Sadly, I knew there would be more than one of you.
CriminalThe criminal offence now is 'obtaining services dishonestly' (Section 11 of the Fraud Act 2006 - more info:
Yes, it helps enormously if there is more than one of you. The case mentioned at involved three or four escorts complaining at the start and ended up with ten, but based on what you were scammed for, the amount will already probably be similar to the end total. (The more money is involved, the more they pay attention to the complaint.)
It also helps enormously if the police you speak to have a clue. Somewhere like the Praed St Project should have good contacts, so my first step would be talking to them.
CivilIf it gets to the small claims court, you will win. The problem often comes in collecting the money awarded in the judgement. How rich do you think he actually is (rather than how rich does he pretend to be)? How much does his credit rating matter to him?
Doing it together should be cheaper (one set of court fees) but if there is any doubt about everyone getting the money, you may want to start now and be first in the queue for it.
If he knows the police are interested and realises this could mean jail time, then you may find he suddenly becomes a lot more interested in paying you all off. Or, depending on his real situation, he may go on a long holiday abroad... or end up on one 'inside'.