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Author Topic: Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]  (Read 2651 times)


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Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]
« on: 04 December 2024, 08:35:44 pm »
Its been a month of working and I have encountered this couple times now.

Clients asking for my number I don't know how to deal with this except I tell the guys no because I don't want to lose my job with the agency, then the client gets weird about it and I sorta no longer get booked by them.

Clients offering me large amounts of money to leave the agency and promising to provide for me, I recently had to experiences with 2 men offering me monthly payments to stop escorting and another one offering me to move away marriage and payments plus rental covered.

I feel like its too good to be true or love bombing, has anyone experienced this?

[title edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 04 December 2024, 08:47:01 pm by amy »


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Re: Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]
« Reply #1 on: 05 December 2024, 09:25:22 am »
When I was starting a few years ago, I thought I would experience dangerous meetings, aggression, not paying...
But it turned out that the popular 'inconveniences' are different. Trying to get something from you for free. Your time, some extras, or things you don't do. They will be very manipulative. It's happening all the time.
I recommend you to say no and not to think about it. Good riddance, you got rid of problematic people.


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Re: Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]
« Reply #2 on: 05 December 2024, 10:11:43 am »
Its been a month of working and I have encountered this couple times now.

Clients asking for my number I don't know how to deal with this except I tell the guys no because I don't want to lose my job with the agency, then the client gets weird about it and I sorta no longer get booked by them.

Clients offering me large amounts of money to leave the agency and promising to provide for me, I recently had to experiences with 2 men offering me monthly payments to stop escorting and another one offering me to move away marriage and payments plus rental covered.

I feel like its too good to be true or love bombing, has anyone experienced this?

[title edited for clarity]

As an above poster said they’re taking advantage of you being a bit new and naive, they want you to lower your guard/boundaries so they can get freebies (or a GF they can control), stay away from people who love bomb you (that includes punters, telemarketers and Tinder dates). Love bombing is the oldest trick in the book to get someone to lift their boundaries.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]
« Reply #3 on: 05 December 2024, 11:28:27 am »
Sadly, this is pretty normal. They want access to you and probably wouldn't pay up in the end, despite what they're saying  :-X As an independent, I get people asking for my personal number all the time, which is a big NO, and am constantly offered arrangements that they realistically cannot afford. Also, who wants to be at the financial mercy of a client? Eww.


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Re: Dealing with fantasists/boundary pushers [was: clients]
« Reply #4 on: 06 December 2024, 01:23:07 am »
It's all just a game to them. Just stick with your boundaries . Smile on the outside - think of the money cos that helps.

They aren't leaving you because of anything you did... they move on anyway. They are just on to the next new girl.

Do not believe a word any of them say, no matter how genuine they seem. Just let their nonsense words wash over you and forget them the minute you are no longer with them.