A lot of thanks to all that replied to me.
I am now facing a free evening where I am going to sit here until I have worked this all out.
I have got the children occupied, yes, that free babysitter called Sky Tv!
Not that they are babies, this would perhaps be easier to do if they were!
Ok. I am a good writer. It's what I am good at. I am qualified as an Interior Designer but have not yet completed my degree, I have had to take time off due to personal rubbish such as having to move house and so on. So I will write you a story, draw you a picture... But... Computers and more so, the internet, I have to ask my 17 year old to lend a hand. I can't ask her on this. I don't know anybody I would trust enough to do this for me either.
I am not going with an agency. I have decided it's far too easy to get conned and I can do without that. I have good instincts and more importantly, I listen to them, I never get a bad feeling about somebody/something and shrug it off. I figure, if I have a negative feeling about a person and I am wrong, then I lost out. It's not a big deal. If I have a bad feeling about somebody and I am right, then I have saved myself a lot of pain.
So, what I am seeing is the need to have a web page. I am going to have to find out how to do that.
Also, my area. Well, I am not living in a massive city. I am living in Swansea, I am prepared to travel as far out as Cardiff but no further.
Can I work from home? Now that's a tricky one. Not until September for sure as the children are here and then only in school hours. And then in my own bed as I have downsized in my house move out of sheer panic at gas and electric bills! There is no spare room here. Do I want my bedroom treated as my workplace? I am not sure. Am I prepared to use it for such until a certain amount of money has been squirreled away for something else? Well, yes, probably I am. If it is bothering me that much, I will redecorate afterwards, and anyhow, I am only here in this house for the next 6 months. I have to move again then so I can't see, all things considered it being a problem. What I do see as a problem with that is no shower here, just a bath. I am not being over fussy here, but there has to be a shower first, I am happy to join in, but it is taking place. End of.
I need to get another mobile. I can't be answering my mobile to friends and family and also any possible work related calls. I will get confused, I will slip up, I only need a guy with the same name as a friend I have, have the kids running about, make a mistake in the chaos and I am shafted. From what I have seen from my friends, that will be me friendless pretty quickly unfortunately.
As for cars outside all the time. Well, I live on a main road, I live between 2 MOT garages, albeit, spaced out and a nice street to live on, a lot of cars come, stay for an hour and go.
I am not on friendly terms with neighbours so the need to explain any cars will not be necessary.
So that's web page, new phone and possibly outside the home to begin with.
The web page concerns me the most. I can see that is the main route into this and have no idea how to go about it. I have no pictures of myself at all, will not be wanting my face on them and do not know where to go to have these done. That will be my first consideration. It is what I am going to spend time on from now. Once I have that worked out, I will tackle the rest of the set up, which, in honesty, I think I will manage no problem.
You know, I have got to say something here.
I have spent months worried about new school uniforms, and yes, Christmas, in July/August. This morning I woke up and for the first time in ages did not feel blind panic at the thought I will never get it all done.
I know I have a long way to go with this but I feel for the first time, I can get things done and although I am not stupid enough to think I will have no down moments (that's a pun really, right there, Ha!) I am prepared for them and will get through them. I am more confident about the next couple of years than I have been for a long time.