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Author Topic: Email from clients daughter?  (Read 4577 times)


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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #15 on: 26 July 2010, 12:54:29 pm »
My last post honestly wasn't directed at you.  I can completely understand what you're saying in that its really not your concern what goes on in his private life and I may have been a bit hasty saying I wouldn't go away for the 3 days and for that I apologise but I don't agree that his daughter just has to understand that her dad is seeing an escort and get over it. 

Maybe I'm seeing things too much from the daughter's point of view I do have a habit of trying to see things from the other person's viewpoint and I suppose i'm just thinking back of when I was 19 and how I was and what I would have done.  If my dad was having an affair or seeing an escort when I was that age i would have been completely devasted whether my mum and dad were getting on or not.  Now that i'm older of course I can see things differently but 19 is still very young emotionally. 

I'm really not judging you in this.  I was just surprised that you (and others) seemed to be blaming the daughter (I know you never emailed her) and I was annoyed that guys in general are such shitbags that they let their daughters/wives find out these things because they haven't got the balls to talk about it.  Ok maybe I can understand him letting his wife find out but not one of his daughters.

Reading others' posts since my first post I can now see how we can't let our consciences get in the way as it is business but sometimes its hard not too.


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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #16 on: 26 July 2010, 01:11:22 pm »
I also have a sneaking suspicion that the email is from his wife, not one of his daughters.  I doubt his daughters have access to their banking information.

I'm inclined to agree with this statement here. 'Please stop seeing my daddy' pulls the heartstrings more than 'Stop seeing my husband'

It is also true that in the majority of cases it's the woman that is blamed. I found myself in a position when I was younger where I fell for the charms of a taken man and truly believed that he loved me and that we would run off together (daft right). Once his lies were exposed I found that all anger was directed at me alone, he got off Scott free. Now I know that I was not 100% free of blame but nor was I 100% to blame.

I know my situation above is different to yours but I do advise you to follow what others before be have said and to be careful. This man, if he really is not bothered about being caught and hurting his family in the process, could very easily paint you as a low life harlot who seduced him and took his money. Without trying to be too mean, some women will always believe men like this and can be very vindictive towards another woman without blaming the man.


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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #17 on: 26 July 2010, 01:17:13 pm »

You are so right about the anger direction bit. Like you I got involved with someone I did not know to be attached. I actually got suspicious and tried to get out, but was persuaded not to with a pack of clever lies. When myself and the other half found out about each other it was suddenly all my fault-all the blame was laid at my door.

AND yes men do often let significant others find out, sometimes even telling them themselves then come over all helpless and pathetic.

If they chose to be with you it's their choice, however for self-preservation you do not need to be dealing with any of this. I'd be straight and tell the guy you can see him, but it's not your job to deal with his family.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #18 on: 26 July 2010, 06:57:13 pm »
 I would tell him that emails between him, his wife and children are not things you should see or want to see..I think it is crossing the line showing you them, and to be honest, I wouldn't be suprised if it was all down him trying to get caught and using you as bait.


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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #19 on: 27 July 2010, 04:29:30 am »
I honestly don't give a damn about whether he blames me or not. I am a hooker, he pays me by the hour for sexual acts. I know I am not to blame and thats all that I care about.

If shit hits the fan in his life then so be it.

Its his life not mine.

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Email from clients daughter?
« Reply #20 on: 27 July 2010, 11:18:16 am »
Fair comment. I think the people who responded to your post were trying to give you their angle though- tends to happen when you ask an opinion.