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Author Topic: clients who are truly awful in bed  (Read 6479 times)

sammy s

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clients who are truly awful in bed
« on: 10 August 2011, 04:25:50 pm »
I have been escorting for a good few years now and like to think I'm pretty savvy but there is one thing that really pickles my brain in this job.

I have a regular who is such a lovely man and incredibly respectful etc. He is rather shy though and obviously very inexperienced in bed (hence why he has booked me..).! I know that sounds really harsh and I don't expect to have porn stars booking me but it's that bad that I'm almost thinking of cancelling any future bookings with him (which would be such a shame as he books every week without fail for 2 hours so I get over a grand from him every month).

He isnt rough on purpose and I can tell he is trying really hard to pleasure me (sigh). But when he fingers me I feel like I'm going to be clawed to death as he digs his fingers in and out, pushing his sharp nails in etc. It's sore, makes me lose all lubrication and leaves me with a mild cystitis type feeling at the end of the booking.

I have tried moving his hand away and telling him I want to do something else now which usually works but ten minutes later he is back to doing the same thing.
I've also tried telling him that I like it really gentle as it's more likely to make me cum but continues to jab away but just in slow motion.

The fact he is shy and has the hots for me makes me feel really awkward to tell him off or inform him I hate his technique. He would be mortified even if I did it in a friendly, jokey way and would probably never book again.

Any ideas? I'm guessing my only options are to be upfront with him or stop seeing him as I can't continue to be left feeling red raw every time I see him.


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #1 on: 10 August 2011, 04:47:25 pm »
I understand the temptation to fake with people you see once, but with someone you're seeing once a week, I would say it's time for a talk.

I used to teach people not to be awful and it is not always easy because things like the porn I bet he's seen show a very odd view of reality. But it's in both your interests. You don't get scraped red and he gets skills (knowing that people are different, listening, following instructions) that will help him in any future relationship, professional or not.

"Would you like me to help to make this better?" (or if you're feeling nice "even better?") and if there's a positive response, you can be tactful, starting with the manicure :) He can

If there's a negative response, then bye-bye. As you've said, it's not worth the money.

The other alternative is tying him up :)


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #2 on: 10 August 2011, 05:10:20 pm »
The other alternative is tying him up :)

Good lord, yes - if you really think that he'll get so upset that he'll stop seeing you if you ask him to stop scraping you to bits with his nails, then go for the "let's do some saucy tie-and-tease! It's something that really turns me on etc etc" option is an excellent one. I've only done one tie-and-tease booking so far but it was really refreshing to be able to just work away in peace.
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Anika Mae

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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #3 on: 10 August 2011, 05:49:38 pm »
You're a lot more tolerant than me. I've only had a few clients who just didn't know how to touch another person and none of them were painful, but I can't handle them and don't go back. I think I got as far as three bookings with the first one after I found that I could zone out without him noticing, but even that wasn't something I could keep doing.

I figure it's going to keep getting worse for you though, so you need to either accept that you might hurt his feelings but hope that he'll accept some training and get better, or accept that you're just putting in the hours until you can't take it any more and you have to let him go.

Either way, tie & tease and other tricks to stop him touching you sometimes will help. Say you'd like him to watch you masturbate, or any other voyeurism/exhibitionism stuff, learn to lapdance and tell him you can touch him but he can't touch you, tell each other your super-secret fantasies, maybe arrange a duo booking to take the pressure off.


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #4 on: 10 August 2011, 06:06:13 pm »
I think we can all sypathise and I dont know what the solution is. My biggest problem is I really hate oral with punters. I would never ask for it at home but the whole strangers head down there freaks me out. They lean on your bones, sometimes with there teeth! I've really considered just removing it altogether, I dont really get guys obsession with it they all claim to want to please me but only one clients made me cum ever! Ironically through oral  ::)

Anika Mae

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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #5 on: 10 August 2011, 06:17:40 pm »
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sensitive about oral because I've had biters; the first one when I was only just sexually active. I'm getting less willing to put up with stuff that makes me uncomfortable and I find it's generally ok to redirect them if it's not one of the times when I'm ok with it (fortunately I like fingering). I updated my services page to be more honest a few months ago and I don't know if it's lead to any reduction in bookings. This summer's been rubbish but I don't believe that's because everyone's thinking "no RO? No thanks!"


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #6 on: 10 August 2011, 06:34:31 pm »
Oh yeah, I'm pretty sensitive about oral because I've had biters; the first one when I was only just sexually active. I'm getting less willing to put up with stuff that makes me uncomfortable and I find it's generally ok to redirect them if it's not one of the times when I'm ok with it (fortunately I like fingering). I updated my services page to be more honest a few months ago and I don't know if it's lead to any reduction in bookings. This summer's been rubbish but I don't believe that's because everyone's thinking "no RO? No thanks!"

Yeah ive had biters too.. I am considering removing it as I doubt I even barely pass as "enjoying it". I had it once last 45 minutes with a very very large man who kept adjusting his position while his face was still down there shaking the whole bed!  :-\


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #7 on: 10 August 2011, 06:50:36 pm »
[...] I dont really get guys obsession with it they all claim to want to please me but only one clients made me cum ever!

I also ponder about this whole thing of men paying hundreds of pounds to give oral to women who honestly aren't bothered whether they do it or not, but I think it might be related to this idea of a woman's orgasm being some sort of magical prize that's almost impossible to get (sure, some women do struggle to orgasm but I think many simply haven't had enough guilt-free sex to really get to know themselves and their likes etc; plus, women will often do anything to please including faking, which doesn't help anyone learn! Although it's very necessary sometimes in work situations, of course) - so it's an ego thing for certain guys, maybe?

Also, I think it helps things feel less like a booking and more like two people making luurrrve. :P I dunno. It's a bloody mystery to me as well as certain grunters, ahem, but yes, tie-and-tease can be wonderful because while you can keep up a running commentary about how turned-on you are, they can feel good about being a "considerate lover" but they are also physically restrained so can't be rubbing or biting. Lets the pressure off you both, really.
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sammy s

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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #8 on: 10 August 2011, 09:17:00 pm »
Sorry to be really graphic but I have one client who always tries to suck really hard (and bite) on my clit area and it's been so painful I've jumped off the bed and declared I was desperate for the toilet.

I also have a client who loves to tell me in graphic detail about all his sexual conquests (such as shagging a mum and daughter at the same time - yeah right) but he is horrific in bed and not much of a looker so I can only guess that he's a complete fantasist or managed to bed two desperate mingers.

I'm not normally too worried about telling clients to be a bit more gentle. I can be very abrupt when I need to be. But this particular client would just be so embarrassed even if I tried to let him down really, really gently about his technique. He is always desperately asking me if he's pleasured me and if I say yes then he looks so elated and goes home grinning from ear to ear with a booking request being promptly sent to me for the following week.

I think I will try the idea of tie and tease so I can just get on with pleasuring him and doing a 69 mayber so he cant get his hands anywhere near me.

grrrrrr why cant all clients just be Johnny Depp? It would make our jobs so much easier haha


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #9 on: 10 August 2011, 10:22:06 pm »
Some guys love being given advice? It's a tricky situation, but I try to give helpful tips.


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #10 on: 10 August 2011, 10:23:32 pm »
Sorry to be really graphic but I have one client who always tries to suck really hard (and bite) on my clit area and it's been so painful I've jumped off the bed and declared I was desperate for the toilet.

I'm glad somebody has brought this up actually - graphic or otherwise. Where does the sucking come from, ffs? I can't even stand mine being touched directly, and I accidentally kicked a bloke in the face a few weeks back for clamping onto it like a Dyson; I didn't mean to, but it was so horribly painful I couldn't help it and in my haste to scramble backwards I got him a pretty good one. I did apologise (and so did he, but he won't be doing it again).

I don't know what the obsession with oral is all about - I don't mind it with clients who can do it without it hurting, but the number who do it in anything approaching a pleasant way I can count on one hand and it does virtually nothing for me on it's own without fingers, toys or whatever. I'm just not that interested, and if it's really all about blokes wanting to see a woman have an orgasm I have been telling clients for years that the best way to assure this is to get out of the way, and let her get on with it.

grrrrrr why cant all clients just be Johnny Depp? It would make our jobs so much easier haha

He might be shit  :D.

Anika Mae

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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #11 on: 10 August 2011, 10:40:54 pm »
Some women like sucking unless they were faking it with me! There's even been a couple of times I've enjoyed it myself when things have been going really well, but mostly it's right out because of the biting fear. Men are prone to going for it in a way that doesn't have much chance of working on anyone though, without building up to it. Same with the ear thing; I've honestly enjoyed having someone's tongue in my ear a few times when the chemistry's right and there's been lots of neck kissing on the way, but generally if a man decides to try it he'll just stick his tongue out and aim for the eardrum.

sammy s

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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #12 on: 10 August 2011, 10:42:09 pm »
I would love for the day I hang up my escorting shoes to let a few of my regulars who are all complete smuggins know just how hideously awful they are in the sack.
The sucking is HORRIBLE. How would they like for us to bite and suck their balls really hard (I'm sure there are some who would love it but seriously...)

And Amy how could you say that of Johnny! There is no way he would be shit haha. But to be fair I once had the dreamiest client ever who looked like Enrique and he was hopeless too.
The best sex I have ever had was actually with a client who just looked like a standard middle aged man in a suit. Not attractive but not unattractive. He REALLY knew what he was doing.

I totally agree with you about oral. It does nothing for me unless the guy is seriously talented or there is a toy being used at the same time. If a guy wants to pay me ?150 for me to lie back and day dream while he licks away  then so be it haha x


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #13 on: 10 August 2011, 10:54:34 pm »
Same with the ear thing; I've honestly enjoyed having someone's tongue in my ear a few times when the chemistry's right and there's been lots of neck kissing on the way, but generally if a man decides to try it he'll just stick his tongue out and aim for the eardrum.

I absolutely HATE this! Honestly can't see the attraction. It makes me squirm whenever a client tries to lick inside my ear - where does that come from?!?! What do the guys get out of it?


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Re: clients who are truly awful in bed
« Reply #14 on: 10 August 2011, 11:24:25 pm »
I absolutely HATE this! Honestly can't see the attraction. It makes me squirm whenever a client tries to lick inside my ear - where does that come from?!?! What do the guys get out of it?

I had a guy go for each ear repeatedly the other week - I think we was trying to clean 'em for me. ;D

But then I had to wash all the dried saliva out of them so he ought've saved his time and gotten straight on with the BJ!
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