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Author Topic: Cum twice in one hour  (Read 6288 times)


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Cum twice in one hour
« on: 16 November 2018, 07:16:39 am »
Most clients want to cum twice in one hour. First one is easy but I sometimes struggle for the second round. Is there any advice to make it easier?


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #1 on: 16 November 2018, 10:18:42 am »
Try to get the first pop by 20-25 minutes, then have 10 mins chat, and start the second round no later than 35 minutes. (I use a timed playlist to help me stay on schedule without looking at my watch.) Get the second round started by putting your hand on his cock and saying "So, are we going to get a round 2 do you think?" If he feels up for a second round he will respond positively, if he's done for the day he'll often get up and leave at this point.
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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #2 on: 16 November 2018, 10:22:13 am »
The reality is that they 'want' and what they're physically capable of may very well be worlds apart and not something you (or they!) will be able to dictate, guarantee or have much real control over.
If you feel particular about addressing it you can always ask them what's most likely to work best as they're the ones who should know, even where it's realistically achievable there's no one-size-fits-all or right or wrong way to 'make' it happen.
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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #3 on: 16 November 2018, 10:27:48 am »
The reality is that they 'want' and what they're physically capable of may very well be worlds apart and not something you (or they!) will be able to dictate, guarantee or have much real control over.

This is very true! I've had loads of guys ask me "Can I cum twice in an hour" and I always say "Sure if you can manage it!"

Then they cum, give it 10 mins chat and say "Do you know what, I'm done, you've drained my balls too thoroughly"

And me, I am not a mess, I am a wilderness, yes
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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #4 on: 16 November 2018, 05:48:29 pm »
Get the first pop done via sex, then they won't be so insistent on sex for round 2 when it could be extensive and fruitless. I find oily handjobs the best way to do round 2. Tbh, I don't particularly push for round 2 unless they state explicitly that they want to.


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #5 on: 16 November 2018, 06:16:19 pm »
Yea, the first cum has to be a fuck unless you know you can suck the life out of them with your bj skills.
Have a chat. If they don't think they can manage they usually mention during the chat that they cannot manage a second and either end the meet, or carry on chatting.
If they can or haven't said anything, start stroking his cock. He will soon let you know.

Be wary of the time. One of my regulars can fuck easily non-stop for 40 minutes. The second cum with him in the hour is not possible.  The first comms with him was about the 2nd cum. The first time we met, we fucked for ages. Had a break and he wanted to go again with 5 minutes left. Obviously wasn't going to happen.

Another one can cum 3 times within the hour. He fucks very, very quick. Have a break. Oral and he cums quick. A quick break and a quick fuck. He's not in a relationship so he either saves it for me or has a wank lol. And we still have about 15 minutes left.


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #6 on: 18 November 2018, 08:00:25 am »
When I was working regularly it always used to amuse me the boasts Id get pre sex about staying power, multiple orgasms and making women cum several times. I’d play along with it but you knew it was ball**** most of the time! I’d say at least 60% of clients wouldn’t manage it a 2nd time. Some you’d only have to stroke or roll a rubber on and they’d spill! Then you’d get the excuses, “it doesn’t usually happen to me, that’s first time”, etc, etc, yawn!!

Or after sex I’d be lying there and deliberately ask him if he’d be ready to go again, knowing he was as flat and deflated as a puncture on my mountain bike! Then again the lame excuses followed causing me to give him a “you can’t can you, another hot air punter” :)!


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #7 on: 18 November 2018, 08:51:32 am »
When I was working regularly it always used to amuse me the boasts Id get pre sex about staying power, multiple orgasms and making women cum several times. I’d play along with it but you knew it was ball**** most of the time! I’d say at least 60% of clients wouldn’t manage it a 2nd time. Some you’d only have to stroke or roll a rubber on and they’d spill! Then you’d get the excuses, “it doesn’t usually happen to me, that’s first time”, etc, etc, yawn!!

Or after sex I’d be lying there and deliberately ask him if he’d be ready to go again, knowing he was as flat and deflated as a puncture on my mountain bike! Then again the lame excuses followed causing me to give him a “you can’t can you, another hot air punter” :)!

It's rare I see anyone who climaxes twice in one hour, even 90 minutes and multi hour bookings.

I'm interested are the people the OP sees specifically asking for 2 orgasms, or are they simply enquiring about any cum limits?


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #8 on: 18 November 2018, 10:03:37 am »
The reality is that they 'want' and what they're physically capable of may very well be worlds apart and not something you (or they!) will be able to dictate, guarantee or have much real control over.
Most guys who want to cum twice don't manage it I find! I sort of mentally split the booking in half in my head, with some allowance time for recovery. A lot of them will cum, and then won't be able to the second time round and I always think that had they not tried to squeeze two pops in they would probably have a better orgasm and a more satisfying booking that actually lasted the length they paid for.
« Last Edit: 18 November 2018, 01:07:35 pm by Lucie268 »


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #9 on: 18 November 2018, 10:13:04 am »
Do wish these clients would have better memories about their performance.
Oh can I Cum twice in half hour,?
 I always ask do you usually have a Cum twice in half hour with an Escort? to which they either go silent or say yes and not turn up.!
Then there's the ones who shoot fast and and Cum a tiny bit of second time after excess wanking with your hand or theirs  and are self conscious about the performance


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #10 on: 18 November 2018, 10:34:25 am »
Do wish these clients would have better memories about their performance.
Oh can I Cum twice in half hour,?
 I always ask do you usually have a Cum twice in half hour with an Escort? to which they either go silent or say yes and not turn up.!
Then there's the ones who shoot fast and and Cum a tiny bit of second time after excess wanking with your hand or theirs  and are self conscious about the performance

I had a guy ask if he could cum twice in 15 minutes! I laughed in his face because he struggled with one time...twat.


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #11 on: 18 November 2018, 10:55:45 am »
If they ask me if they can cum twice in 30 mins /1hr
  I reply with  “I don’t know can you “ 😂

 I mean am I supposed to be a bloody mindreader as well as a hooker and know if they can cum twice in a certain amount of time


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #12 on: 18 November 2018, 12:16:30 pm »
I had a guy ask if he could cum twice in 15 minutes! I laughed in his face because he struggled with one time...twat.

Guy I saw on Friday came twice in 15 minutes. Yea I was shocked. Even more so when he called me a couple of hours later to see if he could see me again. And again 15 minutes he came twice.

I was talking to someone about this question we get asked during the original comms. A lot of girls would charge per pop depending on where they got them from. So those with experience will ask if they can pop more in the hour as they basically want to know if it's extra. And of course these guys talk to new guys reminiscing about the old days, so they start asking. And of course, some wg's do still adopt this practice along with charging for other extras.


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #13 on: 19 November 2018, 07:28:47 am »
It's rare I see anyone who climaxes twice in one hour, even 90 minutes and multi hour bookings.

I'm interested are the people the OP sees specifically asking for 2 orgasms, or are they simply enquiring about any cum limits?

Both really. Those who’d  boast they were some type of stud and could go all night, only to cum quickly. (I’d look at them as we commenced and think “really”? Knowing  full well they were talking talking c**p, then the others who’d ask if they could climax in me multiple times in the booking time.

I’d reply politely yes if they were able to but the vast majority couldn’t. Most accepted defeat but it was also amusing and annoying at the same time guys whod try and fumble away trying to get back inside you without being hard enough or fail at the first point when you to tried to roll a durex over half deflated cock. I’d try and hint the little fella wasn’t going to play, even with few encouraging stokes. Got wise to it as it was a waste of my condoms! After so long would be “time up, have to go, another booking sweetie”!

Now I’m semi retired and just have regulars I know their limits. Have the odd quick cum accident with one particular gent but as a rule I know their limitations. There is one particular guy who can cum twice. He can make me orgasm too which is always a nice bonus!
« Last Edit: 19 November 2018, 07:32:34 am by Sarah72 »


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Re: Cum twice in one hour
« Reply #14 on: 22 November 2018, 12:06:24 am »
Generally I don't get these ringing much.
I think they want to mimic the newest, loopy
swell-headed reviews.

If they insist I nut him in the first 5 mins then 40 mins past,
usually a piece of cake for youngies.
But oldies generally strain-ugly.
I charge for extra nuttings which is a great motivator.
« Last Edit: 22 November 2018, 08:51:42 am by saltysweet »