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Author Topic: Discounts  (Read 2280 times)


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« on: 01 August 2023, 10:25:52 am »
Do any of you offer discounts to regular clients?

I have one client, he is in his early 70s most meets comprise lots of time chatting, then perhaps a HJ/oral or gentle sex.

Time is money as they say.  If I offer a discount I might see him more and so earn extra?

I find regular clients easier as I know what’s is going to happen.  New clients are harder to read, while some are fine others I will never see again, but then some of the nice ones never book me again.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #1 on: 01 August 2023, 11:11:19 am »
No. I want to maximise my returns for every booking I do and there's only a finite amount I can do each day/week (availability/energy/foot traffic to my flat) so earning less from them wouldn't make any sense to me.

I don't prefer regulars over noobs though, I like both :)


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #2 on: 01 August 2023, 11:29:06 am »
I have tried discounts in the past, like Amy I have limits and plenty of regular clients. Some regulars get overruns and have lots of requests, some like a little contact between bookings, some are unreliable so to then offer discount only seems as if I'd be selling myself short. Some new clients have zero requests,  zero faffing, turn up, pay the correct fee (had just as many payment mistakes with regulars as new clients), leave within or exactly on time.  New clients have to pay a deposit which can be a good equaliser.

I do have a couple of regulars on a very old rate, one really does push it regards time and bumbling things, the other is absolutely fine very happy to offer him the lower rate.

fallen angel

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Re: Discounts
« Reply #3 on: 01 August 2023, 12:40:46 pm »
I used to but I got fed up with some of them taking the piss, cancelling last minute and never wanting to accept any kind of increase at all.
They become entitled and seemed to think they were somehow special so now it's the same rate for everyone whether they come once a month or once a year.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #4 on: 01 August 2023, 12:57:03 pm »
I used to but I got fed up with some of them taking the piss, cancelling last minute and never wanting to accept any kind of increase at all.
They become entitled and seemed to think they were somehow special so now it's the same rate for everyone whether they come once a month or once a year.

I tried discount periods, but it only attracted punters who wanted to think about it, then some wanted the discount to apply after the expiry date, or outside the clearly stated times.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #5 on: 01 August 2023, 07:18:44 pm »
I've only ever had one client for whom I suggested a discount as I found him easy to have a booking with and saw him pretty much every week for almost a year. He lived quite near me so outcalls to him were an easy drive.

When he changed jobs and his income reduced, his bookings started to drop off a little so I suggested rounding his payments down and that enabled him to afford to see me weekly again.

I've not had any clients since for whom I could ever justify providing my services at a discounted rate, and the ones who ask for discounts, especially if I've seen them once or twice in a blue moon, particularly piss me off.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #6 on: 02 August 2023, 08:29:51 am »
I’ve got one client I’ve been seeing for 6 years and he gets extra time and a discount but he always comes to see me.
I have tried a discount in the past on a couple of my tours and it worked well.
I would just do what feels right.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #7 on: 02 August 2023, 11:05:14 am »
I offer a discount on my time off the month with reduced services

Seems to work for me . I’d rather earn something those few days than nothing x


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #8 on: 02 August 2023, 04:06:45 pm »
I offer a discount on my time off the month with reduced services

Seems to work for me . I’d rather earn something those few days than nothing x

I found offering discounts / early bird specials etc never works. Clients come have cheaper rates and next time they won't pay full rates. Oh last time you done it for this price. But you explain it was early bird special .It be go on I'm a reg etc.

Plenty of clients out there pay full rates, if you lose clients taking the piss, plenty to take there place.

Time is money, even if they are easy! You may just pick up a few easier clients who will pay full rates and not ask for discounts.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #9 on: 04 August 2023, 11:35:21 am »
The only time I ever offer a discount is if it is an easy client that I like, they don't ask for one and they see me for a decent period of time atleast twice a month. It's more just to be nice and make them feel special. I find they use what they save just to buy me gifts anyway, which is really nice.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #10 on: 07 August 2023, 12:18:02 pm »
Like the others I would never advertise a discount. I can't see that would benefit me in any way.
However, there are a few clients I give money back to - shh!
Generally they book and turn up with the money, but I give them back about 10% or so because I know about their personal situation.
Yes and keeping old clients on old rates is a god discount to ward them being longstanding regular clients and is good for us too as we know what to expect with them.


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #11 on: 08 August 2023, 06:12:40 am »
I have one client who has been visiting ten years he just pays £40 for a blow job quickie but pays the usual £80 half hour rate. Nobody else.

Another visits literally ten minutes quickie anal for £50 but nobody else gets anal unless it is minimum half hour.

fallen angel

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Re: Discounts
« Reply #12 on: 11 August 2023, 07:43:18 pm »
Hilarious one recently.
Used to be a reg years ago and given a discount but just before covid he became very unreliable and pretty annoying with the lame excuses he came up with for cancelling last min and generally messing me around.
He calls the other day and says he's wanting his discount price from years ago, so basically like 2015 prices plus a discount, as he's intending to become a regular again ...  ;D   absolutely pmsl
Not the way it works mate ... if I still gave discounts, which I don't, you'd need to prove yourself first, unfortunately intention and reality are two completely different things.
« Last Edit: 11 August 2023, 07:49:45 pm by fallen angel »

fallen angel

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Re: Discounts
« Reply #13 on: 11 August 2023, 07:47:06 pm »
« Last Edit: 11 August 2023, 07:50:43 pm by fallen angel »


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Re: Discounts
« Reply #14 on: 19 August 2023, 04:32:12 am »
Personally I wouldn't do discounts whether with regulars or new clients over complaining about my rates etc. The only clients I did "discounted rates" were two of my regulars when I was full-time with an agency and when I decided to go indie my rates were quite higher than the agency rates. I thought it was fair to do that because they were used to a totally different price and I wanted to keep them as regulars when I went indie plus they didn't complain or whine over higher rates. They're some of the best clients I've had, I've known them for a few years now and doing the "discount" made them feel special. Obv I explained to them why I was happy to offer them that price (only £30 cheaper than my hourly rate) and it didn't feel like I was desperate or sold myself short, if that makes sense