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Author Topic: Genuine Escort Sites?  (Read 13807 times)

Anika Mae

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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #15 on: 23 August 2009, 10:50:42 pm »
Personally, I wasn't having a go at you so much as asking you to clarify your statement. You may not have been talking in riddles, but you weren't being entirely clear.


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #16 on: 23 August 2009, 11:51:32 pm »
Hello to all of you out there that I obviously have offended by my recent comments here. I am sincerely SORRY.
Apology accepted dear justme68, I know I am not as regular on this or any site as I would like, but I value Saafe above all and really don't understand your comments.

but When I say GLAMOURISING THIS INDUSTRY I'm merely talking about those ladies out there banging on about it been a widely accepted career choice, one that you still seem to think society as a whole will one day learn to accept.

Not once have I seen this industry been gamourised on here, we all know and say that it can be tough as well as good and that the general public will never see prostitution as an acceptable job and always recommend to think long and hard about this choice.

I know some women out there do make a good living from it and you seem to forget that I am also in this industry to some degree aswell, I may not have been doing it as long as some of you but I do have a good sensible head on my shoulders.
In this case you should know that what we are doing is not illegal and that there are more than their fair share of men, who, yes think with their pricks, but are sensible enough to ensure their own safety and sexual health when choosing an escort.

I have found this site to be very useful in many ways and most women on here do seem to geniunely want to helps others and give really good advice, however some of you do tend to jump on your high horses a lot of the time and talk in riddles instead of plain english.
Now while most of what you have said has raised objections with me this last paragraph has actually pissed me off. What are you referring to please?
To my knowledge everyone here calls a spade a spade or like me a shovel - this means we all try to be as plain speaking as we can to the point of being blunt and I would hope that if someone didn't understand something they would ask for clarification and know they wouyld not be ridiculed.

Anyway, I just needed to say my piece (I wish I could keep my big trap shut sometimes, but hey, thats me!)
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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #17 on: 24 August 2009, 08:51:14 am »
Good mornng ladies/men !

Ok lets just keeps this thread simple shall we. I would like to say thank you to the people who have seen my apology and had the decency to acknowledge it, clearly you have your heads screwed on right and have regonised that fact that I am genuinely sorry for offending anyone here.

When i've said some people talk in riddles here I'm meaning those of you who lile to take little paragrahys out of my thread and seriously pick fault with it !! why do you have to do that ? I see that an aswful lot on here and just dont understand why u feel the need to do that, why complicate it, what is it you get out of it ? .............. talk about confuse people just looking for plain and simple advice from you EXPERIENCED people here !!!! Jesus, dont forget most of us on here are all in the same flipin boat, just because some of you on here have been in the industry longer does'nt mean to say you the only experts at it, YES you know a lot and to some degree have the upper hand in some ways when it comes to giving out advice on here but just give us less experience people a chance too, we DO know somethings about this industry THANKYOU, I read a lot of threads on here from you REGULAR people and boy do you look to ramble on when its just not neccessary, all some people want is straght forward, simple advice, keep it real thats all im asking and quit jumping on me for having my say, how is that helping anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #18 on: 24 August 2009, 09:40:57 am »
Good mornng ladies/men !

Ok lets just keeps this thread simple shall we. I would like to say thank you to the people who have seen my apology and had the decency to acknowledge it, clearly you have your heads screwed on right and have regonised that fact that I am genuinely sorry for offending anyone here.

Funnily enough the thread was simple enough to start off with.

When i've said some people talk in riddles here I'm meaning those of you who lile to take little paragrahys out of my thread and seriously pick fault with it !! why do you have to do that ? I see that an aswful lot on here and just dont understand why u feel the need to do that, why complicate it, what is it you get out of it ? .............. talk about confuse people just looking for plain and simple advice from you EXPERIENCED people here !!!!

Now I understand what you mean about talking in riddles. Members quote other members so that when they respond, the member they've quoted knows the response is directed solely at them and their previous comments.
They may segregate a whole post because the previous member may have made more than one point which the second member may like to address. That isn't talking in riddles, it's called being precise. It's not exclusive to this forum, it's not even exclusive to escort and punting forums. People do it all over the world on different forums; book forums, holiday forums, fishing forums, you name it. It's the way of the message board.

I read a lot of threads on here from you REGULAR people and boy do you look to ramble on when its just not neccessary, all some people want is straght forward, simple advice, keep it real thats all im asking and quit jumping on me for having my say, how is that helping anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry if you think we ramble on, but it is good to see that you've garnered the advice that you came on here to seek. If you have anymore problems understanding our posts or the advice written therein, that members here are giving freely in their spare time, do feel free to let us know.


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #19 on: 24 August 2009, 09:50:23 am »
Hi Brandy, Thanks for your feedback here, it is appreciated believe me. I just feel that whenever I give my opinion on anyone's thread or indeed posting my own for helpful advice some people feel the need to jump on me because maybe they dont like what I'm saying !! I'm a very simple, straight talking women, thats all, I never mean to offend anyone. I see you are one of the original founders of this helpful website and to be honest I do value ur advice/opinions over most on here. Have a good day and I will do my level best not to step out of line again LOL

Anika Mae

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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #20 on: 24 August 2009, 11:29:58 am »
Justme, I'm sorry if I've offended you by quoting your posts. As Brandy says, it's a normal thing to do and people have been doing it since before the internet as we're familiar with it even existed.

Now I have to admit that I may pick apart people's posts in a note-entirely-nice way. The thing is, if someone's said something I disagree with I'll say so (more on that later), but if I think they've said something I disagree with but I'm not sure that's what they actually meant, I feel I should find out first. Of course I still have the idea of what I think they're saying in my head and that may come across in my post.

As for people not liking things that are posted, if we disagree with something someone's said and we think it's important, of course we're going to give our own opinions. You did that very same thing in this thread, so you know how it works. If several people have something to say that contradicts your post then it can feel like they're jumping on you, which is uncomfortable but they're not trying to be mean.

In the case of your post here (and this has been mentioned already but you don't seem to have acknowledged it), you appeared to be attacking most of the posters on this board. When you do that, people will jump to their own defence. Again, you don't like feeling attacked yourself, so you can understand why you got that response.

And finally (sorry for rambling), you keep saying you're straight-talking and seem to think that people have a problem with that. We don't, no-one here is being deliberately obtuse and what you refer to as "talking in riddles" is actually an attempt to be more clear, not less. Everyone thinks that what they're saying is perfectly reasonable and understandable. Everyone, including me and including you, sometimes says things that don't convey what they actually mean. If we don't know what you're talking about we'll ask you to explain it, and if you don't know what one of us is talking about you should do the same.


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #21 on: 24 August 2009, 01:39:16 pm »
Hi Anika Mae, Like Brandy I find your feedback valuable and honest in a good way and  take on board everything you've said here. Will try to keep my thread short and clear in future so as not to confuse anyone. Thank you


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #22 on: 24 August 2009, 02:23:04 pm »
Hi Brandy, Thanks for your feedback here, it is appreciated believe me. I just feel that whenever I give my opinion on anyone's thread or indeed posting my own for helpful advice some people feel the need to jump on me because maybe they dont like what I'm saying !! I'm a very simple, straight talking women, thats all, I never mean to offend anyone. I see you are one of the original founders of this helpful website and to be honest I do value ur advice/opinions over most on here. Have a good day and I will do my level best not to step out of line again LOL

Not to worry. I must admit I did see a little red when it seemed you had a problem with others,  but mainly Ian's (XW5) comments. He gives nothing but sound, sensible advice on here. He's also been here since the beginning and has been a steadfast supporter of SAAFE since its inception. Although he's more than capable of defending himself, as Trafford says, he has no hidden agendas.

Keep posting as you do. And if we disagree then we disagree.


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #23 on: 26 August 2009, 10:53:23 pm »
LOL - peace and good will to all.

I like straight talking women and there are a lot of us on here and we will all have areas where we disagree or ramble on because there are subjects close to our hearts and we have had different experiences.

One problem with messages boards as with texts and emails is that you don't have the face to face contact and the wink that could take the sting out of a comment or the smile to soften something that sounds harsh is missing, leading to misunderstandings. Hence the use of smilies.

Also what sounds completely clear and plausible in your head, because you know the thoughts behind it, can come across completely garbled or seem to mean something completely different to another board member, which is why it is important to ask the person for clarifycation.

To Justme68: I too apologise for quoting and picking apart your post, but I do it all the time, to try to make sure people understand what I'm referring to with my post and it is the easy option of recapping what the other person said.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Genuine Escort Sites?
« Reply #24 on: 27 August 2009, 11:19:02 am »
Hi Cassie, Thank you for ur feedback here, I do take on board what u and others have said regarding my last thread and I promise hand on heart to make sure I'm clearer with what I'm saying in future  ;)