Clients don't book you because they feel sorry for you. They book you because they like your profile, find you attractive, want to meet you, get to know you and have sex with you. Remind yourself of this and don't let your lack of self-esteem tell you otherwise. The beauty of this world is there's someone for everyone. Never forget this.
The secret to being confident is to not care. Don't be impressed by nice hotels, they're just hotels, somewhere to meet a client. Ditto their home. It's just bricks and mortar. And surely it should be a compliment that clients want to invite you to fancy hotels! Or would you prefer a scabby B&B?
High class is a largely meaningless phrase now. FWIW, I don't advertise as high class even though my prices are very much at the upper end. I just feel those words attract a kind of man who has a very specific idea of what high class means/what a high class escorts looks like, and I don't want to engage with those kinds of men.
Reviews are just words on a screen. Don't read them. As for the man who left the review, it speaks volumes about HIM, not you. Try to block it out of your mind and don't waste your time reading reviews. Seriously. Don't bother. You'll only feel better for it.