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Author Topic: advice?  (Read 4838 times)


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Re: advice?
« Reply #15 on: 28 July 2011, 03:03:30 pm »
I've been thinking long and hard about what to do and I've decided to be an escort for a month. I'm going to keep on telling my partner that I'm babysitting. If at any point I feel I'm getting upset over it. I will quit. We desperately need the money and we've now decided to move from north to south so need it more than ever. Just need support now x

Yorkshire Rose

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Re: anyone got a partner?
« Reply #16 on: 28 July 2011, 03:41:59 pm »
There are quite a few ladies I have met with partners that dont know about there escorting life, but it does become difficult to hide or justify the money and lifestyle etc.

I found that before I started escortng once I had decided thats what I wanted to do I approached the subject with my Husband and he went along with it.


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« Reply #17 on: 28 July 2011, 07:03:00 pm »
« Last Edit: 24 February 2014, 02:18:41 pm by laurennorthwest »


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Re: advice?
« Reply #18 on: 28 July 2011, 10:13:05 pm »
Hi lauren, don't want my partner to find out at all he wouldn't be understanding he'd dump me. But I would probably be the same as well. I would like it if he was understanding. But never mind. I'm going to work friday and saturday night which will make me about 500-600 for the 2 nights and then spend the rest of the time with my family. And if the agency need me at any other evening ill do the odd weekday. I didn't end up workin tonight because it was quiet so doing tomorrow. All I need to do is get in the right frame of mind. I'm 2 people! Xx


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first time in 8months scared.
« Reply #19 on: 29 July 2011, 04:55:15 pm »
Got myself a boyfriend and a daughter. And have to get into escorting. I want to do it because of the money because yesterday I had a job selling cars and had a company car but just been laid off because new car sales are crap at the moment so got to raise some money. My partner can't ever know because he would dump me. We want to move from the north to the south because its not working out up here. He thinks I'm babysitting do you think its wrong? My partner has tried to find work but struggling at the moment he's got a job lined up down south so I would only be doing this for 2 months max. Xx


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Re: advice?
« Reply #20 on: 29 July 2011, 05:00:47 pm »
Hi Juliet,

I've popped all your threads together as they are on the same topic and it may be easier for others to understand your situation and offer advice if they can see everything. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: advice?
« Reply #21 on: 29 July 2011, 06:40:08 pm »
Switch it around  and ask yourself  how would you feel if your boyfriend was lying to you ,  having an affair,   cheating on  every day while you though he was at work 

Personally i think its wrong to lie to your partner about anything Especially when emotions and sex and love are involved , but  im not in that position  and would hate it if i was  even though i can be a bare faced liar when i need to be  ;D it rare that it ends happily . Most people arent that stupid and suss out whats going on eventually 

With regards to disneyland your daughter dosnt need to go to disney land  (you want your daughter to take your daughter to disneyland  -  big difference )   and im my  humble opinion  at  5 years of age the cost of a holiday to florida  and disney  is a total waste of time  - most of the rides they wont be able to go on,  they wont want to walk anywhere  and its huge , your suckered into buying all the disney crap and    its expensive to do all the parks on top of the cost of the holiday flights and cars and food and sales taxes , Its a major luxury that even the girls that work full time would balk at   Disney is a place that should be treated like a bloody miltary operation if you want to get around everthing and enjoy it all to the max personally i would rather sit in a field for a week than go to disney with a five year old  way to much hard work  and she wont really remember it anyway
   and if you and your partner are broke how on earth are you gonna explain a trip to florida and all it entails  ok there are way around it  ie lottery win, bingo win small inheritence  but still .....

   but if you have your heart set on it then there are some great deals on disneyland paris by coach for  300 -4  for 2 people including the passes for 4 nights and your staying on site  just google disneyland paris by coach   a hell of a lot cheaper than florida which even if trying to do it cheap is still a couple of grand if your going to do all the parks and stuff and its better for the kids as well as its not as far  i took my son there when he was 4 and it was fun 

  and although you think you,might be doing it for two month while your short of cash , very few ladies who start of with this in mind , keep it up and carry on whenever they need a bit of extra cash   ie christmas birthdays holidays ect   you may be one of the ladies who can just do it for say 2 months and then quit but its pretty hard to go back to a 9-5 crap job when for  a couple of hours you can make several hundred of pounds 

if your in debt with no job ect   why even bother thinking about a holiday which will make you even more in debt and more stressed
sorry if i come across  as a bit hard but it just my opinion     


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Re: advice?
« Reply #22 on: 29 July 2011, 07:44:38 pm »
My daughters were both DESPERATE MUMMMMMMMYYYYY!! to go to Disneyland. I was skint the whole time they were growing up, and wasn't in the Adult industry then (and NO EBAY, which would have been a godsend back then!), but we managed to get by. My bills got paid, there was food on the table, we had a roof over our heads. Second hand/charity shops for clothes and home furnishings. A loan from the DSS if the cooker broke, or a month without cigarettes to pay for their school uniform, or walking to school instead of bus fares to pay for new shoes. But we never went to Disneyland.

They're both grown up now, and neither feel they've missed out by not going to Disneyland.

Look on Money Saving Expert for other ways to make a bit of short term/get by money. There's lots of good advice, even down to feeding your family on just ?1 a day. And yes, I have managed on that.

Sign on, claim all you're entitled to (JSA, tax credits etc), get your rent & council tax paid.

eBay has a free listing weekend tomorrow and Sunday.

Sell your gold jewellery.

You don't HAVE to be a prostitute to scrape through the tough times.
« Last Edit: 30 July 2011, 01:38:29 pm by Cat_BBW »


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Re: advice?
« Reply #23 on: 29 July 2011, 07:48:18 pm »
Quote from: Cat_BBW .
You don't HAVE to be a prostitute to scrape through the tough times.

  nope but it sure helps


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Re: advice?
« Reply #24 on: 29 July 2011, 08:11:06 pm »
I go the ParisB route of tough-love on this one  :)

What would be worse for your daughter - a missed trip to a foreign Theme-Park ( to call a spade a spade here  ;D )

Or potentially growing up without a mum and Dad together - happy but skint? Isn't that how many of us grew up ( the luckier ones anyway ). This will have very serious effects on your relationship if/when he finds out and it would be an incredibly strong one to survive something like that. Would he ever trust you again?

There will always be something else that you will want to find money for over the years also - school trips, xmas, birthdays, the teenage years and beyond..I really can't see this being a short term you can fix with a couple of months Escorting and then never fall back to it again..

If you had indicated that you would get any kind of pleasure from continuing to Escort, I would say a VERY Cautious maybe, but you have said it makes you feel sick with guilt..I think that is very sad. What would your daughter think as a grown up if she was ever to find out why you did this? ( and I mean Disneyland, not the Debt situation ).

As others have said, there is help out there by the social services etc and I hope you find a way through this.

Escorting can be a fabulous choice for the right person in ideal circumstances, but I don't think it is for you at this time.

Good luck  :-* XX


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Re: advice?
« Reply #25 on: 29 July 2011, 08:16:17 pm »
 nope but it sure helps

I know - but it's not everyone's first (or even final) choice. I was offering more ways to get a bit of quick short-term cash if she really doesn't want to jeopardise her relationship.
« Last Edit: 29 July 2011, 08:17:51 pm by Cat_BBW »


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Re: advice?
« Reply #26 on: 29 July 2011, 09:25:14 pm »
    lol yeah i know i was just trying to make  things a bit light hearted  -  as you say there are plenty of way to make money if your resourceful and hard working and even if your not    -    i still like to  do car boot sales and sale stuff on ebay  and often make a couple of hundred quid every three months from a car boot sale .  i get a real buzz out of it   
There is also webcamming and phone chat ect  so maybe your other half  would be  open to this   

   Disneyland will be there in the next year, and for the next 50 years as well, but if you do stuff  behind your partners back he may not be around ......     

   Disneyland is a multi billion pound business that have survied wars, recessions, earthequakes and fire -  the mouse with the squeaky voice is 93 years old i think which is pretty good by mouse standards   
        I could understand it and be a lot  more sympathetic  if it was a case of being broke and starving , no roof over ones head and living on the streets or on a relatives couch ect or simply to get out of debt.     But this is England and we have a very  generous if sometime critised benefit system that you would be entitled to get help from as you have lost your job,
    To risk a relationship to put food on the table and keep a roof over ones head and get out of debt I can agree with ,  but to  risk what appears to be a good relationship  for a  meeting with a mouse with big ears  ;D is a gamble i wouldnt take myself     
Kids always want stuff - Latest psp, xbox,  just you  wait till she is at senior school  a trip to disneyland will seem like a very  cheap option 
    My son has just come back today from a month long bloody school trip to Kenya at a cost of over 2k to the bank of mummy dearest -   although he did save half the money from his part time job there was still stuff that he needed ie injections, and spending money   and he  wants to go again  next year as well  :o   and dont even get me started on  car insurance  2,700 for a crummy ford ka  no way is he getting that of me , he can walk ,ride his bike, or whatever  he likes  as long as im not funding it out of my pocket .

 nope but it sure helps

I know - but it's not everyone's first (or even final) choice. I was offering more ways to get a bit of quick short-term cash if she really doesn't want to jeopardise her relationship.


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Re: advice?
« Reply #27 on: 30 July 2011, 06:08:44 am »
Guess what gals I gave it a go tonight and had a girl girl job and me and another girl saw a guy. Didn't sleep with a man. But its not always like this I got lucky to not actually do anything. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm not going to do this job. I can't risk loosing the person I want to spend my life with marry or be disloyal too I love him too much for this. Even after the first job I cried. Its not worth it. Spoke to my daughter today and were going to go butlins cheap and cheerful but she'll love it!!! I'm almost 30 as a single woman before I could do this job but now I'm in love its just not gonna happen. Yeah the money is good but I'd rather have a day job getting less and being emotionally stable. Thanks for your advice girlies. And I hope your all happy etc and for those single hopefully you'll meet the love of your life like I have!! Xx