Also, you can just
tell them to use mouthwash, you know! They might get huffy and not want to see you again, but if their breath is making you heave that's probably for the best - and they'd get huffy over your involuntary retching, anyway. You can't win!
I've had some scary-breathed clients over the last few months and at least twice had to make big innocent eyes and ask them if they would like to perhaps use the mouthwash in the bathroom *bats eyelashes* it's-right-over-there-thanks-that's-great-whew. I currently have TWO bottles of the super-strong Listerene stuff (too strong for me, I keep my gentler alcohol-free mouthwash hidden though
) right in front of the mirror over the sink in my bathroom so I'm amazed when they miss it. I'm thinking of actually putting a huge laminated "PLEASE HELP YOURSELF THANKS!" sign pointing to it, too, lol.
I'm continually astonished at how lax people are with their oral hygiene, especially when they expect to be able to tongue someone's tonsils without them asphyxiating from the odour. Have I told everyone lately about that time I met a client who's tongue was so hard, scaly and cold that receiving oral from him was like being licked by a dead dog...?! It's one of my favourite (horror) stories!
All that said, I think learning to do DFK despite breath that shrieks "HERE BE BACTERIA" at me has been one of the toughest skills to learn as an escort and I'm proud of my improved abilities (and absolutely bullet-proof immune system). Not to mention that thing where the occasional client looms down and engulfs half your face during enthusiastic mish, leaving trailing strings of saliva between his mouth and yours while you just lie there marvelling at your own strength of will... Basically, getting to know the true nature of the oh-so-innocent-sounding "French kissing" can sometimes just be part of getting good at our job. But getting good at suggesting mouthwash is important, too! Don't be scared to speak up.