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Author Topic: Dental Dam question  (Read 4287 times)


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Dental Dam question
« on: 23 September 2007, 02:28:59 pm »

This has been on the back of my mind for such a long time.

it seems use of dental dam is far more common in some state(s) in US i.e. West Coast etc. where risks of STIs are pretty high.  (not sure if it's higher than here or any specifics tbh)

wonder what percentage of all working girls are using dental dam.

If not why NOT?

have you used it once and perhaps you gave it up since there were certain issues of loss of sensitivity and any other issues such as "looking too clinical for GFE" etc?

if the answer is "YES" how would you rate the experience compared to uncovered RO either as a receiver or a giver? 

I'm particularly interested in people who consistently use it because I feel that's professionalism to protect herself and others.

No offense intended. 

thank you  ;)


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Re: Dental Dam question
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2007, 07:43:27 pm »
I have only used a dental dam once and that was with a client who has a latex fetish (and the dam was latex)
I have never been asked (apart from that one time to use one although I do have some that were given to me by the clinic on my last visit) and to be honest I have no intention of using one
I am fully aware of the risks that go with owo and reverse oral and have been doing this job for nearly 3 years and never had anything
I enjoy owo and ro and to be honest i dont know many wg's who use dental dams none of the ladies that I know use them


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Re: Dental Dam question
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2007, 09:38:52 pm »
For oral sex on women, no way (this is the main thing I've missed when I haven't had a female partner, and the taste issue again). For women, it looks like there's nothing you can realistically catch from receiving.

For rimming, yes, it's dam time. Put some (warm) lube on the receiver's side and use cling film.

Apart from that, deeply cynically, I think the main use of dental dams is to enable the lesbian community in places like the US to deny the real health risks: smoking, sex with men and IV drug use.


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Re: Dental Dam question
« Reply #3 on: 24 September 2007, 04:43:02 pm »
Thank you both Louise & Richard for helpful replies much appreciated.

Never thought about using Cling Films - might get one (if possible small square ones where available) is that sensation (over cling film) better than latex dam?

I'm worried about Chlamydia risks via throat.  it's such a contagious & common bacteria.  knowing some punters visit working girls at parlors who see 3-6 men per day (then you know how many they had seen per month!)  who all went down on her that worries me. 

but I also learned not to see punters who seem to be keen on risky services these days tbh. we gotta be careful who to share.  :-*


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Re: Dental Dam question
« Reply #4 on: 25 September 2007, 09:32:11 am »
I finally tried dental dam yesterday.

there are two types: latex one. non-latex one (for someone with allergy to latex) :'(

I hardly felt anything receiving O.