Damn, I work IN a parlour in Glasgow. But I do not have my name on the lease and do not run anything at all, the whole operation is ran by someone else, I pay a cut to them for use of room, supplies, security etc. But I still could still end up in court? even if I'm not on the lease the other person is? eeeek.
The law's the same throughout Scotland (and slightly differently the same

in England & Wales), what changes from area to area is the enforcement. And Glasgow has long been notorious for (politically driven) excessive zeal in that.
So make sure you have the number of a good lawyer on you - one who is prepared to tell them that they know the police know that in your position there is no chance of a conviction - and if you're somewhere where there are going to be elections for police commissioners (is that happening in Scotland?) make sure you end up with a sane one.
And, as ever, don't annoy the neighbours.