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Author Topic: condom checking etc  (Read 6288 times)

aging hooker

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condom checking etc
« on: 06 July 2007, 06:27:36 pm »
Following a thread elsewhere I thought it may be interesting and useful to start one here on the art of condom use and ensuring it is left on the willy during use - there is a trick to check rubber in place in certain positions that is hand between leg and fingers around base of penis to feel for rim of note where his hands are at all times making sure occupied with you rather than fiddling with the rubber.

Also get into the habit of not only putting it on but taking it off for clients as well as then you know it has done its job, is intact and where it is put after the act rather than client removing it and leaving it somewhere and god forbid you get distracted and forget to dispose of it.

And do not put them down the loo.

Anika Mae

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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #1 on: 07 July 2007, 11:25:42 am »
That thread involved my experience. I'd heard people say you need to be careful with doggy, and I always was on entry, but I didn't realise that he could remove the condom during the act without me noticing even afterwards.

If I can't see the condom I usually go for repositioning every so often. Whenever I change my position I hold the base to fix the angle and check for the condom at the same time.


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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #2 on: 16 July 2007, 12:37:17 pm »
Quote from: Anika Mae
I didn't realise that he could remove the condom during the act without me noticing even afterwards.

What a bastard. Did it roll off inside? (This is what happened the only time I've ever had a condom failure. I realised almost instantly and she didn't notice anything.)

At one point on the gay scene in London, there was a guy who used to try to cut the tips off the end of condoms. I never met him, although I know someone who did (and who thumped him).

But it's one of the reasons why if it's me getting fucked, I'm on top.

aging hooker

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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #3 on: 16 July 2007, 03:27:27 pm »
Quote from: Anika Mae
I didn't realise that he could remove the condom during the act without me noticing even afterwards.

What a bastard. Did it roll off inside? (This is what happened the only time I've ever had a condom failure. I realised almost instantly and she didn't notice anything.)

At one point on the gay scene in London, there was a guy who used to try to cut the tips off the end of condoms. I never met him, although I know someone who did (and who thumped him).

But it's one of the reasons why if it's me getting fucked, I'm on top.

oher during the act? not good - and a timely reminder to always provide yr own condoms not let client provide.

Anika Mae

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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #4 on: 16 July 2007, 06:45:58 pm »
No, it didn't roll off, I would have known about that. I had no idea until a while later. I believe he held on and slipped it off while briefly pulling out, then either slipped back into it to come or faked his orgasm.


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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #5 on: 23 September 2007, 02:10:08 pm »
I always check constantly to be honest.  you never know when it slips off by accident.

did wonder however if I ought to wear a pair of rubber gloves to protect my hands touching the base of his cock/public hair as well as the rim of the condom.

if the hand was then exposed to his pre-cum and next time I roll another condom onto his penis the bacteria may be present over the condom to which I would be exposed to.

even thought about offering him a pair of gloves if he wants to play with himself leaking some pre-cum in case he tries to put the finger inside (me) all of a sudden and I couldn't have prevent it.

this is one aspect I do somewhat dread when punters are not informed of basic sexual health and could be doing some dodgy practices affecting his family or other wgs.

do they visit the GUM regularly if they use escorts?  I'm not excited to know the truth to be honest.

on the other hand there are those who are much my view amongst some younger generation (30s) who may have been given sexual health education more abundantly.

think accessing escorts service takes certain responsibility on all parties  :)


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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #6 on: 23 September 2007, 09:44:11 pm »
There's a fascinating section on applying condoms in one of the recent books (Confessions of a Working Girl?) which describes a technique involving effectively putting them on from the inside (from what I can make out, you stuck your fingers inside, stretch enough to go over the penis, then pull down) which she says 'everyone' in parlours use for exactly this reason.

Never having worked in / visited a parlour, it did leave me wondering how accurate that is.

The stretching of the condom sounds a bit dubious in terms of safety to me, but if others know better...


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Re: condom checking etc
« Reply #7 on: 24 September 2007, 04:49:55 pm »
There's a fascinating section on applying condoms in one of the recent books (Confessions of a Working Girl?) which describes a technique involving effectively putting them on from the inside (from what I can make out, you stuck your fingers inside, stretch enough to go over the penis, then pull down) which she says 'everyone' in parlours use for exactly this reason.

Never having worked in / visited a parlour, it did leave me wondering how accurate that is.

The stretching of the condom sounds a bit dubious in terms of safety to me, but if others know better...

Hear stretching is a no no - it applies undue stress on the material. 

rolling down is the only way.  Knowing we are given dams and rubber gloves suppose we are meant to use them when necessary. but how practical they are..they are not often looking very "GFE" friendly. LOL!

maybe they ought to sell flower or hearts pattern gloves and dams! :)

it's important to stay aware of where a punter is touching (if it's intimate part) and make sure you don't touch yourself after you touched punter's private area with or without a pair of gloves to minimise transmissions.

Cheers & have a great week  :)