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Author Topic: Feeling icky after a client talking about weird things and underage sex  (Read 4908 times)


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So ive just finished with a client who was saying some bizarre things to me. He was about 50 and had me standing there in white knickers and kept saying things like 'i love to f*** a really young girls c***' asking me to tell him about sex i might have had underage and saying how he loved when young girls become prostitutes and drop their knickers for old punters etc and saying we must be sluts and stuff :S I dont know why but I found it really off putting and strange and ive been left feeling a bit icky. He was pretty nice and stuff..I just feel minging and he was telling me that he'd be masturbating over me after and all other sorts of weird stuff, a lot to do with having sex age 14 and things.
Is this normal? I really dont want to see another client that says these things to me, and I don't want to see him again.
I hope I don't sound stupid or whatever, is it right that im feeling pretty disgusted and weird by this?


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I had a client not so long ago (sorry if I'm repeating myself to anyone who read my old post about it!) who had a bit of a rape/forcing fantasy and wanted to verbally act out a dialogue as though he was assaulting me and I didn't want it, although the sex itself was extremely normal/gentle/misssionary. Towards the end he asked me to say things about my young pussy and how his big cock was hurting me and I just said it so he'd ejaculate and get off me. After I left, though, and wasn't so worried about self-preservation or getting a bad review or something, it all sunk in a bit more and I felt gross, like I'd encouraged a sick pervert. I still don't know what I should've done although I sometimes fantasize about all these horrible men being arrested, tried and castrated! But then, it was only his fantasies that he wanted to talk through and I suppose he was trying to do it in a safe way so maybe I'm overreacting or confused. It was an agency booking and I wish they'd given me warning (he was a regular of theirs) rather than let me go through that delightful surprise. :( I don't know, I'm sorry I'm not being any help here. I just hate to think of dozens of other girls going through the same thing!

The only thing I would say is not to berate yourself - you mustn't think that you did anything wrong because who knows, if you'd said something to this creep he could have turned violent and if you'd gotten hurt, that would have been even worse. You could maybe consider leaving feedback if it was an Adultwork booking? That can still cause you a lot of risk, however - anything from him trying to destroy your reputation to getting a 'friend' to book you without you knowing, to hurt you in person.

This may sound odd but it's the same thing I mentioned in another thread - have you tried asking your GP or the nurse at your GUM clinic whether there might be someone you could talk to about this? I did recently and have been amazed at the response, they're extremely kind and professional people and seem to encourage the idea of anyone going through a rough patch, possibly to do with sex work but not necessarily, having a word with a qualified counsellor-type. :) They are absolutely brimming with practical advice, too!
Disclosure: The other person behind

xxFallen Angelxx

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Yes, we had some freak yesterday asking us to dress up as schoolgirls and act as if we were 13  ??? Yet another pervert from the client?le of Dom Promotions publishers of 'Up North', 'UK Escorts' and other such disreputable contact mags which steal escorts pics and numbers.

The type of guys who buy these mags are not the type of guys we see but this pervert was the final straw and I have contacted a solicitor friend to see what I can do about them as lots of the calls are a bit along these lines  >:(


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One of the things some clients want is to be able to express fantasies that they otherwise cannot. This doesn't mean you have to let them! Whether it's them sticking their fingers up your bum without asking or wanting to talk about your pre-legal sex life, if it makes you uncomfortable, tell them to stop. If they don't, throw them out.

You can't do much about your age and it will be part of the appeal for some. You can be picky about the ages you see though.

If you advertise losing your virginity at 14 on Adultwork, don't be surprised if someone wants to talk about it. Same with rude pictures. If you don't want men wanking over them, don't post them.


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I've had a guy very similar to that. He booked me to go to his hotel in Leeds, seemed nice enough but ten minutes into our time together he started asking me if I was really underage, hinting that he wanted me to say yes, and also if I had any sisters and if I'd seen them naked and awful things like that :-\

It freaked me out quite a bit too - I'm sorry you had to go through that :(


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I do not allow any discussion of any illegal or unhygenic sex act with my clients.  The kinds of people who want to talk about these things with escorts are no end of trouble.

If you have discussed or roleplayed or fantasised about any of these things in your civilian sex life, that is between you and your partner.  Clients are strangers and you cannot trust them with this kind of thing.  A partner is a different matter entirely, as are your own fantasies.


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Thanks Emily, I think I may ask the GP or someone at the GUM about this because at the moment I don't feel like I have anyone to talk to about stuff like this. I mean last week my clients were all lovely, today I have had 2 strange clients that I do not wish to see again :( I hope I start getting some more normal clients soon! :(

I definately havn't advertised on AW that I had sex age 14! I think its because I am 18 and I have quite a young looking face, but this guy today would not shut up about underage sex and asking if I had 3 somes with my best friends when I was 14/15 etc...I was totally grossed out by it and I really don't want this to put me off escorting, as I had a really great time with my clients last week :( He was like 'you must be all little sluts to let us do this..'etc and I was like FFS and at one point I just wanted to kick the client in the face and tell him to get off me!

I think I need someone I can chat to about stuff like this because I do enjoy escorting but not when I have perves like that making me feel like a piece of crap on the floor :( :@


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A WG im friendly with was up against this recently, the underage schoolgirl fantasy. The client leered at her and asked her age, obv wanting her to lie. She replied that she was 34 with 3 children. That p****d on his chips!! lol.
find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.


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I'm not going to be able to justify these men, but just perhaps they want the teenage "schoolgirl" fantasy, and they have no other outlet? I *personally* (but don't quote me on this) don't think that a man who wants to have sex with a 18/25/30/40 year old woman dressed/acting as a teenage schoolgirl (and pretending to be one) has paedo/weirdo tendencies.

But if he was asking for the lady to be a CHILD (baby-adolescence?), and to act out *abuse* or molestation, or grooming (etc etc), that's a whole different bag.

I hope that makes sense.


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So sorry you have been through this.

It can be very distressing to have to listen to someone acting out his underage and/or demeaning fanasies.

The thing is, if it has not been discussed and agreed upon prior to the booking or at least at the start you should not feel obliged to go along with it.
Stop whatever you are doing and politely point out to the client that this was not discussed and that you feel upset/offended by this behaviour and if he continues you will have to end the booking.

I know it is not an easy thing to do and a bit of a dilemma when faced with this unexpectedly, thoughts of reputation, giving good service and obligation go through your head, but at the end of the day this person is violating you just as much as if he was trying to force you into anal or unprotected sex.
 Just because it is verbal doesn't make it less damaging.

Protect yourself.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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This is a diagnostic criteria for Pedophilia

 Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);

but i agree getting someone to dress up as a school girl and act out a fantasy is one thing but asking someone to act out be a child is another


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I at my age, do a kinky school girl fantasy, but believe me when I say I am not fooling anyone that I am actually one. But, I have had a client who wanted me to tell him about sex with children as young as 9, and well let's just say he left the appointment a little worse for wear, some hair missing, and lots of blood on his shirt! After being pulled off of him by some other working ladies, one of my friends talked to me, because I was quite upset. Basically, she said, as sick as it is he is coming to an adult to act out his fantasy and not actually harming children. I don't buy it then and I don't now.
And I am sorry you had to go through it, because it does leave you feeling quite ill and violated. There are some sick people out there, and we get the pleasure of encountering some of them.


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I definately havn't advertised on AW that I had sex age 14!

Sorry. A friend did and she got this sort of stuff too until she changed it.

one point I just wanted to kick the client in the face and tell him to get off me!

If they are not respecting your boundaries, you've told them to stop and they continue, I think almost everyone here will agree that it's ok to do this.


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I see what you mean CatBBW, however I don't think the client was a paedophile, he didnt mention anything about children just teenagers, it was probably him trying to act out his fantasy etc, but it made me uncomfortable and I don't think I'm the right person he should be going to for that sort of behaviour. Maybe some other escort wouldn't be as bothered?
It wasn't just the talking about underage sex and stuff, it was a lot of how he spoke to me, I felt degraded. I mean I would never talk to another human being like that, he sounded like a sick pervert! :S


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Over a period of at least six months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);
The DSM-IV-TR (which the above is a quote from) also clearly requires the fantasies to have either acted on, or that they cause "marked distress or interpersonal difficulty."

one of my friends talked to me, because I was quite upset. Basically, she said, as sick as it is he is coming to an adult to act out his fantasy and not actually harming children. I don't buy it then and I don't now.
Although I agree with absolutely everything that has been said regarding clients respecting personal boundaries, I am afraid my personal tendancy is to side with your friend. If someone finds sexual activity with young children arousing, they cannot change that any more than I can change the fact that I am attracted to men.  It is true that we cannot know how much further the client is taking his interests outside of his time with you, but (if such behaviour had been agreed in advance, obviously) I could not see such a person as morally reprehensible unless I had some evidence that he was acting on his desires.
« Last Edit: 03 March 2010, 11:33:22 am by bennyboywonder »
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Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
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