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Author Topic: GFE?  (Read 3093 times)


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« on: 11 December 2007, 11:11:45 am »
I'm confused. Some say Girl Friend Experience just means french kissing and cuddling etc, others say it means working without a condom - owo, cim,etc...... I'd like to know what most here think it should be and what guys expect when offered GFE...... Thanks. Merry Xmas....Tasha.

Anika Mae

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Re: GFE?
« Reply #1 on: 11 December 2007, 11:36:33 am »
The term came about in the 90s when everything was euphemised and it was rare to kiss, to indicate that a service provider would kiss clients. Now euphemisms are less important and most escorts kiss, so the term has lost most of its meaning. You shouldn't say you offer it if you don't kiss and any punter who says it requires bareback is delusional (like you'd go bareback with every short-term boyfriend!), but in between that it's open to interpretation. Some escorts think the term is stupid, some of us use it because we feel it implies the anti-production-line more than sex service that we offer. It's not really an informative term though, just something to sound nice in your description.


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Re: GFE?
« Reply #2 on: 11 December 2007, 11:37:34 am »

What ever happens never, ever have sex WITHOUT a condom with a client - regardless of what anyone says.      GFE is catergorised as being what you would expect from your girlfriend - for example kissing and cuddling.     ANYTHING else that happens is between two consenting adults.      

Don't get suckered into thinking it is anything else nor pressurized  into doing anything that you are uncomfortable with just because they say it is acceptable and okay.     If they want sex with you bareback imagine how many other women they have asked that same question to and how many said yes.     It is a huge risk and most respectable gentlemen would not ask of you.    You health is important and also the aspect of spreading anything on to legitimate clients is something to be considered.

Please be careful.

Georgi x