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Author Topic: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders  (Read 2121 times)


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Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« on: 23 March 2021, 11:30:14 pm »
Hello everyone.
My first new topic. Hope I have put it in the right place.

Something I would really appreciate some help and advice on if you can is how to snag some better quality regulars than I get at the moment.

I tend to read the Blather and Questions sections the most and ladies often comment there about having certain regulars that they just adore and really look forward to meeting with to the extent that they are sometimes happy for sessions with them to run over and some are even given discounts of all things to keep them on the hook :-X.

I would really like to build a client base like this (without the discounts  ;)) but at the moment I am a million miles away from looking forward to anything about any of their visits other than the cash in the envelope they bring. I can live with this as they are reasonably loyal and provide me with a steady income but in every case meets are no more frequent than once a fortnight and never for more than an hour (most are for just the 1/2 hour) and not much is said by them to me once they are through the door. Not sure I have gotten to know any of them well yet at all really after 18 months in some cases. It would be nice to find some that are interesting and sophisticated and a bit more worldly wise that the current bunch. I am not that bothered about finding a better class of gent that will pay more or pay to stay longer (but I wouldn't complain of course), but someone that actually likes to have a chat about me/themselves and gets as much enjoyment out of pleasuring me as I do them would be just a dream come true.

My likes listing on my work page is extensive and I offer most things as long as it is done safely but I am starting to think that less may be more.

Between lockdowns I dabbled with offering MMF threesomes, watersports and allowing younger 20+ clients in, and this definitely brought a flood of interest from undesirables, so I quickly pulled these services and now I am wondering if gentlemen seeking a more GFE than PSE may be attracted if I went a bit more vanilla and pulled things like CIM and facials and the like as well.

What would you ladies advise?

Sorry if these things are covered already in other discussion threads but I just have not been able to find them.


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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #1 on: 24 March 2021, 02:34:06 am »
Interesting question.

I think if you’re looking for regulars that enjoy the companionship side of escorting, then I’d definitely lean more towards gfe. When I worked with an agency, I asked them to push me as a sweet gfe, and I found that it was the talkative clients who would book  ;D  I don’t think that having a bigger likes list necessarily means you’ll get more business, my likes list isn’t huge and never has been. I haven’t ever provided most of the services you’ve mentioned, or discounts lol

You could also try building up a rapport with the current regulars you have and new clients, let your personality shine through! I always think that if a client has to choose between 2 girls, who both give the same level of service, but the other has a nicer personality and is nice company then he will go with the latter. I’ve built most of my regulars on the fact that I do my best to have a laugh and get along with them, this makes them more relaxed and enjoy your company more.
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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #2 on: 24 March 2021, 03:17:07 am »
Could your pricing be an issue? Do you want longer bookings, more frequent bookings, or more clients? I'd agree GFE is the way to go if you want the former two - it may be a case of tweaking your prices vs services until you find the sweet spot.

For example, someone may only see you once a month, but if you brought your rates down slightly might come twice. Or may book 2 hours instead of 1 hour, etc. etc.
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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #3 on: 24 March 2021, 08:00:54 am »
All I can really advise is to rewrite your ads to reflect the kind of client you want. Think about the words you're using - paint a picture of yourself rather than relying just on what services you offer.

I have always been incredibly fortunate in the clients I get possibly because I screen very carefully, only take advance bookings and don't offer short appointments either, the minimum is 90 minutes (particularly if they are a new client). I believe this, coupled with the fact my advertising focuses on companionship, connection and intimacy rather than sexual services brings me the men who want to talk and spend time with me, rather than than the ones who want a zipless fuck. I have never offered discounts and no-one has ever requested one either.

I know this is a job but life is too short to spend time putting up with bottom feeders and wishing they were out of the door. No amount of money will change this. Think about what YOU want from your clients, and change your advertising to reflect this and that should bring you exactly the clients you seek.
« Last Edit: 24 March 2021, 08:17:38 am by Thoroughly Modern Millie »


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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #4 on: 24 March 2021, 08:37:22 am »
On the other hand although I now have a 1 hour minimum, require deposit, and short notice is not usually available I had some very good short notice and half hour regulars when I ordered that.

Equally had longer bookings who were one offs.

My advice is get your personality across, word ads to attract the clients you want.


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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #5 on: 24 March 2021, 10:46:48 am »
I sympathise OP and I know exactly what you mean - despite the well meaning and helpful advice above, I suspect your location isn't helping. I don't like long bookings, would happily do same day half hours all day every day and once a fortnight would be fine for me too, but then my clients are almost uniformly great - it's not a universal truth that all half hour punters are these grunting troglodytes, as Mirror says above.

Unfortunately I had to move 250 miles or so to get them, which probably isn't that helpful  :-\ One thing I would add is that my marketing is as much about putting off the punters I don't want as attracting the ones I do :).
« Last Edit: 24 March 2021, 10:49:26 am by amy »

Snow Whitest

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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #6 on: 24 March 2021, 08:35:54 pm »
I'm the same Amy, my profile is written to put ppl off as much as it is to attract them..
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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #7 on: 24 March 2021, 10:11:14 pm »
That's very true about constructing a profile that repels the clients you don't want, and attracts the clients you do.


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Re: Regulars - Avoiding the bottom feeders
« Reply #8 on: 24 March 2021, 11:01:15 pm »
Thank you so much ladies for responding to my question.
You have all given me a great deal of food for thought.
I plan to work on pricing first to target longer stays so I get more time to build on the relationships I already have and take it from there.
I was starting to think myself that my location was not helping. No friends or family in Newcastle anyway now so I had considered a migration south to Manchester or Leeds. This could be the nudge I needed to have the confidence to do it.
Thanks again so so much x.