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Author Topic: reporting rape and stalking  (Read 2378 times)


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reporting rape and stalking
« on: 27 July 2011, 10:16:22 pm »
What do you suggest about reporting or not reporting stalkers who are continuing to threaten an escort after raping her?  My friend refused to continue a date when the man began discussing masochistic desires.  He then texted/threatened her, and followed her home days later and raped and beat her in his car.  Now he is threatening her with texts again.  If she reports this to the police for a restraining order, will this stop the bullying or is this person so calculating that it will incite him to worse actions?  Does anyone have personal experience with this?


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #1 on: 27 July 2011, 10:27:15 pm »
Bugger stalking - this man is a rapist and should be reported as such so he can be dealt with properly.

A restraining order is the minimum he deserves - rape is an imprisonable offence, and harrassment is also against the law. He needs getting off the streets before he does this to somebody else, and your friend probably isn't the first - far too many dangerous people are still walking around because of their activities not being brought to the attention of the authorities. Some of them eventually decide stalking, assaulting and raping isn't enough for them and then they start killing.

If you want some expert advice on laws and police procedure, you could pm Shelly ISVA on here - you can find a link to her profile in the Sex Work Projects board (or someone who isn't on a phone can post one).


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #2 on: 27 July 2011, 10:50:48 pm »
Like Amy said report him to the police asap.  He needs to be stopped asap.

Here's the link to Shelly ISVA:;u=5952 (ftp://;u=5952)


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #3 on: 27 July 2011, 11:29:33 pm »
Her concern is multifactorial - the guy is extremely wealthy, so that has (unfortunately) strong impact on the outcome of a trial.  Conviction of raping a prostitute has a smaller success rate than for others (also unfair).  Mostly, she is about to start medical school in a new state and wants to move on and forget.  She is also concerned that any legal action she takes may somehow compromise her career or get her kicked out of school or the medical board, etc.  Finally, in the US rapists get a few years - 6 to 10 - and then they are out.  We are talking about a vengeful, calculating personality rather than a person who becomes enraged and then acts.  For these reasons she is concerned.  Thanks for the advice regarding contacting shelly.  I'm also trying to get a sense of people's personal experiences with this kind of thing - ie how often does taking legal action against a psychopath cause further violence (or how often does it end it?)


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2011, 01:14:00 am »
...will this stop the bullying or is this person so calculating that it will incite him to worse actions?  Does anyone have personal experience with this?
how how often does taking legal action against a psychopath cause further violence (or how often does it end it?)

I would suggest that these questions would be better directed to people who deal with violent offenders on a regular basis - ie the legal professions, support workers and the Police. Contrary to some peoples stereotypical opinions most Independent Escorts dont have to deal with sexual violence in their day to day lives.

Members here sharing their personal experiences might give you a small insight into past problems they have experienced with individuals - but to try to use that as a guide to predict  how the particular man that your friend was unlucky enough to meet might act would be irresponsible and possibly even downright dangerous.

I appreciate that what I have said might sound rather hard but your original post and subsequent follow up just seem to me to have the flavour of a research project rather than an actual problem. If I am wrong then I apologise.  I have nothing but sympathy for your friend and her circumstances and while I would do everything I could to encourage her to report the crime I still respect her right not to do so if she wishes. If your friends primary concern is confidentiality perhaps she should engage her own lawyer or contact someone local who provides support and advice for sex workers.

R x


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #5 on: 28 July 2011, 01:25:22 am »
I'm not offended by the "research" comment about the tone of my writing -- I used to be a neuroscientist, and I do present things in a clinical fashion rather than emotional.  It just seems so much easier in this case, which brings tears if I start to think of it in any human way.  Ultimately, what my friend fears is the inadequacy of the law's ability to protect her from a potentially dangerous and rich man.  This would scare me to death as well.  And I suppose I am taking a poll of sorts.  So far the unanimous response has been to report it.  Thanks for everyone's input.


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #6 on: 28 July 2011, 01:36:31 am »
Well you didn't make it clear in your thread starter that you are in the US; one of the most powerful deterrents we have here is that prostitution is legal, and potential wrongdoers know that there is no reason for us not to report if they threaten, abuse or harm us. Brothels (which are illegal) get robbed more often, because the offenders think they won't dare report incidents, and recent legislation like the Proceeds Of Crime Act haven't helped.

If working as a prostitute could compromise your friend's future career, she must have known that when she started and decided to accept the risks. I still cannot think of any reason for not reporting a dangerous and violent offender - drop all the advertising, see that he goes on all the relevant warnings boards/sites and make sure the authorities are aware of the need for her identity and whereabouts to be protected. The guys who have been picking bits of women up off the beach on Long Island would probably agree too.

I also agree with Rooby - whilst some people may not mind recounting personal experiences your repeated request does seem to show an unnecessarily prurient interest and since any responses will not be relevant to your friends circumstances, no amount of tinpot cod-psychology from you or anyone here is likely to help.
« Last Edit: 28 July 2011, 01:40:44 am by amy »


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #7 on: 28 July 2011, 02:09:04 am »
I certainly never meant to offend or convey tinpot cod-psychology.  I am only trying to help someone make a difficult decision.


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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #8 on: 28 July 2011, 08:23:07 am »
I certainly never meant to offend or convey tinpot cod-psychology.  I am only trying to help someone make a difficult decision.

Then please, please, please help her to get in touch with sex worker outreach projects, or certain sex worker political groups, or the right lawyer, etc as suggested by the others above. As Rooby said, we are not necessarily qualified to counsel someone on what is a horrific and terrifying situation (beyond recommending proper counsel, of course) just because we are sex workers. And of course, most of us are in the UK, too. I have NO IDEA what she should do that won't result in further horrific experiences because I'm far away from certain mad US laws and can't drag her across the ocean for an emergency appointment with an appropriate advisor here either.

Some problems are not really solvable by asking strangers on the Internet. Your friend needs a real, live close circle of protectors right now - although of course she is absolutely welcome to register here herself and discuss anything she likes with us; this is a sex worker-only forum and we are here to support each other personally. I'm afraid we are not here to be polled by random people, though.

You know what your friend needs. Get off the Internet and be at her side.
Disclosure: The other person behind

Yorkshire Rose

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Re: reporting rape and stalking
« Reply #9 on: 28 July 2011, 03:44:47 pm »
I agree with the ther ladies, there are outreach workers that are there to help.

In my area (west yorkshire) there is one charty that is set up specifically for any kind of WG and has a dodgy punter scheme whereby they will help with everything from advice to help with the police and laws.  She really does need to report it before someone else gets the same fate.