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Author Topic: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???  (Read 3307 times)


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I may be the only that this is happening to, but has anyone else felt the effects of a proliferation of escorts/working girls in London???  :'(  Last year, my rates were a set price of "per meet" rather than "per hour" - I advvertised at the "upper end" of the market, requesting a fee of 400 per meet.

Business was good for six months, I left to go to the USA for three months, have now returned to the UK and prices have hit rock bottom for working girls.  The general price of 80 per hour seems to be the normal and even the higher market end girls are only charging 140 per hour?????  What has happened to the market for escorts/ working girls?

I've had so many requests for meets - offering a compromise in price - the majority of men have settled on 100 for a couple of hours - is this happening to anyone else?  Today I've even had an offer of ?30 for just a "quickie"!!!   :o

Am I missing something or have all the big spenders retired?  Or has the price for the working girl just bottomed out? ;)


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #1 on: 25 July 2011, 09:32:53 pm »
my rates were a set price of "per meet" rather than "per hour"

It doesn't make sense as essentially you're comparing 2 different things. a per hour rate vrs a per meet rate? How long would a "meet be"?!?


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #2 on: 25 July 2011, 09:43:14 pm »
What's the most amount of time a meet would last?
The girls I know here in London charge between ?120 and ?200 per hour.
Those guys are chancers: ?100 for a couple of hours is a joke! Have you put a new profile up and they're assuming you're new to escorting?


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #3 on: 25 July 2011, 09:44:52 pm »
my rates were a set price of "per meet" rather than "per hour"

It doesn't make sense as essentially you're comparing 2 different things. a per hour rate vrs a per meet rate? How long would a "meet be"?!?

Indeed - I have never heard of anybody using such an odd pricing structure and I would never be able to maintain a diary unless I could plan my time properly (which is why I've never charged per service, either). I can assure you that the <?80 per hour ladies were very much there last year and for plenty of time before that, and I can also assure you that there are ladies (or agencies at least) charging ?300+ per hour and doing fine. What you basically saying is that you are not getting as much work as you want, and the way to do something about that is look at what you can do for your business, not worry about everybody else's.

Maybe you could try operating a booking system that punters could understand a bit more easily? You don't have to do quickie appointments if you don't want to, but not many punters are going to want to shell out ?400 to shag somebody they've never met before either; does this mean that if a client only has an hour to spare it would still be the same price? There are many more people working then there was when I first started and even since I went full-time four years or so ago, but there's really not been that much of a change in the last few months.
« Last Edit: 25 July 2011, 09:46:35 pm by amy »


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #4 on: 25 July 2011, 09:53:13 pm »
Last year, I charged 400 per meet which was a minimum of two hours and a maximum of six - the majority of my clients were City guys who wanted "arm candy" for a working do or just someone pretty for some fun while the office put them up in hotels for the night - I always came out on top with the exception of one time I got scammed from a guy giving me white paper in an envelope  ::))  as most men only were in my company for an hour sometimes two and a half, but I've never had a guy spend more than three hours with me so I figured I must have been doing something right with the pricing! 

Now I've come back and advertised as usual and the men seem ludicrous with the offers???  I clearly state that I am not a newbie so I'm just wondering if it is only me that is getting these responses of "your price is too high love - how about ?80 per hour?"


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #5 on: 25 July 2011, 09:58:25 pm »
Last year, I charged 400 per meet which was a minimum of two hours and a maximum of six

so you were excepting 6 hours for ?400 but if a guy wanted 2 hours you'd charge him the same??

That essentialy works out worse for the guys than paying a girl who charges by the hour...  ???

I cant quite see what your complaint is now tbh though its standard to reduce the rate the longer they book even ?100 would work better for you and the guys which might get you more business + repeat business?

i can see guys not liking the "per meet" rate which is why no one else really does this..


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #6 on: 25 July 2011, 10:03:46 pm »
I think it's unfair to blame newer ladies for the drop in your clientele, London has always been a cut throat place to work IME.

Maybe you had appeal as the new girl for your first 6 months, other girls have new girl appeal now, and in 6 months time they may wonder where their clients have gone.

There is another thread here somewhere about losing regular clients after being away for a while, that could also be a factor.

But I would agree with the previous posters - I cannot understand how a ?400 for unspecified length of time would work out in your favour. For that to be viable you would have to set a side a day per client and with most guys budget being what it is, I doubt there are enough gents are going to have ?400 (and the time to make that worth while!) to spare.

I'm in Newcastle and the going rate is about ?100 per hour but ?20 each side isn't uncommon. I do offer a quickie service too, which some girls on other forums turn their noses up at, but I would rather see the 4 guys I know wat quickies than wait for a one hour booking.

In the end everyone has their own way of working, I would suggest you do a bit of market research and charge what you are comfortable with.



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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #7 on: 25 July 2011, 10:44:59 pm »
Yes, I think the basic issue here is the growing knowledge of consumers - clients still take risks with every girl they see (I mean risking that they won't get on, that it'll be a bad choice for him, or she'll rip him off somehow, etc) but I think those risks are now smaller because of the vast quantities of semi-reliable information available on the Internet.

If they can check a girl's reviews and services and pictures on AW/Pnet/C69 and see that 'even though' she charges ?100 per hour, she's still genuine and good-looking and good at oral etc, they don't need to go with the whole old idea that more money = a better girl. They can look for their own perfect escort by doing detailed online searches and come up with a bunch of matches at a bunch of price points and just make a simple decision themselves - no relying on agencies or word of mouth or whatever the most common pre-AW/Pnet methods used to be.

There's just no market for vague pricing structures nowadays - everyone tends to spell out their rates and services quite specifically, aided by sites like AW that require everything to be put into separate boxes so that their search features work effectively. If a guy's looking at "I'll do x, y and z for ?abc" vs "I'll spend up to x hours with you for ?abc", and both profiles have pretty pictures etc, he'll likely go for the first one because then he knows what he's getting.

I don't think it's necessarily the fact that more girls are available now (although I'm sure there are), it's more that more accurate(-ish) information is freely available now. Clients can make shrewd and educated choices so as a sex worker, whether your rates are ?39 per hour or ?300 per hour, you need to make sure you're advertising your wares as simply and transparently as possible - men will run a mile from anything that looks vague/scammy.
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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #8 on: 26 July 2011, 12:02:47 am »
I dunno. This pricing arrangement 'obviously' doesn't fit in with the AW model, but that's not necessarily a marketing disadvantage, handled well. ?400 divided by six hours is not that much per hour.

We all know that as well as Mr 'I've paid for two hours, how dare you even look at a clock before 120 minutes is up' there is also Mr 'I've come now, you can go', and while it may not be a good idea to offer this to the former, the latter is going to be fine with it... provided the time before then has been good enough. It's also not that unusual a rate for 'x hours social time, y hours in bed' deals.

What you really need are reasons why someone should spend that money with  / on you. Just being available for that price is not enough. How did you get clients before?
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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #9 on: 26 July 2011, 10:43:50 am »
I charge 200 for the hour and I'm not in London. And yes it's quieter than it used to be but overall at the end of the month I'm doin ok!

I know when it's quiet it's tempting to drop your prices but my advice is don't, I did a special offer once (knocked ?50 off  for a month) and it didn't bring much more business tbh, it did bring out all the hagglers tho and the few I saw at new price  forgot it was a special offer and thought I was ripping them off when prices returned to normal.

I would rather stick at my price do ok and be happy (when I'm quiet I take it as quality time for me) than deal with all the hagglers, they just annoy me tbh  ::)


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #10 on: 26 July 2011, 11:59:23 am »
Before I start I want to say I'm  not comparing anyone here with the girls I'm going to write about.

There are some girls in the Bristol area who are charging ?25 and ?30 for a 30 minutes full service.  Im not saying they get any more bookings than anyone else but these prices just make a mockery of our services and make it harder for everyone.

In Scotland approx 3 yrs ago there was only about 300 escorts listed .............. the number now is over 900 so obviously competition is going to be more fierce.

As stated earlier by someone, we just got to make sure that clients know exactly what they get for their time/money.  The more info they have the easier it is for them to make their choice.
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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #11 on: 26 July 2011, 12:54:44 pm »
I dunno. This pricing arrangement 'obviously' doesn't fit in with the AW model, but that's not necessarily a marketing disadvantage, handled well. ?400 divided by six hours is not that much per hour.

We all know that as well as Mr 'I've paid for two hours, how dare you even look at a clock before 120 minutes is up' there is also Mr 'I've come now, you can go', and while it may not be a good idea to offer this to the former, the latter is going to be fine with it... provided the time before then has been good enough. It's also not that unusual a rate for 'x hours social time, y hours in bed' deals.

Of course there are clients who prefer less 'concrete' arrangements because they like a bit more of a sense of, perhaps, being just a generous boyfriend rather than a client - these guys can be lovely if they act respectfully but obviously are nightmares if they don't (as with any disrespectful client no matter his preferred methods of booking/paying).

My point was that there's been such a movement towards clients being able to find information quickly online about escorts that there's little need for them to take risks with fuzzier arrangements. That's not to say there aren't still a few of them preferring the fuzzy way. :)

Basically, if I went into a coffee shop and they told me to pay ?5 and have "up to 3 coffees", I'd probably still rather just stop in another coffee shop where I can get coffee and a cake for ?3.50 because I don't really want to be faffing about having "up to 3 coffees". In London, especially, where we are (in our minds ;)) sooo very busy with many important scheduling issues to consider! If I'm looking for three coffees, sure, the ?5 deal is great. But when does anyone spend the entire afternoon drinking coffee and doing nowt else? Occasionally, sure. But not as often as the gazillions of people who pop in, get what they want, pay what they know it costs, and then get straight back to the office/shopping/touristy stuff/home.

*runs off into the distance with increasingly silly metaphor*

Also, I fear these days that a pricing structure that leaves you almost entirely unable to use Adultwork is a definite disadvantage, especially in London. Would Pnet users be particularly enamoured with it either? I don't know.

I do actually think you could build a great business marketing this USP hard. But it would take a helluva lot of time to build up a great collection of regulars who a) enjoy precisely the services you offer and b) always want to book for 2-6 hours. There'd probably be many hiccups along the way with grumpy clients wanting more services/time etc etc, which is par for the course for any of us, but we can wave goodbye to Mr Grumpy and wait sometimes as little as fifteen minutes (in my experience!) for a new Mr Lovely to call.

Also, yeah, you will get sooo many annoying people saying, "Well, if it's ?400 for 6 hours, I want one hour for ?66 HAR HAR see wot I did there" - but the industry is full of these clowns and having a cast iron Ignoring Hat is essential for us all otherwise every single one of us would be completely mad! Or madder, anyway. ;D

Anyway. I think there's plenty of evidence that you can find your niche and charge almost anything you like as long as you're providing services in an excellently professional fashion and making your clients happy. Buuut certain niches will be incredibly small, especially if you restrict your client base further and don't take the (much higher now?) amount of time required to really establish yourself these days.

And one thing I know for sure is that dwelling on your competition doesn't do much in this industry. Sure, follow in the footsteps of women that you know are successful and happy in the industry, but there will always be someone younger, thinner, cheaper and apparently more wildly in "luv" with male genitals than you, so you can only really focus on building your own escort brand and seeing where it takes you. :)
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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #12 on: 26 July 2011, 01:35:25 pm »
There is a heck of a lot of blurring between the types of service on offer these days. I too get the "Can I av a bj 4 ?30" requests and I put it down to everyone from parlours, top end, flats, agencies, indies and girls offering quickies all calling themselves 'Escorts'. So a guy having one type of experience with an 'Escort' sees an ad for an 'Escort' and is obviously, logically going to think the same is on offer.

I do make it clear at point of enquiry the sort of thing I am offering, and this does usually clear things up for everyone concerned. What I do object to is some guys, who after I've said I have a minimum booking fee/time get all stroppy because I won't 'just' see them for a quickie at ?30. It's just something I don't offer, and without being snooty why should I see someone for ?30 when I have plenty of clients who will book me for 1, 2 or 3 hours for ?130 and so on. Aside from the business reasons, it's just not something I offer.

Back to the point, AW is the way to go these days for almost everyone. Create a good profile, determine your USP and set some clear rates -otherwise guys will be very suspicious, never mind your diary difficult to manage.


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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #13 on: 26 July 2011, 08:17:22 pm »
I think the general economic climate has hit everyone I'm afraid.



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Re: Excess Escorts = Prices being driven into the ground!!!???
« Reply #14 on: 27 July 2011, 12:20:05 am »
I think it's the kind of thing that can work OK with regulars you do GFE with.  For example, I have a client who pays me a set amount each time - and sometimes I stay for 2 hours, sometimes 4, sometimes overnight - it depends how we both are feeling.  I wouldn't do it for any other client I don't think but this guy doesn't like to feel he's seeing an escort.  I guess it's more of an 'arrangement' and I'm a paid gf for him.

Anyway, July has been quiet for me too, like for most of us - I made less than half of what I made in June.  I don't see August being any better, what with everyone being on holiday, attending weddings, or being skint from holidays! And it's ramadan which takes out a good proportion of my clients/potential clients for the entire month!

Additionally, the recession means that more girls are driven towards escorting, but the men have less free cash - this is obviously going to affect prices.   

Personally I use directories rather than adultwork, but that's mainly laziness!