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Author Topic: Gap in CV  (Read 1542 times)


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Gap in CV
« on: 19 August 2023, 02:52:50 pm »
Hi, I've decided I'd like to get a full time civy job and just escort a few evenings per week. The issue is, I've not really had a proper job in around 8/9 years. There's pretty much been a gap in my CV since I left uni. Any ideas on how to approach this in regards to finding work..


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #1 on: 21 August 2023, 09:03:51 pm »
Could you say you were self-employed and then just make something up?


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #2 on: 22 August 2023, 01:04:44 am »
My CV is a gap.


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #3 on: 23 August 2023, 11:27:40 am »
You can say you were travelling / bar work abroad, then pandemic. As long as an employer doesn't think you've been in jail or involved in criminal activity or an illegal immigrant they tend to be ok


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #4 on: 23 August 2023, 02:51:33 pm »
The joke answer that I've seen bandied around online is to say that you've signed an NDA and can't talk about it.

I suppose it depends what kind of work you want to apply for. If you've got children you could just say you were parenting?
Or make up bar work or care work or cleaning or gardening, abroad is better as its less traceable as the other poster mentioned.
Self employed massage therapist?


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #5 on: 23 August 2023, 07:09:59 pm »
Say you were abroad and worked there just make it up.


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #6 on: 23 August 2023, 09:28:11 pm »
I wrote independent escort on my cv and nobody cared. I could have had several decent full time jobs the last few years and I declined all of them because I am not a social/group person and do not want to have colleagues.
Be open and proud and you will find the right company/persons! 
« Last Edit: 23 August 2023, 09:30:13 pm by Mel »


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #7 on: 26 August 2023, 02:12:04 pm »
If you have been paying tax as a self employed person they won’t know what that self employed title was. So just say cleaner/ make up artist / interior designer. Anything you like. Say the business got slow with the pandemic and you decided to go back to being p.a.y.e for better job security.

English Green

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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #8 on: 26 August 2023, 06:06:15 pm »
I wrote independent escort on my cv and nobody cared. I could have had several decent full time jobs the last few years and I declined all of them because I am not a social/group person and do not want to have colleagues.
Be open and proud and you will find the right company/persons!

Nobody cared, maybe the people you sent your CV to might have not but a lot of companies would not want to employ women if they have that down as a job. Might not be fair but a lot would not and i know this as 2 women who were open and proud and did just that and lets just say it never went that well. One also left a big gap in CV and when questioned on it on a final interview when she was told she more less got it and they were chasing references and asking couple more questions suddenly they heard that and job offer no longer a option in fact they ignored her until one of the bosses finally admitted she would not be a fit for the company because of it and would not be fair on the other women and men that worked there as it would reflect from the job in hand.

So ladies think about if you really want this on your CV as you might not even get to the interview stage.


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #9 on: 26 August 2023, 06:09:22 pm »
Nobody cared, maybe the people you sent your CV to might have not but a lot of companies would not want to employ women if they have that down as a job. Might not be fair but a lot would not and i know this as 2 women who were open and proud and did just that and lets just say it never went that well. One also left a big gap in CV and when questioned on it on a final interview when she was told she more less got it and they were chasing references and asking couple more questions suddenly they heard that and job offer no longer a option in fact they ignored her until one of the bosses finally admitted she would not be a fit for the company because of it and would not be fair on the other women and men that worked there as it would reflect from the job in hand.

So ladies think about if you really want this on your CV as you might not even get to the interview stage.

Not sure what would “reflect” on what exactly and what’s unfair about her job on some people she likely never met that would be working with her…

Sounds like bullshit excuse and they don’t have the balls to name the real issue. And their real issue is always “because it’s icky”.


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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #10 on: 26 August 2023, 07:07:19 pm »
Not sure what would “reflect” on what exactly and what’s unfair about her job on some people she likely never met that would be working with her…

Sounds like bullshit excuse and they don’t have the balls to name the real issue. And their real issue is always “because it’s icky”.

Yep. It's not quite the same thing, but I volunteer one day a week with a local charity and told them my occupation from the get go, because I saw no reason not to. Obviously some people are curious if they've never met a sex worker before (or rather they don't know they have), but bar that nobody gives a toss and people soon lose interest.

Not everybody out there is a judgemental knobber - far from it.

English Green

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Re: Gap in CV
« Reply #11 on: 26 August 2023, 08:27:48 pm »
Not sure what would “reflect” on what exactly and what’s unfair about her job on some people she likely never met that would be working with her…

Sounds like bullshit excuse and they don’t have the balls to name the real issue. And their real issue is always “because it’s icky”.

Off course it was a bullshit reason but they were trying to say that other employee's would not get on with their work she would become the gossip or a threat to women as some men could be tempted by her haha

These were big companies though and one was in the finance sector.