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Author Topic: Facing your public  (Read 11104 times)


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Facing your public
« on: 27 June 2012, 10:36:36 pm »
I have wondered often how so many escort girls are happy to show full face photographs on their
profiles.I keep seeing them  when browsing or reading reviews etc.  I do not and if it was a prerequisite for
going live on the internet offering your services then I would have had to remain in my former employment
 (not a pleasant thought! I had a steady job earning a half decent living but so glad I did not have to slog away at it these past few years)

So my question is to the girls who do not hide their faces, is it because all your family and friends
know and accept what you are doing or do you just not care what others think?


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #1 on: 27 June 2012, 10:52:33 pm »
I used to show my face when I first started thinking: "Oh, nobody's going to recognize me with all that make up and fancy lighting" or "It's highly improbable that anyone I know will see my profile/ads" (I was so naive). To cut a long story short two months into working I bumped in the street into an ex-colleague of mine from my old job (nothing sex industry related) and looking very jolly and full of himself he went: "So how's your new sexy occupation? We've seen your ads. Every one in the office is very surprised at your entrepreneurial skills!"

 :FF :FF :FF

From that moment all my pictures get blurred. Plus birthmarks, moles, tattoos get photoshoped etc.. Inner peace is key :-)
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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #2 on: 27 June 2012, 10:58:34 pm »
I think a LOT of girls are not from the UK and for this reason feel happy to show their faces.

If you were working as a prossy in say, Italy, would you be more willing to show your face?  I wouldnt be but then I dont show my face 'anywhere'.  Just  a thought.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #3 on: 27 June 2012, 11:06:43 pm »
I think a LOT of girls are not from the UK and for this reason feel happy to show their faces.

If you were working as a prossy in say, Italy, would you be more willing to show your face?  I wouldnt be but then I dont show my face 'anywhere'.  Just  a thought.

If I were in a remote country I would be willing to show my face. Problem nowadays is that all directories copy their content from each other so you could start working for an agency in let's say "Canada" and 6 months later find your face stamped all over the net in directories in Sweden, Poland, the US and part of Iceland. So no, I will never show my face again. I can't care less if that means less money. I'd rather go back to civie life and count pennies.
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.

Green Carnation

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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #4 on: 27 June 2012, 11:33:21 pm »
I also used to show my face when I first started, and I felt completely relaxed about it. I didn't have any family/ friends in London, and the idea of someone finding my profile among thousands of others  didn't even cross my mind. After about a year of showing my face on aw, I realised that everybody knows about the website, and my profile is just one click away. I started making friends/ dating, worinkg a part time 'normal' job, and I removed my face shots.
Now I am paranoid about anybody finding me, and the same as Ana30, I crop, blur, retouch everythong that could indicate it's me. I am literally paranoid that someone I know is going to find me, and I am constanly suspicious about texts and emails.

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #5 on: 28 June 2012, 10:29:47 am »
I wasn?t sure whether to respond to this thread or the reaction my opinions will get but nevertheless I feel compelled to have a say.

I often find there is a sense of disbelief from people that any girl would choose to have a face picture and be happy to be labelled as a prostitute for all and sundry to see. To be fair, I?d be more upset if someone walked up to me and accused me of being a Jordan fan than if a random stranger came up to me and said ?You?re that hooker from AW!? I?d be inclined to reply ?so what?? I honestly couldn?t give a hoot about it. I don?t have an issue with my job ? I?m not harming anyone, I?m working legally, I?m good at my job ? so why should I allow other people to make me feel bad about it or give me a complex about it?

Before anyone feels the need to list the downsides please don?t - I?m more than aware of the risks my choice entails (you?ll never be able to get another job! it?ll affect your future relationships! what will other people think?! Yawn!) The future job thing isn?t an issue because I know I will never have a civilian job again. When I finally decide to quit escorting I?ll go onto some other form of self employment. As for the impact on future relationships, I wouldn?t consider one with anyone who had a problem with my occupation so that is not something I lose sleep over either.

I think far too many people spend too long and too much energy on worrying about other people think instead of putting their own interests and happiness first. The threads on here are rife with stories of girls having to lead double lives and dealing with the subsequent stress that kind of deception is obviously going to cause. For me the stress of having to lie to people and always having to watch my back are burdens I couldn?t and wouldn?t tolerate just for the sake of keeping other people happy. I?m happy with my decision to work as a prostitute and as long as I can look myself in the mirror every day and not feel ashamed or disgusted with myself that is the most important thing to me. As long as I'm happy that's the main thing. Maybe that sounds a bit selfish but it?s the way I feel about a lot of things in my life. If that ever changes then obviously I?ll make changes but until then I see nothing wrong with the way things are.

Another reason why I show my face in my marketing is because when writing my profile I thought about what would be important to me if I were on the side of the fence as it were. For me a face picture would be a deal breaker. I would never contact someone for sexual services if I didn?t know what I was getting. I?d need to feel confident that I found the person physically attractive. As this is something I would insist on, I don?t see the problem with other people wanting the same.

In reply to Escort38 original question, my family and friends know what I do. It did initially cost me some friends but thankfully nobody who was irreplaceable. I?ve never understood why with six billion people on the planet folks fixate on the ones who try to change them / dictate the way they live their life instead of seeking out people who are happy to accept them the way they are. If someone couldn?t accept me or my occupation then that?s not the sort of person I would want in my life anyway and my philosophy would be ?next!?

Having said all of the above I do understand completely why a lot of women want to maintain their privacy (having children for example is a good one) and I have no problem with their choice. The only issue I would have is if they felt it was then appropriate to preach to or look down their noses at girls who choose to do things differently to them. Live and let live!
« Last Edit: 28 June 2012, 10:41:30 am by Alisha »


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #6 on: 28 June 2012, 11:17:43 am »
Alisha firstly good for you on gaining your first PNet review!

Thank you for your honesty in your reply to my question. If only
everyone could do as you have and be so open about it, I think there
would be a hell of a lot less stress connected to this job from the ladies'
point of view.
I will never know for sure if I have lost work because of hiding my real
identity ie not showing my face but all I can say to that is I have consistently
had the work I required and still do and my belief is that the number of men
who would not book without seeing a face photo first are in the minority.

I advertise on AW and have a website too but take out a regular ad in a newspaper
which has no pictures of me at all and no link to my online photos. I have had a lot
of clients come to me quite happy to take a chance not having a clue what I look like
and many of those are now regular clients.  A few have told me they quite liked the idea
of not knowing who will greet them.

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #7 on: 28 June 2012, 11:31:37 am »
Hey Escort38, thank you! I?m chuffed to bits re the FR  :D
I wasn?t trying to imply that having a face picture is a bonus or that it increases business. Lots of men are happy without a face pic and then they are others who insist on it. Luckily there?s more than enough us lot to cater to each taste!  :)


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #8 on: 28 June 2012, 11:48:42 am »
You can also file me under couldn't give a shit ;D.


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #9 on: 28 June 2012, 12:18:46 pm »
Don't want to cause any controversey (sp?) but are the escorts who don't mind showing their faces online the escorts without children or are there escorts out there with children who still dont mind showing their faces.

I'm at the other end of the spectrum and wouldnt want my children/grandchildren knowing what Granny does.  I'm not ashamed of what  I do, I just wouldnt want them embarassed by friends parents finding out.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #10 on: 28 June 2012, 12:26:16 pm »
I never cared to be honest, right up til the day an agency went under and so left their website up with my face on it!!!

Luckily the website has now vanished but it was sitting there for years, I was worried it was never going to go away.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #11 on: 28 June 2012, 12:29:00 pm »
No, I think you're quite right Linzi - I don't have children (although I do live in a small town and have a big extended family) and I know very well from other ladies how kids have been picked on by others (and worse still, parents) when it's got out what Mummy does for a living. Then again, none of the ladies I've heard these horrendous stories from showed their faces and that didn't do anything to stop the appalling treatment they and their families got.

I think the issue of children is a different one altogether - if somebody out there really wants to make you and your family's life a misery, they'll find a way. Not having face pics may make it easier to deny, but there are others too - I would never have 'porno' pictures of me anywhere (including gynae type stuff) but others do and are quite happy with it. I'd personally be far more embarrassed to have people see me giving some bloke a blow job in a picture (paid or unpaid) than advertising sex for sale with my knickers firmly on :D.


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #12 on: 28 June 2012, 12:29:22 pm »
Don't want to cause any controversey (sp?) but are the escorts who don't mind showing their faces online the escorts without children or are there escorts out there with children who still dont mind showing their faces.

I'm at the other end of the spectrum and wouldnt want my children/grandchildren knowing what Granny does. I'm not ashamed of what  I do, I just wouldnt want them embarassed by friends parents finding out.

That is it in a nutshell for me too.  It is the embarrassment of others which I prefer to avoid. I am the same person whether or not
they know what I am doing. If they like me and don't know they should still like me after they discover my secret. I fear it is not so simple
though and am not about to risk chancing it.


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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #13 on: 28 June 2012, 12:36:33 pm »
You can also file me under couldn't give a shit ;D.

I'm rapidly approaching this attitude too.

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: Facing your public
« Reply #14 on: 28 June 2012, 12:42:27 pm »
I'm at the other end of the spectrum and wouldnt want my children/grandchildren knowing what Granny does.  I'm not ashamed of what  I do, I just wouldnt want them embarassed by friends parents finding out.

Good point and that?s why I used having children as an example of why privacy is good in my original post.

I don?t have children and if I ever do decide to give motherhood a try (and if I was still escorting at that time) then obviously I would do well to rethink my stance. Children can?t choose their parents and I would hate for my actions to have a negative impact on their lives.

Adults ? it?s a different ball game. You can choose your friends and associates. If someone feels embarrassed to be associated with a hooker then they always have the free will to remove themselves from that situation. It doesn?t necessarily follow that I have to change myself to spare someone?s blushes or make them feel better about themselves.