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Author Topic: CONDOMS!!  (Read 6318 times)

Anika Mae

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« Reply #15 on: 25 July 2011, 12:57:57 am »
Pasante it is then! Has anyone seen the Trim to buy in the shops? I can't seem to find them other than online. Paypal is far too slow for it's own good!  :-\

I've hardly ever seen large or small condoms for sale in physical shops, even proper sex shops. If you notice somewhere with a condom pick & mix that's worth a look, but outreach projects and GUM clinics are your best bet. I'm going to have to get a few at my next checkup, because mine have expired and I have enough of the rest that it's not worth doing and order now.


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« Reply #16 on: 26 July 2011, 08:23:03 pm »
Pasante all the way with me, the trim are brill.



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« Reply #17 on: 27 July 2011, 05:56:49 pm »
Pasante it is then! Has anyone seen the Trim to buy in the shops? I can't seem to find them other than online. Paypal is far too slow for it's own good!  :-\

I get condoms from but I've just checked and whilst they do stock Pasante, they don't carry 'trim' size. They do have 'Snug fit' by Exs though which I do use. Reason I mention the company is because even their free delivery arrives pretty quick, so quick I never bother paying the ?5 or ?6 for the priviledge of next day.


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« Reply #18 on: 27 July 2011, 06:11:13 pm »
I always buy Pasante trims from here

as only ?15.99 for 144
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Anika Mae

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« Reply #19 on: 27 July 2011, 11:57:41 pm »
Do you get through that many? I think I ordered 12 last time and I still didn't use them before they expired!


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« Reply #20 on: 28 July 2011, 11:22:52 am »
Do you get through that many? I think I ordered 12 last time and I still didn't use them before they expired!

I must admit, I also get through quite a few of the small-sized ones (many more than the large ones).

Perhaps the men in Brighton are on the larger side, Anika Mae!  ;D


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« Reply #21 on: 28 July 2011, 12:42:15 pm »
Does anyone else try to hide it from the client when they choose a smaller size...? Unless he's specifically said something about problems with the fit of condoms  (and assuming he's not into small penis humiliation) then I always try to conceal the wrapper so I dont offend him. Is it just me...?

R xx


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« Reply #22 on: 28 July 2011, 12:50:50 pm »
Does anyone else try to hide it from the client when they choose a smaller size...? Unless he's specifically said something about problems with the fit of condoms  (and assuming he's not into small penis humiliation) then I always try to conceal the wrapper so I dont offend him. Is it just me...?

R xx

I keep mine in a make up bag, arranged by size, flavour, latex free, delay and different thickness and texture.

That way if a guy tries to grab his own he tends to be overwhelmed by the choice and call for help lol!

It's one of those difficult things but a guy who is hung like a bumble bee is unlikely to think he is a stallion in disguise, so if he does find a regular to roomy it's gotta be a snug or he can have a bj lol


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« Reply #23 on: 28 July 2011, 03:07:03 pm »
Does anyone else try to hide it from the client when they choose a smaller size...? Unless he's specifically said something about problems with the fit of condoms  (and assuming he's not into small penis humiliation) then I always try to conceal the wrapper so I dont offend him. Is it just me...?

R xx

Definitely not just you, I always hide it from them.  I'm so quick with getting the wrapper off that the thing's on almost before they realise I've done it!

Yorkshire Rose

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« Reply #24 on: 28 July 2011, 03:37:30 pm »
I always use Pasante, Naturelle seem to fit most guys big or small without an issue.

I also have Pasante Trim, King Size, Large and flavoured.  I have never once had a Pasante split on me in over 2 years.  :)


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« Reply #25 on: 28 July 2011, 03:40:51 pm »
I'm like Anika - I bought a twelve pack of Pasante Trim about three years ago and still have about half of them left, yet I've gone through about 5 of the bulk packs in XL in the same time! I've even gone through a couple of dozen of those Trojan XXL ones that are like a wind sock  :D. I do like the Pasante ones, but they don't seem to do a non-latex except those weird Unique things and they're awful (as well as being super expensive).

I don't think punters realise about the different sizes anyway, but I do keep both the small and large ones plain side up on the bedside in case they notice. I've surprised a few by showing the 'X Large' wrappers afterwards which they never seem to mind, but I doubt I'd do the the same with the nippers  :-\.

Anika Mae

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« Reply #26 on: 28 July 2011, 08:24:07 pm »
I don't use that many large ones either (I have a bag of expired ones because I got too many). I do use them regularly though, unlike the smalls.

I try to avoid letting them know whatever size I'm using because male penis-size obsession is annoying. They're more likely to notice with the large ones though because I start with a regular unless I know for sure it won't fit.