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Author Topic: Clients turning up early  (Read 7723 times)


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #30 on: 25 February 2016, 11:24:24 am »
I will be starting on Saturday and I have thought about this. I am thinking that 30min between appoints should be ok.


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #31 on: 25 February 2016, 11:34:42 am »
I can deal with 5-10 minutes early most of the time I'm actually ready and just lounging around waiting for them to turn up anyway but one or two just seem to rush out and then call almost an hour early asking to come. "Oh I'm close by can you just tell me your apartment number?" drives me crazy as it does anyone else. I just tell them to go take a walk and kill some time because I have some things to do.

The one that really made me angry was a guy who called me around 45 minutes early told him to wait and call me back around the booking time because I needed to go to the store and run a couple of errands before his booking. He was actually pacing up and down the street looking for me it was a lie but what if I did just want to go buy some milk and pay a bill around the corner? Was he planning to follow me? He ended up calling me again 5 minutes later telling me I can do the appointment now or he's leaving at which point I told him to get lost because I don't need him harassing me. The guy actually was hanging around for quite a while afterwards then walked off. Around 10 minutes later it's close to the booking time he texts me with "Can I come now?". It's like the lights are on but nobody is home with some people.


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #32 on: 25 February 2016, 11:39:25 am »
I once had a first timer arrive half an hour early.  I was in a foul frame of mind and shouldn't have been working anyway I wrote a grumpy text asking him to wait and he sent one back saying he was excited.  Can't they just be more sensible and wait.

In the end he left before meeting me anyway his loss!  I had had so many arrive early around then I was at the end of my tether with it lol.

Nia Hope

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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #33 on: 25 February 2016, 11:52:24 am »
Even if I'm totally ready I get grumpy and tell them to wait,  ;D
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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #34 on: 25 February 2016, 12:50:29 pm »
I try to get ready a few minutes early. I'm in a congested city centre and I understand that they can sometimes only estimate their arrival time. I've not had anyone be a dick about waiting but there are cafes they can go to for a few minutes. I don't like to leave them out in the cold or rain.

The sooner they're in the sooner they're out.

Miss Bentley

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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #35 on: 26 February 2016, 02:06:36 am »
If they don't even have the basic respect to stick to their booking time how do you think they're going to act in a booking? Boundary pushers are boundary Pushers, it's one thing for them to send you a polite message or call saying they are here if you happen to want to see them early but the ones who just show up when they feel like it and demand a booking then and there are out of line. Same goes for the no shows who show up hours late after not contacting you and demand a booking immediately. It's as though they think we just sit in our rooms all dressed up 24/7 waiting for them to walk in and have sex with us. The idea that we eat/sleep/shower/have lives seems to go over a lot of people's heads. Whores aren't real people after all are we.. INFURIATING


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #36 on: 26 February 2016, 11:34:20 am »
If they don't even have the basic respect to stick to their booking time how do you think they're going to act in a booking? Boundary pushers are boundary Pushers, it's one thing for them to send you a polite message or call saying they are here if you happen to want to see them early but the ones who just show up when they feel like it and demand a booking then and there are out of line. Same goes for the no shows who show up hours late after not contacting you and demand a booking immediately. It's as though they think we just sit in our rooms all dressed up 24/7 waiting for them to walk in and have sex with us. The idea that we eat/sleep/shower/have lives seems to go over a lot of people's heads. Whores aren't real people after all are we.. INFURIATING

Oh, yes - if they're very early they'd better acknowledge it and be OK with waiting at the Costa across the street. As for no-shows, one minute late and I'll call them. If they're not literally parking up or approaching my door, I'll cancel. If there's no answer, I'll cancel. And then they are saved as "No Show" and blocked. They can show up whenever they like or try to book me again... I'll not hear them.


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #37 on: 28 February 2016, 07:46:49 pm »
I keep my phone on silent AT ALL TIMES, for this very reason. Some clients show up early and call to ask for the apartment number; unless I am ready and just kicking about anyway, then no chance are they getting it.

I have some (old and prompt) regs who show up early every time; normally 5 or 10 minutes. In the past I have tried to encourage them to stick to the time. This got exhausting, so now I just make sure I am ready 10 minutes  before for these guys. For others, are they hell showing up early. My time is MY time, normally to stuff oat cakes into my starving mouth or guzzle coffee.


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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #38 on: 28 February 2016, 09:42:28 pm »
I had a guy show up 30 minutes early this morning. When I couldn't see him until his appointment time, he said he was in a hurry and had to go. Twat.

Nia Hope

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Re: Clients turning up early
« Reply #39 on: 01 March 2016, 04:04:05 pm »
Today I had a 1pm booking he rung to confirm and asked if I could see him at midday I said no it has to be 1pm, 12.15pm he rings "I'm outside"  :FF I tell him to come in at 12.45, he knocks on my door at 12.35  :FF
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