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Author Topic: Condom "falling" off  (Read 13863 times)


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Condom "falling" off
« on: 03 July 2008, 07:30:49 am »

Just started escorting 2 months ago and I've already had one guy pull off the condom without my knowing and cum in me, another pulling it off, screwing me and then cumming on my back and then most recently with a reg it bunched up inside of me without me realizing it and he came inside of me.  Has anyone had this happen? 

The first two were when we were doing it from behind and I should've had a hand checking to make sure the condom was still on.  But alas, I was new and naive.  Definately learnt my lesson but now every little ache or pain I get freaks me out.  Not really asking for advice, more so hoping I'm not alone (although I hope no one else has experiences this) and to let other new girls out there know that they have to watch out for this!

« Last Edit: 03 July 2008, 07:34:02 am by ladylux »


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #1 on: 03 July 2008, 09:41:20 am »
Firstly, if you haven't already, get yourself tested - you'll have to go back again for HIV tests but assuming you are having regular health checks you would be doing this anyway. It will put your mind at rest if nothing else and at worst, you can get treatment and advice if you have picked something up from these scumbags. I've heard about this happening and once read a post on another forum from a man bragging about how easy it was to do this; it made my skin crawl and now I am always careful to check that the condom is still in place - reach around and pretend to be touching yourself/fondling his balls etc and have a quick check - if he withdraws completely at any time then check again just to be on the safe side.

You need to warn others about these clients - they are dangerous and other escorts need to know who they are. Are there message boards where you are? You need to post the numbers where they will be seen - pass them on to anyone you know including your agency, if you work for one. There isn't really much else you can do now - you've learnt the hard way and the likelihood is that no harm's been done. As for the ripped/lost condom scenario it has happened to me twice (both with the same regular, honestly don't know if it was just a coincidence) and we both panicked like mad! Agreed to go and get tested and no harm done - it was just an accident but made me think and I keep more of an eye on things now (even if it does kill the mood a bit!)

Anika Mae

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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #2 on: 03 July 2008, 12:41:14 pm »
Yes, it happens. I had someone take the condom off without me knowing and I had no idea until he sent me a photo. Even then, I went through the booking in my head and was so sure nothing had happened that I thought it must have been an illusion. It wasn't until I showed someone else the picture and he explained how it could be done that I did some tests and realised it couldn't look like that unless he was right. It's a horrible feeling, especially knowing that it could have happened at other times. I always check it regularly now and it doesn't kill the mood.

Accidents also happen. You can reduce the chance of condoms breaking by making sure you're putting them on properly and using lube, and if you keep checking the condom then you'll probably notice before it rolls off completely.


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #3 on: 05 July 2008, 07:02:14 am »
Oh my GOD.  Seriously so pissed off.  So today had a client, all was fine and dandy...  He was doing me from behind and I was reaching around to make sure the condom was still on.  All was good.  Every couple of strokes I would reach back and check. Then he said "I'm gonna cum" whipped out and came all over my back.  That's irritating because who told him he could do that, but not only did he do that but after he came he said to me "oh I'm so sorry the condom fell off inside of you".  And sure enough there it was all bunched up inside of me.  Obviously he had pulled it off and had a couple strokes without it on before he came.  SO PISSED OFF!!!!  You could even tell by his "sincere" tone of voice that it wasn't an accident.  Fucking asshole.  So ladies, I'd do what I plan on doing from now on.  Keep your hand down there, because they can pull it off so fast it's not even funny.  Ugh  ANGER MOUNTAIN.  Happy I'm not alone though... I felt like such shit.  What idiots.  I mean, even for their own safety... why would they do that?  That's is all.... Thanks again for the help!


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #4 on: 05 July 2008, 08:25:48 am »
Ouch you seem to have a lot of bad luck with clients and condoms where are you getting them from?
maybe find out where they come from and not see anyone from there..yes I know the money etc BUT as you are getting a lot of clients like that I would seriously think about where they find you and then dont advertise there
I know it does happen as is happened to me when i first started with someone , it happened to me twice with the same man who also decided to film me via his mobile phone(without me knowing), but i got wise and also fed up so the second time it happened , he romoved the condom while we were in doggy and when i said i couldnt feel it he just put it on the tip and went in again, and then like what happened to you came all over my back and then said 'oh cant find the condom'
i was highly pissed off and did sometyhing very unladylike , i hoked the condom out of me and threw it at him and told him to go to the clinic as i may have something (i dont but the shock value works) got dressed without chatting to him and slammed the door after him
i got that 'clown' out of the local paper
it also happens when you do doggy so maybe refrain from that position , it s a real pain in the arse when it happens and some people can be so deciteful and spiteful
unfortunatly this job can make you hard and i wont take any crap about 'dont like condoms, i droop when you put one on..... a condom is for everyone and everyone who sees a prostitute should wear one .....thats my motto


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Re: Condom "falling" off -
« Reply #5 on: 05 July 2008, 11:21:20 am »
What a bunch of .............................   i was going to use the worst possible word for them............

I can't believe how many guys nowadays want bareback.......... i have had it "hinted" to me before a booking and in no uncertain terms make it clear that if they thinking along those lines then forget it.

I am sorry to hear this has happened to you girls and just put it down to bad clients and learn from the experience.

Hopefully, the health checks will come back clear so no harm done.

take care and wishing all a good weekend

Nell xx

Anika Mae

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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #6 on: 05 July 2008, 11:23:57 am »
I agree that you seem to be getting more of them than you should be. Since I became aware of the problem I've never actually noticed anyone misbehaving. (It could be that those types aren't interested in me because I charge a lot and don't do OWO, I don't know.) If you can't find a way of reducing that element then maybe you should stop doing doggy with first time clients. It's a bit drastic, but you have to protect yourself.


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #7 on: 05 July 2008, 11:56:54 am »
..... maybe you should stop doing doggy with first time clients. It's a bit drastic, but you have to protect yourself.

I was going to suggest the same thing. After all, the doggy position takes an element of trust on your part. Either that or have a mirror in your bedroom so you can watch the reflection. Gents love watching themselves shagging anyway.


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #8 on: 05 July 2008, 02:38:30 pm »
I echo the advice already given on here.  Refrain from doing doggy for first time clients, you should be in control of what you do, not them even though they pay you.

Im wondering if theres a problem with the brand/size of condoms you are using?  Its good to keep a variety as men come in all shapes and sizes.  The condom should be a good fit, not a loose one or the risk of it coming off is high.  If the condom is a good fit if a guy tries to remove it you should be able to hear him, or feel him rolling it off.  We need eyes in the back of our heads sometimes, but remember you need to keep in control all the time and be aware of what the guy is doing.  There are guys out there who will try it on, and it seems you have had your fair share of them.  If guys do this then they need to be told off in Louise fashion  :)  , named and shamed on any local boards, and barred from seeing you again.


Penny x x x

[I meant to reply to your post and edited instead! Sorry. I've put it all back to how it was. - Anika, new to this mod business]
« Last Edit: 05 July 2008, 03:28:25 pm by Anika Mae »

Anika Mae

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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #9 on: 05 July 2008, 03:26:38 pm »
We need eyes in the back of our heads sometimes

And elsewhere!


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #10 on: 05 July 2008, 08:49:43 pm »
I love the advice about not doing doggy with first time clients.  I was thinking about doing the same thing, telling him to go to the clinic to get checked because I had something.  I've had men hint about bareback soooo often it's not even funny.  What idiots!  Do they not realize they're putting themselves at risk?  Ugh.  It's so sad... I really enjoy this job, it's just assholes like this that ruin it for everyone...  So sad. 


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #11 on: 06 July 2008, 10:46:33 am »
Just a thought, and probably one you have acted upon already but I couldnt see your website so I couldnt check, but do you state VERY clearly that you dont do bareback and will not see anyone requesting it?  I know some ladies have that in capital letters on their site or AW page just to make sure there is no mistake.  Hope you dont get anymore of these type of clients darling x


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Re: Condom "falling" off
« Reply #12 on: 07 July 2008, 01:51:43 am »
Very good advice as usual from the "regulars " on here . As mentioned above about clearly stating no bareback - if you have an aw page you will probably been offered an x-work page too ? I know that  ex - work arent having any profiles that say they Do offer bb / unprotected / ect , to try and take a stand against the !"bareback " trend . The site has good intentions but it seems i still dont get any clients from it ( compared to aw!) .
Dont let the few pricks get you down , ive had a few guys hint or ask outright for bareback , anal and other things - all this is stated in my profile i dont do it - but they still ask !! Always the young cocky types and i refuse to meet them off ot the phone call stage. it seems a lot of guys get your number from these sites without reading through your info - thats what they try with me !!
Anyone on the phone who clearly hasnt read my profile properly and asks fro these things i just give the brush- off!! youve got to be firm with them - good luck in future !!
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