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Author Topic: Come clean?  (Read 3137 times)


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Come clean?
« on: 14 July 2010, 04:50:05 am »
This is a bit of a story but I need advice and have no one to turn to advice on this matter...

So about 3 years ago I was 21 and $35,000 in debt.  I was depressed, my relationship was in a rut, and needed a change.

I was on the waitlist to go back to school, which was a year long.  After much research and lots of consideration, I decided to move 2000 kms away, live with my grandma for free, work as an escort and pay off my debt so I could return to school with a clean slate.  The boyfriend was pretty hurt that I was leaving him, but the way things were going I knew we would break-up if I didn't make a drastic change.

About a month before I moved away my boyfriend found an email that I had written to an agency inquiring about working as an escort for them.  He was pretty open-minded about it but said that he wouldn't know how he would feel about being with me after I had escorted.  He knew that I had always had a weird fascination with the industry and was actually partially supportive about me doing it.  So basically I told him I probably wasn't going to do it and that was that...  We didn't talk about it again.

So I moved away... WE WENT ON A BREAK.  I started escorting.  I hated being away from my boyfriend, had a horrible boss, and would obsessively tally the amount of money I was waiting and calculate how long it would take for me to pay off my debt and return home.  I was extremely lonely, and my boyfriend was growing less and less attentive.  Four months into my six month escorting career, I met a client and we hit it off.  It started as nothing really, but I was lonely and we started hanging out together.  I fell quickly for him and started to think about how imperfect my relationship back at home was...  I started to distance myself from my boyfriend.   

Once I stopped doting over my boyfriend, of course that's when he started to pay attention to me...  He knew something was up and flat out asked me if I was escorting.  I flat out denied it and planned to take it to the grave.  I had fallen in love with my client but was planning on stringing my boyfriend along until I had returned home and got settled in at school (I went through a bitter phase where I realized how much he took me for granted).

Basically, when I returned home my boyfriend knew something was up.  Things just weren't going good and I was extremely distant.  Ironically my boyfriend ended up confessing to me that he had gotten a bj from a hooker on his bday right when I had left (ironically to become an escort myself).  That was the final straw for me and I broke up with him.  Things obviously fell apart with the client and I basically realized what an ass I had been and begged my boyfriend to take me back...

We got back together and it was lovely...  But then more and more he would talk about "I don't know what you did when you were away" and he actually found a letter that I had written to the client and said he didn't realize how serious our relationship had been.  There basically wasn't any trust left.  After being back together for about 2 years he broke up with me 3 months ago.  He basically told me that he doesnt want a relationship right now although he still loves me.  He's moving 1500 kms away in 2 weeks and this is why I have written all of this....

When we broke up and I was moving out he asked me if there was anything I wanted to tell him...

He knows in his heart that I was an escort.  BUT DO I TELL HIM?  He had the balls to tell me about the escort he saw.  He's been such an amazing partner and I feel like I owe him the truth before he leaves. 

But if I tell him, what do I need to tell him and what things can I keep to myself like how my horrible boss made me see 12 clients in one day?  How graphic do I need to get?  I'm so scared to tell him the truth but I feel like it could either bring us closer, help him and I to move on and possibly start over with a clean slate if we ever got back together in the future.  I know that if I dont tell him that we could never be together again in the future, so what do I really have to lose?  HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #1 on: 14 July 2010, 11:41:00 am »
Hey Scarlett

But he is still going to leave. Why answer a question that will give him an even better reason for leaving? And then justify his reasons for leaving?

Breaking up is hard, and it's easy to grasp at any wrong and beat yourself with it. But once trust has gone, its gone and there can be no getting it back- don't be manipulated into sharing information unless you feel it's relevant, which, imo, this isn't. I'm sorry you had such a bad time with the job, but hey you, you cleared all that debt! Let him go. Sometimes you just have to i'm afraid.


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #2 on: 14 July 2010, 12:17:39 pm »
Scarlett, I don't know what you plan to do with your future career and life, but the last thing you want to do is give someone whom you have emotionally hurt, ANY kind of ammunition to use over you now or in the future. The relationship is over. It is one thing for him to suspect, but another to know, and for you to be the one to tell him. DO NOT DO THIS to you or to him.


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #3 on: 14 July 2010, 12:34:07 pm »

Violette is giving quite good advice. "Taking it to the grave" is very smart.  There will be lots of boyfriends, but you only have one reputation, and he could do you serious harm in the future. If it helps at all, let him go, and promise yourself you will tell him in six months or a year. If you still think it's a good idea, when it's not a way to get him back or out of a sense of fairness (one bj does not equal a whole career), but because you think it will be good for you in some way. I don't think you will make that decision, but if you do, it should be when you are less emotional.

Also, it sounds like you were traumatized by that boss and I think you should seek counseling. You really need someone you can be honest with about this, in graphic detail, but who is required by law to keep it confidential and who will  be impartial in discussing it.


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #4 on: 14 July 2010, 03:56:45 pm »
« Last Edit: 29 August 2024, 05:51:51 pm by scottishmilf »
Sometimes you just want to be able to speak to someone who gets it. I'm available for in-person sessions in Edinburgh or online

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #5 on: 14 July 2010, 04:38:51 pm »
In six months you will not give a monkeys what he thinks. Listen to Violette sweetie. Any time you are tempted, let me share a story with you.

A friend of mine who works in a normal profession and as a escort had been with her partner for four years. She hadn't told him, and tortured herself daily.

On a holiday, which she paid for, she came clean. He finished with her immediately. Upon returning home he hacked into her face book page, added a link to her website and pictures and invited all her friends and family to take a look at her new pictures. She was asked to leave her job the following week, her family still don't talk to her, and she hasn't worked since.

He really really loved her though.


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #6 on: 14 July 2010, 05:36:37 pm »
I agree with what the others said.

Some Background:
I had a horrible experience about 3 months ago where I had to tell an ex (who I waned to get back with) that I had been seeing someone else when we were on a break, he suspected it. It was truly awful, and I really regret telling him now, it did more damage than good; even though we weren't together he still saw it as a betrayal... we tried to make it work... but it was a long distance relationship, and basically the remaining parts of our relationship just broke down. I felt so guilty over it that I thought that it was the right thing to do- and even though now I feel a lot better, I feel that the truth only helped me. I know he will move on from it, but I think it will be a while, and now I carry the guilt from making him feel like that. I think that even if you do tell him, it probably won't make you feel better, you will still feel guilty, but you will also have the anxiety and worry of what he could potentially do with the information.

Now to the main point:

I was escorting while I was with him- BUT I always saw it as a job and nothing more, so when I told him about seeing someone else; it never even crossed my mind to tell him about escorting.

Now I think about your situation, and how my ex reacted to me seeing just one other person, I just couldn't predict the mess it would cause to tell him about escorting. Not only will it most likely damage him, but the information he would have could be used to manipulate you and to expose you. At the end of the day the relationship is over, and he will probably find it a lot easier to move on without knowing (even if he does suspect).

I think counselling is a good idea as it sounds like you have had a traumatic time *hugs* and a councillor may be able to help you with the guilt you feel.

You mentioned that you thought it could bring you two closer; I just don't see how? Even if eventually that could happen; the first few months, possibly years, there will be a wedge in your relationship, and it will be a huge mountain to overcome. If you do find yourselves getting back together in the future- maybe that would be the time to tell him, but now is just not the right time in my opinion.

But he is still going to leave. Why answer a question that will give him an even better reason for leaving? And then justify his reasons for leaving?

Lucy is right- it will be a lot easier for him to leave than to stay and deal with the situation.

I sincerely hope that whatever path you choose, you are okay at the end of it all :)

kisses xx
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #7 on: 14 July 2010, 05:42:52 pm »
Oh Faith. Poor you. But well done! If I had a pound for everytime I thought something was my fault due to the work, I would be able to buy a v. nice painting. (Refer to blather and babble)

Scarlett, I have been there. But you sound to me like a very clever, astute and very able young lady! Don't let anyone drag you down with bullshit. I know you are heartbroken. I know you need a answer. But when they are gone, close the gate behind them. Someone elses problem now.


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #8 on: 14 July 2010, 05:51:00 pm »
 :D Ahh thanks Lucy it's all good now... I'm a hell of a lot better without him as it turns out! Plus not to mention the fact that I now have sooo much more time to escort... which means more money for louboutins  *cough paying off overdraft* YAY  ;)

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
- Albus Dumbledore

Lucy Chambers

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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #9 on: 14 July 2010, 05:56:02 pm »
Also, consider a painting. Tres bon, in my opinion, ;) Dosen't answer back, dosen't hog the remote and dosen't hog the bed..


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #10 on: 15 July 2010, 05:30:29 am »
Hey Ladies,

Thank-you all for your words of advice but I decided to tell him today.

I gave him a general explanation of everything that happened.  The very first thing he asked me was if I was ok and that I should talk to a counsellor.  Gives you a pretty good idea of what kind of person he is.  This was definitely true love and I felt I really needed to tell him.  He deserved to hear the truth from me. 

He seemed angry at first, then said he respected me for telling him.  He said that he knew all along.  "I mean come on, you had two phones!" he said.  He hugged me, told me he loved me.  He said that his heart was hurting and when I went to hug him he told me not to touch him.  He then told me I needed to leave and walked me to the door.  I was going to leave without giving him a hug but then he asked me for one and asked if I was ok.  I ended up leaving crying. 

Haven't got a text from him since, but I feel good.  He knew the whole time.  I think it just stings to hear it.  I would rather him hate me for being an escort and coming clean than for knowing I was one all along and lying to him.  Time heals all wounds and I hope that this is true and maybe we can be in eachother's lives again in the future.  I had nothing else to lose.  If anything I think I gained his respect from doing this.

That's the only part I didn't enjoy about escorting.  Majority of clients were lovely, and besides having an evil boss I did quite enjoy it, I just HATED the lying. 

Thanks again ladies!  Hope this doesn't come to bite me in the ass.  Is honesty really the best policy?  I'm about to find out!


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Re: Come clean?
« Reply #11 on: 15 July 2010, 11:32:20 am »
Is honesty really the best policy?  I'm about to find out!

Let us hope so.

From the mix of dollars and kilometres, you're in Canada or Australia? So if it is not, you won't end up getting arrested, but it's still a good idea to be able to deny it to anyone else if you want to. Ex's have been known to lie about their former partners, so it should be believable if there are no face shots of you in an escorting context or other identifying info in ads etc.
« Last Edit: 15 July 2010, 04:22:29 pm by xw5 »
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Winding down