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Author Topic: Face Pix - is this wrong  (Read 8503 times)


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Face Pix - is this wrong
« on: 29 June 2008, 10:18:36 am »
I have just found your website (not really thick, are u based in uk) and i have not read it all yet but find it very interesting.

Back to my question for you all,  I'm very new to escorting, but have been swinging for 3 years.

I would like to know if I have the right to ask for or at least see a face pic of a guy if they want to meet me.  I feel I am not able to just go ahead and play with the guy if i felt i was not able to. Do any of you ask for pics.

Or what is the normal etiquette on a client meeting you and you or them not wanting to proceed further with the meet. 

I do hope that I hear from you lovely people.

Dee xxxx


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #1 on: 29 June 2008, 02:01:45 pm »
What you ask for is up to you, but escorts asking for face pics is unusual - I suspect you'd get quite a lot of resistance especially without a reputation as someone who a) is actually an escort, not a picture collector / a "let's out the evil punters" 'sting', and b) is worth it. (Are you going to show your face on your ads?)

Them not wanting to go ahead: it happens, even to the loveliest. Typically you get something to cover travel / hassle expenses. (Ask for it if it's not offered!)

You not wanting to go ahead: it depends why. I would expect you've learnt from the swinging that good looks don't necessarily mean a good time. Indeed, if Brad Pitt or George Clooney turned up on most escorts' doorsteps with a crap attitude, they'd be thrown out. But if, oh, David Mellor turned up, going 'urgh, go away you ugly thing' would get you a bad reputation straight away.

If you can only do it with say young good looking men, escorting probably isn't really for you.
« Last Edit: 29 June 2008, 02:03:55 pm by xw5 »
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Anika Mae

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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #2 on: 29 June 2008, 03:56:03 pm »
Asking for a face picture might put some people off, but it might not work out so badly. As extra security for hotel visits, I ask clients to tell me their full name in advance, and when we meet I check their ID. I've actually had very few people take issue with this, even in the early days before I mentioned it on my website. In terms of privacy and given that I have their phone numbers as well, this isn't that different to a face picture. I think a lot of people wouldn't be happy about sending a picture so you could accept or reject them, though. They're paying so they don't have to deal with that!

There are a few people who'll send an email telling me about themselves and attach a picture or two, as if they were replying to a personal ad. I don't like this, but it means that there are some men who are willing to fully introduce themselves before arranging a booking.


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #3 on: 01 July 2008, 04:22:33 pm »
I have just found your website (not really thick, are u based in uk) and i have not read it all yet but find it very interesting.

Back to my question for you all,  I'm very new to escorting, but have been swinging for 3 years.

I would like to know if I have the right to ask for or at least see a face pic of a guy if they want to meet me.  I feel I am not able to just go ahead and play with the guy if i felt i was not able to. Do any of you ask for pics.

Or what is the normal etiquette on a client meeting you and you or them not wanting to proceed further with the meet. 

I do hope that I hear from you lovely people.

Dee xxxx

To answer your question, yes, this site is UK-based. To answer your other question yes, you have the right to ask anything you like. But remember a client also has the right to turn you down.

In my opinion it's not really the done thing to ask clients for a face pic. Just as it's frowned upon for guys to ask ladies for face pics when they don't show their faces. I don't ask for pictures, but as Anika Mae says, I do get the odd one or two who think it's only fair that I know what they look like before we meet. Which is very nice of them but unnecessary. But I'd have to disagree when she says it might not be so bad. The last thing a client wants to do if he's married with 3 kids and has a high profile job is to send a facial pic to an escort. He doesn't know you from Eve. How would he know that you don't have other nefarious reasons for asking for one? Asking for their name on a hotel visit is different; it's for security reasons only. Asking to see a face pic is for purely aesthetic reasons on your part. As you say, you're not sure you'd want to go through with the booking if he's not good-looking.

As XW5 says, if you need to ask to see potential client's faces before you meet them, I'm not sure if this job is for you. Not all customers an escort sees are going to be gorgeous. But then, again as XW5 says, gorgeousness doesn't necessarily mean a great personality. Some of my loveliest customers have been guys that you wouldn't give a second glance to. 

You learn a lot in this business. Not judging a book by its cover is one of them, believe me.

Anika Mae

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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #4 on: 01 July 2008, 05:35:50 pm »
But I'd have to disagree when she says it might not be so bad. The last thing a client wants to do if he's married with 3 kids and has a high profile job is to send a facial pic to an escort.

This was also my first thought, but a lot of people don't understand how I'd get any clients with the way I do business and I'm doing ok regardless, so I always try to look at things from another angle.

I agree that being an escort isn't just about shagging people you fancy, though. I was never that bothered about the visuals, but this job has shown me how much fun you can have with all sorts of different body types. That's my lesson. :)


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #5 on: 06 July 2008, 04:33:09 pm »
well thanks guys for responding, i thought i mite get negative responses but i did want to get some ideas from you

the reason why i asked the question was that i dont think i wud be able to go through with the booking if i was not happy.

now the first reply i got was if you are expecting brad pitt to turn up, it ent gonna happen

i am fussy, i dont mind about size or anything but i think they should look nice, im not expecting brad pitt or supermodels but so long as they look like nice normal decent guys i wud be ok,

i am discretion itself and what they give me stays with only me, i am showing my face on my site as i think this is only fair if they want to meet me,

as to etiquette does a guy just turn up and pressume the booking will go ahead or do they come here with a no pressure attitude like in the swinging world which i am more used to

u say escorting not for me, i have had several meets now and they have all been decent men, no supermodels (well some)  but the majority have been nice guys, ranging from 25 to about 55, so i dont just wana meet young fit guys.

this whole thing is soooo new to me, its learning all over again and i hope that i can get advice and help from you guys

thanks  dee xxxx


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #6 on: 06 July 2008, 05:08:50 pm »
Being nice, normal (?) and decent is nothing to do with how people look. Likewise, swinging is nothing to do with escorting; one is a hobby, or some would say a lifestyle choice, the other is a serious and often challenging business where you will be expected to act and behave professionally. It is most definitely not just an easy way to make a few quid from shagging fit blokes, and the sooner you realise this, the better.

Are you seriously asking whether men will book you just on the off-chance that you would condescend to have sex with them? What exactly is it you think they are paying you for? Some of my clients travel for two hours or more to see me, take holiday time off work, make all sorts of excuses and save up their money, not to mention looking forward to the meeting. Are you going to send them packing simply because you don't fancy them? How are you planning to tell them this when they arrive? Obviously, if you really cannot go through with a booking, then there is no question of doing so - no-one should ever have sex with someone if they genuinely can't face it, but if you are not capable of looking past personal appearances then frankly I would quit it now; one of the main qualities a good escort needs is to be non-judgemental and openminded about their clients, and certainly not destroying what little confidence many of them have.

I'm sorry to be harsh but I really think you are belittling our profession by making ill-informed assumptions like this. You may think that all you need to be an escort is a fanny and a pair of tits but believe me, there's a lot more to it that. Like I said - what do you think you are getting paid for? (I'll give you a clue, 99 times out of a hundred, it ain't time and companionship).

Of course escorting is a learning curve like anything else but I think you are approaching it with a completely misguided idea of what the job involves - you really need to think about this harder and do a lot more research if you plan to make a serious go of it.


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #7 on: 06 July 2008, 09:09:34 pm »
Just to add to Amy's comment - which I totally agree with.

This is a business and we are service providers - people come to us for our services and that is what we offer.  If we were to be fussy and particular about whom we service then a lot of us would soon end up out of work.

Your approach to this line of work Dee, is - I also feel, a sign that you are not really capable of doing it at all (as said above by the others) , and as has been said by Amy, escorting and swinging are completely different.

It would, I feel, be grossly unfair, to ask a potential client for a photo and then refuse to see him.  How do you think that person would feel?  Imagine also the fear he could go through (particularly if married) knowing that his photo is "out there" and the concern this could cause him.

In any case, I cannot imagine that many serious punters would be happy to oblige to such a request.

Escorting, as Anika Mae, has said, is about seeing beyond the physical.  I have met all sorts of people in this line of work and can honestly say hand on heart that the ones who are perhaps not blessed in the good looks department in fact are the ones that I have been most satisfied by in the bedroom, so looks really dont count for much!!!!

But also, once you look past the physical, there is a human being there, who deserves to be treated the same way as any other serious customer, regardless of his external appearance.

Nell xx


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #8 on: 06 July 2008, 11:47:50 pm »
Well I have certainly put the cat amongst the pigeons, I really dint mean to :( .     I joined this forum to get some helpful advice but all I have had from you is reprisal and ?not being cut out for it? said to me. You have all taken the same approach that has been around for hundreds of years in my opinion.

Sorry if I have put anyones nose out of joint.  I wasn?t quite expecting all the hostility so I shall leave you guys to it and won?t ask for any more advice or information.

You have spoken on here about my boundaries, I have looked at other peoples profiles where they have boundaries in place that I don?t, so I suppose we should all respect each others boundaries.

I shall just muddle through and carry on like I have been, I have been very successful so far and its working out profitable for me and I have been told that I should go a long way with this job, I was told I was different to a lot of escorts they had seen because I genuinely enjoyed what I?m doing (unless your a bloody good actress), he knew I wasn?t acting tho.

The general feeling from guys is that I have a refreshing and unique selling point in my attitude towards escorting. Which is proving both profitable and enjoyable and if you?ve got those two things, whatever anyone else says doesn?t matter.

As to pix, I am getting quite a good positive response to asking for pix, they feel they can trust me, if they don?t want to then thats fine by me.

I am really enjoying what I am doing and shall continue to keep having fun as I luv having sex and making guys happy and also meeting lots of different people from all walks of life.  Its not all about the sex tho, I know, I can make them laff and we chat about all sorts, they confide in me and know that whats sed in the bedroom stays in the bedroom.

Have fun girls,      I am  :)  Dee xxxx

Anika Mae

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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #9 on: 07 July 2008, 12:09:42 am »
Are you only seeing the negatives, Dee? I was cautiously positive based on the experience I have. I think as long as you're very clear about the way you work from the outset so that guys know that they're risking rejection, that's fine. If it works it works.

I'm a bit confused about why you posted your questions, since you don't seem to be interested in the responses. Regardless, if you do feel you'd like some help or advice in future, you're always welcome to ask.


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #10 on: 07 July 2008, 07:13:04 am »
Well, the problem with asking for advice is that you're bound to hear something you really don't want to. I do think the previous two posts were a little harsh when I read them last night. But like all the other posts in this thread, I thought they had a point. I get the impression that they feel a little insulted that you want to work as an escort but only for those you fancy. And in my opinion, and theirs, that's not what it's all about.
Being a good escort is hard work, no matter what anybody thinks. It's not just lying back and thinking of England. It's providing a good sexual service to people, regardless of their looks, and making sure they've got their money's worth to the point where they want to see you again.
Some gents that come to see us don't have much sexual experience because they don't have the courage in the "normal" world to pursue relationships, and sometimes we're seen as a last resort. And I would imagine to be rejected by an escort because she doesn't think he's good-looking enough has to be a bit of a blow.

But at the end of the day, you don't want to be unhappy doing what you do, so work the way you feel comfortable working.


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #11 on: 07 July 2008, 12:14:18 pm »
Thanks for replying back to me both of you, you have made me feel a bit better. I just felt really insulted and peoples comments seemed rather harsh, but i have listened to you all otherwise I woudn't be on here.

Its not that I need to FANCY the guy, its the fact that would I be able to physically go through with it. I'm not looking for 25 year old hunky good looking guys but there are limits where I am able to carry on with the meet.

I have played on every meet I have had so far wether it be blind or after seeing a face pic. I just worry about the day someone turns up on my door where I couldn't go through with it.


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #12 on: 07 July 2008, 01:54:15 pm »
Dee, I wasn't trying to be hostile or insult you - I was really just trying to make it as clear as possible what is likely to be expected of you from the men who book you; if you honestly have the bottle to insist that they send you a face picture first and are prepared to turn down their booking on purely that basis (and no matter how nice you are, risk really hurting someones feelings, which would bother me) then it's entirely up to you - I know I wouldn't last long doing that though!

As you said, everyone is entitled to their boundaries, some ladies will not see black/asian or middle eastern men, or men above or below a certain age limit - however unfair this may seem to them (and frankly to me as I find it genuinely hard to understand why anyone would discriminate in this way), then it goes without saying that if you are not comfortable, your service will be adversely affected and you are unlikely to get a repeat booking anyway. For what it's worth, I often get asked about seeing couples, which I will not do as I'm straight, a crap actress and cannot imagine having sex with a woman. However I do anal, OWO and CIM which other local ladies do not do - one of the best things about this work is you can decide to conduct your business in whatever way you like!

As Brandy said - the main thing is to be completely honest with your advertising - clients look at our sites, read what we have to say (well, if we're lucky lol) and make their decision; as long as you are clear then they can't moan about it afterwards! If you are happy and doing OK working the way you are that is by far the most important thing. From your last post it actually just sounds like good old-fashioned nerves about what will be there when you open the door and I'm sure we all get them - I certainly do when I meet a client for the first time!

Incidentally I have only turned a client away once and that was because he stunk of BO and cigarettes and his (remaining) teeth were just black and green stumps - he went to kiss me and I panicked completely and told him he had to leave straight away (it was so bad it made me heave and I was scared stiff I was going to faint!) That was the worst ever  :o
« Last Edit: 07 July 2008, 01:58:10 pm by amy »


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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #13 on: 08 July 2008, 01:15:58 pm »
I get the whole nerves thing when the phone rings ::): It's because I'm excited for one I am looking forward to potentially seeing someone, fear/caution just in case it's a crazy call like some mention they sometimes receive, and then finally I'm hoping not to babble and generally sound nervous. I just think it'll get easier the more times I do it. I like to speak to someone and had half thought about just communicating by mail at first and then handing over my number and/or arranging calling them or them calling me but I don't know.

Don't want to be too aloof because I'm not like that really, but I still haven't figured out what's best for me yet...

As far as I'm concerned a chap can send a picture of himself to me it's a nice touch and it would probably make me feel less nervous about meeting him, but I certainly would not base any likelihood of an  appointment on that alone. However, if they sent something unappealing that marks him out as lacking taking care of himself (basic hygiene) it would halt a wasted journey on my part.

Hmm got me thinking anyway..



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Re: Face Pix - is this wrong
« Reply #14 on: 08 July 2008, 03:46:55 pm »
Hi all

Just to add that I apologise if my post came across as harsh - I think we just find it difficult to comprehend that someone would want to ask clients for face pics as this is generally unheard of.

I do want to add though that this is a tough business and whilst we are all here to help each other as much as we can here, out there you are totally alone.

Sure you could have the best looking guy in the world, but his personality might stink.  I have met some really good looking guys who are so full of themselves that they seriously don't do it for me at all.

Yet some of the ones who are no oil paintings on the other hand can have the best personalities and make me laugh which is halfway to a good experience.

Dee, apologies if we upset you initially, but like has been said your request is an odd one in this business and therefore as such one would expect conflicting views.

If, however, as you say, your clients are obliging then I wish you luck and well and if it works for you and them then that is good. 

In my own experience the guys who offer to send me pics are not usually genuine punters and complete timewasters.

On another point I  guess it must be an interesting transition - from swinging to escorting --------

I did swing at one stage but personally that was not for me - but good to try it (and get the t shirt).

In any case, apologies for offending you in any way and remember that we are here to wish you well. 

I guess being an escort means we are also confident and outspoken women as is required in the industry that we work in.  I therefore hope that you continue to enjoy it as you clearly are doing now.

All the best
Nell xx