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Author Topic: Deposits.  (Read 110418 times)


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« on: 04 March 2008, 07:57:48 pm »

Just want to say 'hi' 1st of all, so pleased I found this website, has some great and helpful information.

I have been an escort for over a year now, not doing it often, here and there when I need some money basically!

It is only recently I have been requesting a deposit, I suppose this is because most people have been ok in the past, then now it seems I'm getting all the timewasters, eughs!

I'm on AW, still haven't figured how to get a deposit through that so request it to be sent paypal, a few guys have said they don't have it, should I just turn them down straightaway? Is it easy to set up a paypal to send money and they're just being reluctant to give the deposit? Should I even require one?

The reason I do, is because I travel by train, if the guy does cancel when I'm on my way, I've lost the train fare!

Do you think it would be wise to ask if he maybe pays for an e-ticket on nationalrail or something for my train fare?

Sorry, all these questions. What are your stands on deposits anyways!?



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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #1 on: 04 March 2008, 11:29:51 pm »
Paypal will close your account (and take at least some of the money) if they know you're using it for sex work. There are electronic payment systems that are less squeamish about this, but they are very much minority players.

Anika Mae has done a very good post recently on other ways of getting them:
« Last Edit: 05 March 2008, 07:51:35 am by xw5 »
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #2 on: 05 March 2008, 05:14:25 am »
hi there
 you say your on AW? Me too !! Ive had exactly the same probs as you with timewasters etc , i used to go by train but i now have a driver , is there no good male friend to drive you ? ( handy to have someone waiting for you in case theres ever any trouble ,  i dont want to sound like your mum but its not ideal travelling alone on trains at night - i used to take the train but only with my bf in tow who would wait for me in a nearby bar or cafe!) I find that most men are reluctant on having anything show up on there credit card bills or bank statements that may incriminate them too the missus!! I think the best option is setting up a "for sale" page via your adultwork profile ( as i dont know whether you already have one for dvds or whatever !) You can then set a sale item as follows "

Deposit for outcalls /overnight bookings

This is a deposit for any outcall bookings with me , please purchase after you've agreed a booking with me. Its payable in aw credits and aw wont show up on your bill , see aw sales terms n conds to verify this if your worried !! ect ......................

If you look in aws sales terms n conds it says that the only thing that shows up on the bill is some non descript sounding company name ( i cant remember it offhand!!) . I find that the genuine clients will not mind at all giving you a deposit , so this should wheedle out the dickheads !! I know been paid in aw credits wont pay your ticket on the day , but its better than a wasted journey as the timewasters wont bother in the first place , if they do you will be able to get yourself something out of the aw marketplace !!!!!hope this is of some use to you , Cleo XXX
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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #3 on: 05 March 2008, 10:20:46 am »

The reason I do, is because I travel by train, if the guy does cancel when I'm on my way, I've lost the train fare!

It's not foolproof but get the client to confirm the morning of your booking. I get all my clients to confirm by 10am the day of the booking. If they don't, I don't leave the house. *Touch wood*, I've never had a gentleman confirm and not turn up, either at the flat or on an outcall.

Welcome to the forum btw. :)


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #4 on: 05 March 2008, 12:58:51 pm »
Hey, thanks for your replies!

Ahh, I didn't know that about paypal, thanks!

No, I don't have a driver, I wouldn't be able to afford one either and I have no friends who drive, so for now, it's the train, until I learn to drive myself! I'll look into that, putting a sale up for 'deposit' , doesn't AW take so much % though?

Yeah, I do that anyways, get them to confirm in the morning or enough time before the booking, I have done that though and the guy was like, yeah all going ahead, then cancelled when I was on the train - he was such a timewaster!


Anika Mae

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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #5 on: 05 March 2008, 03:43:23 pm »
Do you do checks to make sure the guy's there? Directory enquiries for homes, or call him at the hotel if he's in one. That cuts down on time wasters at lot, though if deposits are working for you that's fine too.

Adultwork takes 30% when you withdraw it, or you can use the credits to buy stuff from the site and then you don't lose anything.

Have a look at the post xw5 linked to, it's got everything I know about deposits. (Apart from CCBill, which I'm planning to sign up for soon.)


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #6 on: 06 March 2008, 01:01:54 pm »
Paypal will close your account (and take at least some of the money) if they know you're using it for sex work. There are electronic payment systems that are less squeamish about this, but they are very much minority players.

Anika Mae has done a very good post recently on other ways of getting them:

Anika Mae had also given some good advice re: mobile top-up vouchers. This morning I asked at my local Orange shop and they still do them, as well as the top-up card. That might be another avenue.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #7 on: 06 March 2008, 03:45:22 pm »
Most of my bookings, have been ok that have occured, except that hotel one!

The directory enquiries and hotel, I read about that on this website, I haven't done it I guess because I've felt the guy is ok, instinct I suppose, judging emails, etc.

I do always text before Im getting the train to see if it's all still going ahead.

I sound naive actually, I will have to start doing that directory enquires, I guess I've been lucky, but there could be a case where he says it's all ok, I go to his house and it's not even his, as some people do get kicks from messing escorts around don't they!

That phone thing, I'll look into that aswell.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #8 on: 07 March 2008, 08:29:14 am »
Yeah, I do that anyways, get them to confirm in the morning or enough time before the booking, I have done that though and the guy was like, yeah all going ahead, then cancelled when I was on the train - he was such a timewaster!


Then I would've informed him that I'm going to carry on to his house and that I expect recompense for my train ticket and time wasted. And if he goes out, or pretends to be out, I'd bang on the door shouting through the letter box so all and sundry can hear "....that your prostitute was here for the evening..."


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #9 on: 07 March 2008, 03:47:33 pm »
Hahaha! Well that was to a hotel, luckily, I was on my first train, didn't loose that much money, but....

then he rearranged for the next day, stupidly of me,I went again got the train then taxi and arrived at the hotel, knocked on his room, no answer, called him, no answer.

I should have banged and made a fuss, ha!

Lost about ?30 which is a good sum to me!

I admit, I was naive, I shouldn't have gone the second time after him cancelling the 1st, I can spot the timewasters more now!

The idiot emailed me as well, and I sent him an angry message, a long the lines of, I can't believe youre trying to book me again, I lost money because of you, you complete twat :S! - not that it would have bothered him, obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself!

Ha rant over!

Anika Mae

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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #10 on: 07 March 2008, 05:04:39 pm »
If you didn't call the room, I think it's very unlikely that he was in it. He never had any intention of seeing you, he was fucking you around.

I used to feel nervous calling hotels so I didn't do it, but one wasted trip to London was enough to make me adopt better habits. I haven't suffered from a single timewaster in the three years since (touch wood). I don't think deposits are necessary to sort out your timewaster problem, just do the standard checks.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #11 on: 07 March 2008, 07:31:35 pm »
If you didn't call the room, I think it's very unlikely that he was in it. He never had any intention of seeing you, he was fucking you around.

I used to feel nervous calling hotels so I didn't do it, but one wasted trip to London was enough to make me adopt better habits. I haven't suffered from a single timewaster in the three years since (touch wood). I don't think deposits are necessary to sort out your timewaster problem, just do the standard checks.

If he was there at all. Some guys get a really perverse kick out of booking an escort who don't even go to the bother of booking a hotel room, let alone be there in the first place.
I had a guy call me a couple of years ago. He made a booking for me to come and visit him at the Croydon Hilton that day for later in the evening. As soon as I hung up with him I called the Hilton and suprise, suprise, no such person had checked in. I called him back and left a message, but unsurprisingly he didn't get back to me. He must've thought muggins here would blindly turn up at the hotel without first checking to see if he was there.

This is why I always urge ladies to call the client just before they leave for the appointment, even just to say that you're on your way. You don't have to say who you are, just ask to be put through to Mr. Smiff in Room whatevernumberhegaveyou. Some ladies say they'd be embarrassed to. There's no need to be. Nobody at the hotel knows you or what you do. You're just a voice, one of many. And when you get to the hotel, you don't have to stop and talk to anybody, just make your way to the lifts and up to his hotel room.

And if by any chance he would've been in his hotel room and not answered the door when I've gone to the time, expense and trouble to get there, I'd have still banged on the door, making as much noise as I could, and tell him that "he's whore's at the door".
I know of an escort colleague that did something similar after a gent tried to fob her off when he didn't pay all of her fee. She soon got it quick enough. My hat off to her. I bet the buggar won't risk doing that to another escort.

Anika Mae

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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #12 on: 07 March 2008, 10:55:40 pm »
Yeah, that's what I meant. When I had no answer from knocking on the door and calling, I asked at reception and there was no-one registered with his name. I've had loads of others try it since then (they usually say they're staying at the Hilton or the Grand), but since I call the hotel and find out they're not there, the whole thing only takes up a few minutes of my time. I've never had a guy who I'd confirmed as being at the hotel let me down.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #13 on: 08 March 2008, 01:04:22 am »
I have not took a deposit yet but I do put " deposit needed on outcalls and overnights" on my website which could help stop timewasters I also do all the checks and make a call just before I set off.


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Re: Deposits.
« Reply #14 on: 21 May 2012, 12:07:58 am »
Hi Ladies,

has anyone else considered using Barclays Pingit or the similar Natwest payment system where the money gets sent through to your mobile phone?

I've been reading the Terms and Conditions to see if it might be a suitable way to accept payment of deposits etc. It seems that the sender can either be a Barclays customer and send from their current account, or can transfer funds to a Barclays wallet account and send via an ATM or (probably the favourite punter option) take cash to a Barclays branch. To receive you just need a mobile phone registered to a UK Bank Account.

Downsides I can see straight away are that the sender gets to see the name the recipient account is registered to but that might not be a deal breaker if its as easy to use as it sounds, and its free.

The major unresolved question I have is regarding the Client changing his mind and claiming that he sent the payment in error. I've ploughed through the legalese in the Terms and Conditions but I'm not really any the wiser.

Has anyone else looked at this as a way of receiving funds? I'd welcome your input - and even more so if you understand the Ts & Cs!

Thanks in advance
R xx