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Author Topic: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone  (Read 5085 times)

Your Tera

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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #15 on: 13 December 2011, 11:49:10 pm »
I just mentioned this thread to my OH and he asked 'Whats wrong with saying"Fuck Off!" and hanging up?
Empathy, sympathy and tact arent really his his forte but it really really made me laugh - and he kind of has a point!

R xx

Well, that IS what we say/do in mime...but--again--some of them should not be given advice on how to stop screwing the pooch, as it were, or they might be smart enough to try another route or get violent or stalk-y in ire...


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #16 on: 14 December 2011, 11:07:30 am »
I just mentioned this thread to my OH and he asked 'Whats wrong with saying"Fuck Off!" and hanging up?
Empathy, sympathy and tact arent really his his forte but it really really made me laugh - and he kind of has a point!

R xx

Sometimes I do, depending on what kinda day I've had  :-\

Jenny 2

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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #17 on: 14 December 2011, 12:30:37 pm »
I just mentioned this thread to my OH and he asked 'Whats wrong with saying"Fuck Off!" and hanging up?
Empathy, sympathy and tact arent really his his forte but it really really made me laugh - and he kind of has a point!

R xx

Sometimes I do, depending on what kinda day I've had  :-\

Same here!  I know we shouldn't but it can't be helped at times!  Problem is that a few times it actually turned them on...............  and one of them did eventually book me through aw............ 

Alex x


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #18 on: 14 December 2011, 12:37:51 pm »
I just mentioned this thread to my OH and he asked 'Whats wrong with saying"Fuck Off!" and hanging up?
Empathy, sympathy and tact arent really his his forte but it really really made me laugh - and he kind of has a point!

He has a very good point, but unfortunately I think most women can recount a very unpleasant situation (or several) where they've been 'direct' like that in response to a creep/pest/scary bloke and just ended up making the guy ten times worse. :(

I think sometimes men don't understand the effect being bullied or stalked or abused by even one man can have on a woman (not all women, of course, but I for example find it really hard to forget the one or two times I've been truly frightened). It's really important to not go making negative assumptions about the majority of men based on the behaviour of one or two mental weirdos - of course, this should go without saying! - but when it comes to our line of work, the 1% risk of a guy turning out to be totally insane is just not a risk worth taking considering the volume of inquiries we get. Anyone can see from a quick glance of the Warnings section here that there are a surprising number of not-right-in-the-head sorts out there.

So I always err very much on the side of caution and will be absurdly polite when trying to get someone who sounds bad off the phone! If they sound like they aren't the kind of person you want to meet for an appointment, that's just even more reason not to go upsetting them. It's just too easy for them to stalk/terrorise you, should they happen to be in that small minority of horrid types. So I'd rather grit my teeth and squeak something about being in the queue at Tesco!

It's funny, in a way. Many of my really nice clients ask how I stay safe, or how I deal with the nutters that must be out there etc, and I always laugh and shake my head and tell them that avoiding the bad'uns is literally 90% of the work of this job! The few hours a week you spend with decent clients actually earning money are really no problem; dodging calls from everyone else is what takes all the real time and effort. ::)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #19 on: 14 December 2011, 02:02:53 pm »
I agree - and I definitely wasn't trying to suggest to anyone that they follow my OHs advice. (He's not a diplomat at the best of times!* It was kind of meant as a joke and to illustrate that unless you've been an Escort you dont understand just how tricky even the simplest conversation can be but I obviously didn't make myself clear....

Apologies if I confused anyone :)
R xx


Amber Sweetpetite

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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #20 on: 14 December 2011, 04:35:46 pm »
I have been away for two weeks on a cruise. My first call was lovely. After enquiring if I was free today and I said no sorry, he then asked "so can I lick your arse then?". I just cut him off. And saved his number.


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #21 on: 14 December 2011, 06:46:10 pm »
I agree - and I definitely wasn't trying to suggest to anyone that they follow my OHs advice. (He's not a diplomat at the best of times!* It was kind of meant as a joke and to illustrate that unless you've been an Escort you dont understand just how tricky even the simplest conversation can be but I obviously didn't make myself clear....

Apologies if I confused anyone :)

Oh, sorry - I was just rambling, really, on that rather depressing topic! I do see where your OH was coming from and agree with him, frankly, that yelling FUCK OFF down the phone should be the appropriate and acceptable response to any idiotic questions. :P
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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #22 on: 14 December 2011, 07:16:30 pm »
 i find,    That Sorrry its a really bad line  ;D works brilliant


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #23 on: 14 December 2011, 08:54:02 pm »
Yes for sure I get the impulse to yell F OFF to numerous idiots; but I resist resist, resist!  Especially since having a recent nasty time with a guy harassing/stalking me online I am SUPER polite to these TWs, just try and cut the call as quickly as possible.

I feel sometimes like I need a recording especially for TWs which states 'All the information you require is on my website, please call back if you are interested'


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #24 on: 14 December 2011, 09:43:32 pm »
having fun with time wasters... well id saved ther numbers  which they obviously dont realise and they call back months later saying they had never called before!!! then i tell them i am at a  certain hotel all evening , do come to room 23 for example, then tell them my battery on the phone is running low ,but just to turn up!!!!  get a kick out of this, after all they had inconvienced me and lost me money before!!!! they dont ever call back  again ....


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #25 on: 14 December 2011, 10:47:09 pm »
Sometimes, when I rarely answer previous TW calls, it makes me laugh. They try to book again, and when I remind them that they either didn't turn up last time, or messed me around over details, they deny having ever called before  ::)


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #26 on: 27 December 2011, 08:21:09 am »
Sometimes guys have seen your website, but are looking for clarification - or they've gone straight to the photos and picked up the phone number.

I will usually say something like "I really think you should look at my site, there's a lot of info which will give you a very good idea of the sort of thing to expect, there are some great photos plus links to reviews". That sort of thing. I'll then go over a few basics and ask is there anything specific they'd like to know. Once again I'll push the site, and say "I'll leave you to have a think about it".

I am astounded at times at the number of guys who press for an appointment, without even the most basic of details - for instance he'll say I'm in X city(think a 1 hour plus drive away), or how much is it after going on and on about  how much he really wants to see you right now.


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #27 on: 27 December 2011, 09:53:13 am »
Sometimes guys have seen your website, but are looking for clarification - or they've gone straight to the photos and picked up the phone number.

See, I think asking for clarification of your working name, location and relevant availability is absolutely fine. But calling after looking at photos and not bothering to read anything else is a BAD sign. The former questions often come from great clients; the latter calls from people you're better off not meeting until they've figured out that following an escort's rules is an important first step!

Anyone asking "Hi, is that Emily Jones? Are you free at 2pm today? And you're based near xyz?" is more than fine. Those are clearly simple but important clarification questions. But if they continue asking questions (i.e. not actually making a booking!) I just politely direct them to my site because all the info is on there and they would be honestly better off reading it and calling me back afterwards than just making me try to recite my website from memory. Also, I won't break my cardinal rule of discussing services or clothing or my body etc etc over the phone - I'll say, "All the services written on my site are definitely included in the hourly rate stated" cos that's hardly titillating, but I won't give further details. As Daisy says, that's the whole point of having a website - so you don't have to get into massive long tedious conversations with a guy who might just be fapping rather than intending to book.

Anyone who rings to wax lyrical about how horny my photos make him or how much he feels like he knows me from my amaaaaahzing blog etc etc, just gets a polite Thank You along with a, "Please check out the availability calendar on my site and send an email with the required information if you'd like to book." There's just no two ways about it! All my good clients manage to not be weird on the phone; it's not like clients are all socially-inept freakazoids who can't do anything properly. I find that having high standards (or at least completely normal standards!) for potential clients, as you would from anyone else you interacted with on the phone, is a good position to take and it's more than fair. 99% of clients are men with good jobs (cos they need the disposable income for punting!) and families and lots of friends and general success in their lives. There's no need to put up with the basement-dwelling idiots who spend their time fapping down the phone at unwilling women, or trying to manipulate or intimidate them, or just getting off on wasting their time. That's not acceptable no matter what our job is.

Daisy - when you're new, you really DO hear from at least 1,000 timewasters, unfortunately. I wish I were exaggerating! Of course it may vary depending on your area, but basically, you'll hear from almost enough idiots and creepy weirdos to make you wonder why anyone would do this job at all. Trust me - there's a reason why we all take so much care to write things clearly and thoroughly on our websites and spend so much time creating our screening systems and booking procedures. I know you're getting on with doing all this, too, and that'll really help you get ahead in the industry generally; there's nothing better than learning from people who've been in the same position before. It definitely saves you time. :D But there's still that annoying period of newness where the majority of people who contact you (through AW, at least!) only want to mess you about or worse.

I still reject up to 50% of people who contact me through AW cos their emails are all, "hi babe, what's up? you fancy meeting up for some fun?" [er, no] or "Hello, this is a spam mail [they never include that bit but they may as well!], I'm really nervous about sharing my fantasy cos I've never booked an escort before, would you mind if I described it to you?" etc etc. But it doesn't affect me anymore cos it's so easily recognisable, and I hear from a good amount of nice clients to make up for it. So keep your chin up - things will change! But it will be slow. Like others have said above, the industry - which is quite saturated already - gets extra-saturated around this time of year. So just take your time, spend time and an appropriate budget on advertising widely, and stay patient. I think it's wise to look at spending six months establishing yourself, although of course it's something you work on for your whole career, too. Blogging, maybe Twitter if you fancy it, acquiring the bits and pieces of lingerie and boudoir furnishings to suit your work persona, getting pro photos done regularly, building up positive feedback and good reviews, all that stuff. It all works towards building up your presence in the industry (as well as finding your niche) so that you end up hearing from a much greater percentage of genuine clients.

I'm sorry it's so frustrating being new! But don't give up just yet; I know you can get through this irritating initial stage. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Cutting timewasters' games on the phone
« Reply #28 on: 27 December 2011, 11:58:33 pm »
I have lost coult of how many times I have received the text that they cant make it cos they've been called in to work.
I'm glad I got all the Cynthia Payne books before the prices rocked to sky high.