UKAZ harvested all my details and made a profile 9n their site a few years ago, early 2019 I believe, at the time I had my personal mobile number in the hidden information on AW and somehow they used that on the profile, it was how I found out they had done it as I had a few calls while I was away on holiday asking to book me, I was completely confused as I didn't have a number displayed on AW and never had.
I logged onto UKAZ as I seemed to have been given a login as well, up to that point I'd never even heard of the site, I managed to edit my information to almost nothing and hide the profile but couldn't see a way to remove it.
I contacted them but it took me several attempts over a 6 week period and they denied knowledge or of harvesting, the finally removed all my details once I threatened them with the police.
On AW on the edit profile page if you go to the general tab and scroll down you see a box that says Only show on make sure you tick that box I have had no issues since.