it was restricted to really only a certain amount of girls that worked
The internet has allowed anyone and everyone who has watched Bell De Jour become a escort  Go back 10-12 years ago and most of those girls, probably around 70 percent of then would never ever have even dreamed of doing this sort of work 
Couple that with a world wide recession then its a dam site harder than it was even  3 - 5 years ago right now     

Its not even that im particuarly strong person,but  the hard work that i put in 10 years ago is still paying  off now and because i still probably work in much the same way as i did back then its still making me money   and its probably the case for most of us who started this years ago and are still working now we are getting the benefit of the long haul  Plus i have had a lot of  luck of being in the right place at the right time mainly
If i was starting out now i would be petrified,  Yes there are some girls who do very very well being new and continue to do so but the ones that i know of have something , i dont know exactly what but its what makes them different  it makes them stand out or they market themselves differently to every one else

So if you are going to work full time thne you need to work out 
how many client do you see at the moment are you turning away business or  not getting enough 

 how many do you need to see  each week at what price and work out how many days /hours your prepared to work  to get this

whats its going to cost you  to work full time

whats your usp

where are you going to work from  are you going to rent a place / or work from where you live

are you going to invest money in more advertising websites maybe papers adverts ect   
When i work i have a sheet of paper i write down how many i see and how many i could have seen but couldnt because im already busy  and if they are regs ect 
Its a good indicator for me  so that i can work out if its going a bit quite or not 



I once thought about making escorting my career, and although this profession has many advantages, I would find it a struggle in the long run. This job is bloody hard!
I also had a picture of my future, lovely, OWN flat in London, and my independent high life, but unless you are a really really strong lady (like ParisB for instance), I wouldn't dream about relying on income from escorting for the next 20 or 30 years.


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2012, 01:37:27 am »
Thanks everyone for your really thoughtful replies, am still mulling it over and don't have to make any urgent decisions about Uni untill September.

Paris, I did actually do what you do, and totted up what I was loosing in income by not being able to do all the bookings I was being offered and that was what made me think 'Ooh if I branched out of AW I could do alright'. (this is including estimating what my outgoings would be, and I over-estimated them just to be on safe side).

I'm not stupid, I know it's hard work - but I'm not overly materialistic. I want to do this for financial security and to enable me to pursue things I love in the future. It's not for handbags  ;D

And I really enjoy being my own boss, really, really enjoy it.

So I'm still thinking, and not making any rash choices (and have to have an operation which will put me out of action for two weeks, so everything really has to be held off untill then).

Thanks again everyone xx


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2012, 08:49:24 am »
I would be quite wary of putting all my eggs in one basket as it were. I agree that maybe getting a part time job as well would take a lot of the financial pressure off (even if it's only 8-12 hours a week) plus it would mean that you would stay grounded and not as isolated.

In regards to your course I think that education is important, because you never know what will happen in the future. But if you don't like your course you could change, I did after my first year of university, and I suggest looking into some courses and see if there is anything you would like to do, and talking to your university about switching. Even though you have until September I wouldn't leave it until the last minute to make a decision.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore


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Re: Going Full Time
« Reply #9 on: 28 June 2012, 10:05:45 am »
i would also add that if you are not planning to go full time until september, then i would start creating website and some small advertising now maybe stuff on the message boards that dont cost anything ect,  as it can take a few months to actually benefit from  a new website and new adverts ect
Good luck