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Author Topic: advertising saafe  (Read 2815 times)


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advertising saafe
« on: 01 June 2009, 03:04:12 am »
i just took saafe off my website....not that i dont think its wonderful and all but i dont expect escorts to view my site...i am trying to get men to view my site....i dont want men to come to saafe and see what we talk about...i dont want guys who i or others are warning about to read about themselves on our warnings boards....its like its forearming them or something....i know that myself and other escorts have had instances where creepy clients have read up on what we are writing about and checking up on us, and inhibiting us from being open and 'free'....i wish these forums were not so 'open' to anyone....i am sure i have read somewhere where you tried that and it didnt work....but it would be useful i think to have the warnings in a closed forum....altho someone told me a very good reason why this cant be....(just cant remember now)...


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #1 on: 01 June 2009, 03:55:45 am »
but i dont expect escorts to view my site...

I think the majority of the people who view my sites are from other escorts. In fact, on one particular site you could see the most recent visitors and it was about half and half. But Im referring to the profile; not my actual website...which I still think is viewed by escorts. Even I've check out a few. Hey, ya gotta know your competition before you can compete against them!

I agree...I wish (forums in general) were more private. I wish there was a magic key to which only true escorts could browse here. But not many website forums is like that. If this place was private...I wouldnt of found it. And probably many others. I had to google this. If there was a registration to prove Im an escort in order to use the forum, I'd probably sign up eventually; but not right away.

Honestly; forums contain so much information (overload) that there's only so much one will retain and 'hold' against someone. True there are lurkers who probably know your whole life story now, but its just how it is. I too feel cautious posting here, not because of fear anyone here will see, but because my website and stuff and you just never know. Sometimes I feel fucking embarrassed as fuck to post some things but guess what; you can always take down your website and have an anonymous name and talk about whatever you want.

I think its safer to post here than to blabber to friends and family.


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #2 on: 01 June 2009, 07:23:11 am »
Even I've check out a few. Hey, ya gotta know your competition before you can compete against them!

Good point.  :D On that point I have a theory (purely anedoctal) that the vast majority of people who read girls' blogs are other girls having a nose.

Anyway, I would think that one of the points of SAAFE is that it shows solidarity among escorts which sends out the message that many girls do look out for each other and do it because they care and not because there is somnething in it for them. So if anything, I think it sends the opposite sort of message to men than what you are saying Wowsers.

At least here everyone knows its an open forum and can post accordingly. There is a closed forum at but apparently one of the webmasters of a regional site has been bragging recently that he has been reading its private boards - men who want to poke their nose into womens business is not a new thing and usually they do it when someone has given them their log-in. I am always highly suspicious of the motives of such men, its at best creepy, at worst sinister. The women who give them their passwords are no better but some women only want to help themselves and not others, that is just the way it is which again brings me to the point that I think the mere fact that the industry has SAAFE, does make it a little bit safer, especially when considering the sort of acts of the webmaster previously referred to.


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #3 on: 01 June 2009, 08:16:09 am »
but it would be useful i think to have the warnings in a closed forum....altho someone told me a very good reason why this cant be....(just cant remember now)...

The main reason is accessibility, not everybody wants to be a member of differeing boards, and even if they were hidden away, there is still nothing stopping those warned about accessing them, without excluding access to genuine ladies as well, despite the fact warnings boards are public, many featured on them continue just the same, Domination man for one springs to mind instantly


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #4 on: 01 June 2009, 09:10:45 am »
i just took saafe off my website....not that i dont think its wonderful and all but i dont expect escorts to view my site...i am trying to get men to view my site....i dont want men to come to saafe and see what we talk about...i dont want guys who i or others are warning about to read about themselves on our warnings boards....its like its forearming them or something....i know that myself and other escorts have had instances where creepy clients have read up on what we are writing about and checking up on us, and inhibiting us from being open and 'free'....i wish these forums were not so 'open' to anyone....i am sure i have read somewhere where you tried that and it didnt work....but it would be useful i think to have the warnings in a closed forum....altho someone told me a very good reason why this cant be....(just cant remember now)...

Sorry to hear you removed the link. But women as well as men do look at your website. For us women it's to see what others are up to, or as Trafford says, to read their blogs. New escorts scouting round for ideas will have a look at existing websites. Those are the ladies I want to attract to Saafe.

As for not wanting men to read Saafe, there's not much I can do about that. At the end of the day, this website is for escorts and not just for women. You've got the likes of Joey, Bennyboywonder and Ian, formerly of SW5 contributing, not to mention sometime contributors such as Elrond and Jolyon, both of whom have had made positive and valuable contributions.

I'm not closing any part of this forum off, or creating any secret forum. I've tried that. I had a ladies only bit last year and it caused me no end of grief. There was one lady, who for my own amusement I will call Tango Woman, thought she would ingratiate herself on to a male admin of another forum. So she would either send snippets of what was said in the ladies room, or just give him her login details. And said admin was happy to tell the whole world that he was indeed accessing ladies private information on Saafe. What class. So I got rid of it.

The problem is, you will always get that one woman (and that's all it takes) who puts her own interests above that of others, and you will always get blokes who for some reason, hate the idea that private ladies forums exist. It's as if they have to be part of everything and they will stop at nothing to access a place that's forbidden to them. Human nature I guess.

As for warnings, well, this forum was based around having a centralised warnings forum. We were the first in the industry to centralise warnings, thanks to our cleverclogs webmistress and the whole idea is that escorts all over the country can have access to them.
If a bloke does happen to read a warning about himself, he may change his ways yes, but then he'll also know that we're onto him and that his days are numbered. There's no advantage to having a closed off warnings forum, as it benefits only a few. If it wasn't for public warnings, less of us would know about Domination Man and Scented Pillow Man.

If ladies are worried about what they post, they're welcome to use pseudonyms, I have no problem with that and I'd understand why. But I'm not hiding any part of, or creating any secret forums. It ultimately defeats the purpose of Saafe.


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #5 on: 01 June 2009, 11:13:43 am »
thanks now i remember! thanks brandy that was informative (and everyone else) i think you're right there about the secrecy, i guess it is human nature huh? it just made me nervous having saafe on my site cuz i just had a repeat arsehole who wormed his way back to me, by using a different mobile number and i didnt at first recognise him at the door....and i thought to myself, i've written about this guy and i am advertising that to just made me feel uneasy....i think saafe is excellent and brilliant for escorts to safeguard themselves....and long may it continue! better saafe than sorry! :)


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #6 on: 01 June 2009, 02:39:23 pm »
thanks now i remember! thanks brandy that was informative (and everyone else) i think you're right there about the secrecy, i guess it is human nature huh? it just made me nervous having saafe on my site cuz i just had a repeat arsehole who wormed his way back to me, by using a different mobile number and i didnt at first recognise him at the door....and i thought to myself, i've written about this guy and i am advertising that to just made me feel uneasy....i think saafe is excellent and brilliant for escorts to safeguard themselves....and long may it continue! better saafe than sorry! :)

Creeps who are determined to, will find you again. That's why they're creeps, because they don't know that their behaviour is alarming, and they don't know when to stop. It doesn't matter what forum this guy's read. The fact that he's changed his phone number suggests that he would've gone to any length to prevent you from realising it was him.

Does he know that you wrote about him? Is this why he's changed his number?


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #7 on: 01 June 2009, 03:16:22 pm »
no dont think he is smart enough to read forums it just got me thinking is all and i got paranoid....its been a year- probably his mobile contract ran out and he tried his luck again....he didnt try his old tricks so he was acceptable but at the end of booking he started saying the same old crap as before which annoyed me so i tried to take his picture on my mobile and that got him out the door very quickly! which is a ploy i will use for any other creepoids that i encounter that i surmise wont get violent with me if i try that...and yes he was very determined last year to see me again and i told him no, so he did 'get away' with it as i didnt recog him at the door but did once he came in...but it worked out ok -no harm was done

Welsh Lass

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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #8 on: 02 June 2009, 10:34:13 am »
I am more than happy to have saafe on my site.
Without this place I would not have started up with half the confidence I did.
I would not have known where to go for advice or how to safeguard myself.
It deserves to be helped along and publicised as much as we can publicise it.

If you are concerned about others, male or female reading what you post then mind what you write about on any forum.
The rules for this forum are the same as any other. Don't give out personal details about yourself, don't slag off another person, client or escort. It's common sense really.
We all know each other as our working names, as on other forums, mostly people make up names, daft stuff, funny names, that sort of thing... We might have a small insight into the lives of the posters on here (JOEY! HA!) But really, you have to use your head and keep certain things to yourself.

If a man or woman is a pest or using threatening behaviour/actions then we absolutely need to know, it should absolutely be open to all that do post here and those that do not but read it as a lurker.
If a person wants to make themselves a pain in the ass for you, they will find a way to do it regardless of reading this forum or not.

Let the guys come and read this, let the women look at my site, I don't see the problem at all. This forum actually shows us all in a very good light, don't you think?

There is always the private PM system if a client is puzzling you and you need advice and have to be specific about the man. I can give you about 5 names off the top of my head that post on here regularly and some occasionally where I would privately PM them if I had a specific problem and needed specific advice. I am sure not one of them would mind and I would never mind returning the favour either.

I don't want to sound like some goody two shoes out to save a woman from harm but would you consider putting saafe back on your site for the sake of other girls that are thinking of starting out but feel confused and don't know where to go for real and honest advice about this?

I am sorry you came across such a twit. Twits are horrendous to deal with but this site will have had little to no impact on his deciding you could be arsed about. He will have decided that all by himself without the need to go read an advice and support forum.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #9 on: 02 June 2009, 12:52:49 pm »
thanks now i remember! thanks brandy that was informative (and everyone else) i think you're right there about the secrecy, i guess it is human nature huh? it just made me nervous having saafe on my site cuz i just had a repeat arsehole who wormed his way back to me, by using a different mobile number and i didnt at first recognise him at the door....and i thought to myself, i've written about this guy and i am advertising that to just made me feel uneasy....i think saafe is excellent and brilliant for escorts to safeguard themselves....and long may it continue! better saafe than sorry! :)

Well wowzers, I hope you told him where to go as soon as you recognised him!

As for men reading the warnings, apart from being slightly nervous about possible repercussions, I hope men do read them, so that they can see that they can't get away with bad behaviour and if they read other posts they can see that many of use are intelligent astute business women/men and not all naive and gullable, as well as realise that we are a community, who despite being spread all over the UK support each other.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #10 on: 02 June 2009, 01:47:03 pm »
Having some time on my hands after breaking my toe (ouch), I have been reading up on the guy who was bragging about gaining unauthorised access to the Guild of Harlots. Reading back through some of his posts, it seem he is the very same guy who Brandy mentioned gained unauthorised access to the private ladies room that was on here.

He also seems to have started and encouraged a number of quite nasty threads on high profile working girls in particular those who have been involved with SAAFE, the Buddy Scheme (there was a horrible unsubstantiated atttack on Penny just a few weeks ago) and a lady who is known throughout the industry as a brilliant webmistress and absolute soul of discretion and sanity.

I wonder why he is so anti WGs looking out for each other and why he makes sustained efforts to put down SAAFE? His posts read of a 'man' who wants to exert quite a sinister control over the industry at the expense of the safety of girls and any kind of sisterhood approach.  I feel quite pertubred after reading not only the facts of his self confessed actions against ladies but the gloating and sinister manner in which he goes about it.

He also seems overly keen with posting media reports about attacks on random WGs too which makes me question if his menacing is purely interent based or not. I may do a crimestoppers report actually, just in case.


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #11 on: 02 June 2009, 04:41:02 pm »
Some men do have fragile egos and there are certain types that like to ?befriend? escorts and like to appear the benevolent advisor and protector.  They pretend to be helpful and supportive but only if the ladies are led and can be manipulated by them.  Of course to such individuals the mere idea of any ladies forming a support system is an anathema.  Their vanity makes them very bitter towards any escorts that are wittier and more intelligent then themselves.  Indeed, some including the admin from a small regional board has such a chip on his shoulder about the superior technical skills of a highly regarded female web designer he appears to spend most of his insignificant little life trying to think up preposterous and irrelevant imaginary flaws in the web design of others.  The most hilarious thing is however his own amateur efforts.  His so-called website designs still bring tears of merriment to my eyes ? the phrase to polish a turd springs to mind. 

Regrettably, small men attract equally small minded women who want to curry favours with some guys at the expense of strong and fair ladies.  Don?t think such behaviour is solely confined to this industry.

However, such pathetic guys are really insignificant tin the greater scheme of things and ought not to matter with regards to this site or other boards.  The aim is to reach as many people as possible in the industry and a closed board would exclude the very people who need it most.  In fact, even the Guild of Harlots, a now predominantly private board has still got a publicly visible warning section with as far as I can see a RSS feed to the centralised SAAFE warning board.  It is more important to reach as many escorts as possible rather than the slight risk of perpetrators reading about it.  It sends a very clear message too to anyone thinking of overstepping boundaries or seeking to maliciously waste time etc.  Actually, despite open prolific warnings a lot of guys continue their shitty behaviour as many are actually not that bright to research.   

I prefer to have a highly visible link to SAAFE on my site, which directs any curious ladies to the info given on here.  I still get a few women contact me asking for advice on how to enter the business and I sent them a link to SAAFE. 
« Last Edit: 02 June 2009, 04:55:11 pm by BurlesqueHoney »


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #12 on: 03 June 2009, 07:12:24 am »
Some men do have fragile egos and there are certain types that like to ?befriend? escorts and like to appear the benevolent advisor and protector.  They pretend to be helpful and supportive but only if the ladies are led and can be manipulated by them.  Of course to such individuals the mere idea of any ladies forming a support system is an anathema.  Their vanity makes them very bitter towards any escorts that are wittier and more intelligent then themselves.  Indeed, some including the admin from a small regional board has such a chip on his shoulder about the superior technical skills of a highly regarded female web designer he appears to spend most of his insignificant little life trying to think up preposterous and irrelevant imaginary flaws in the web design of others.     

The same admin yes? This one strange fellow really seems to have made it his business to try and sabotage ladies and support systems all the while maintaining an unhealthy interest in raids and street girls (he posted about two such stories yesterday).  Alas this business does have its fair share of such cretins but from what I have now seen and heard it seems he is notorious for such creepy and underhand behaviour and is not taken seriously at all by anyone outside his own similarly suspect circle. A crimestoppers report wont hurt though as who knows where his anti-working girl agenda will stop. The last webmaster to act in a similar manner posted links to the home address of another webmaster and openly encouraged people to go round and sort him and his family out. Sadly, some people dont know where to stop and if he is ridiculed by so many, maybe that ego will really get the better of him. 


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Re: advertising saafe
« Reply #13 on: 03 June 2009, 06:48:17 pm »
i agree with brandy, burlesquehoney and trafford! yes saafe is important to women's networks etc...escorts who want advice go to sites that advertise that not i think, other escorts as there are gazillions of us! altho the very few may get requests of for the guy trafford is speaking of, i too am alarmed and i would think the same better safe than sorry, as in making a report about him.  If he is gleefully picking up on attacks on wg's then he may very well be the perpetrator or become one....there are many variant degrees of idiots so we cant lump them all in the same lumpbowl!