Well, if you're looking for advice on starting up as an escort, please see the main site: http://www.saafe.info/
Make sure to check the articles on safety especially. Also, please check the buddy section of this forum for a safety buddy to keep in touch with before you start seeing clients independently (or even if you go with an agency as their 'security procedures' are often negligible/non-existent despite what they say). That way, someone will always know where you are and what to do if you go missing after a booking.
If you just wanted to tell us about how much you miss your old sugar daddy/mentor, then my condolences. I'm sorry that he left. You life may never be as cushy again.
On the plus side, you don't need anyone's financial support or much initial cash to set up as an escort; if you read the main site articles and do forum searches for free websites, cheap photographer/photographs, free listings etc then you'll find out everything we know about getting started for just a few quid. Don't forget what I said about getting a safety buddy, though! Also note that sex work is always a lot harder than it seems to outsiders and becoming an independent prostitute requires some especially hard but important work constantly. However, if you've kept a sugar daddy happy for several years you probably have a good insight into the hardness of the slog.