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Author Topic: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]  (Read 1069 times)


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Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« on: 28 December 2024, 11:38:15 pm »

So I have just joined the community as an official SW, I have dabbled in it over the years in various areas but recently pulled the plug for escorting.

I had a few clients and have a few more pre-booked post holidays.

I have read [other sites] and this forum extensively before writing this post and still haven't found my answers.
so I am looking for a bestie who has been in the business for a while, is more on a high end and could show me some ropes, mostly logistics...

For example, I don't understand how to set myself up for a successful tour... I have AW account only atm, and I cannot figure out what how when...

Screening... I read so much about it, but what is it exactly and how do I do it? Via text? a form? email? what info do I ask for? and then what? what do I do with the info received? where do I put it... are there apps we use for this?

For example, I am in Newcastle, but would like to go down to London once a month for fun and work, how do I set myself up for that on AW?
What comes first, hotel or bookings?
How do you take deposits?

Or I will fly home from Edinburgh, I could spend a night or two working before the trip, but have no damn clue how to set myself up!

GPs, sex clinics etc etc... I have no idea about any of these in the UK, where to ask for help in case of some emotional trauma, like communities? Heard in one of the podcasts, we get a person who checks in with us every so often to make sure we are not being pimped out?

also, I have a better idea now what I need for this job "tool" wise, but would love hear more of your experiences! I keep a scented candle with me, my toys, lube, condoms, mints or similar. Do you guys have any pepersprays... or extra undies or socks in your bag?

anyway... without rambling on, I would love to meet a local girl who would want to be my friend in the first place and then also show me a few things. I am not asking for all your secrets and ways of working, but just the basics to keep myself safe, paid and clients happy :) my goal is to stay in the community long term.

About me: I am 33, scorpio sun, leo moon and aires rising :) very spiritual as well. From Eastern Europe, went to uni in the US. I am friendly, warm, direct, educated and an intelligent woman, have travelled and lived aborad for years, just moved to Newcastle so don't have many friends yet alone in this industry. It took me months until I discovered this forum :) So I am hoping to meet another baddie and be besties and rule the world haha

P.S. I am neurospicey - ADHD.


[title edited for clarity]
« Last Edit: 29 December 2024, 09:48:57 am by amy »


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Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #1 on: 29 December 2024, 09:56:22 am »
Hi Samantha and welcome to SAAFE :) Have you read the main SAAFE site; there are articles there about a lot of what you're asking?

You've got several different questions in one thread as well as a buddy request which makes it difficult to answer (or decide which board it should go on), but there is one on deposits to start with here if you want to take them.


Screening; there are so many threads it's impossible to link them but you can find a fair few using the Search box. In a nutshell though, everybody is different and the most important thing is learning to trust your instincts - I screen by looking at the text I've received and deciding whether or not I want to see the person who sent it :)

There is a lengthy article about touring on the main site as well as a lot of info here, but you can plan and book your hotel/s in any order you like (I'd always advise booking more than one, and make sure it's possible to cancel close to the time in case your plans change).

Pepper spray (and similar) is illegal under the Firearms Act 1968. Do not carry this.

I'd recommend making a separate post in the Buddy section too :)


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Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #2 on: 29 December 2024, 12:32:43 pm »
Thank you! The deposit thread is quite old… nothing in 2022-23-24, so I am a little bit funky about old posts.

And the reason I posted all those questions in one is to show that I have many odd questions that I keep searching in forums to get answers but I can’t find it, or it’s very old which is irrelevant information.

But thank you! I will try a buddy up thread and see if someone can help me. I would hate to get myself in trouble by simply making a rookie mistake. There has to be someone or something out there providing a better concise information for fellow call girls. I know I will to any newbie


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Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #3 on: 29 December 2024, 12:53:50 pm »
The last post in the deposits thread was 27 days ago on 2nd December.


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Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #4 on: 29 December 2024, 09:42:47 pm »
Some of these ‘old posts’ are very useful (at least they were to me). I’ve been around a long time.

Experience is the only real way to find out what works for you though, just like in any other job. You make mistakes, then you learn from them.

Also, I’ve met a LOT of ladies in this industry over the years and everyone works very differently. I’m not saying a ‘buddy’ is not a good idea but that ‘buddy’ would need to share the same value system and work the way you want to, which will be near impossible to know from the outset.

I spent a lot of time reading the Saafe website and taking what I needed from the information generously provided by other service providers.

It worked for me and I’m still rolling!

PS. I would ask your questions separately in the appropriate sections and then members can respond and help. It’s much easier if you break it down.

« Last Edit: 29 December 2024, 09:48:35 pm by OverTheHill »


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    • I should be updating this instead...
Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #5 on: 30 December 2024, 07:25:34 pm »
The deposit thread is quite old (..) so I am a little bit funky about old posts.

Some stuff is timeless :) and the issues around deposits are included in that, really.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Newbie questions [was: Looking for a bestie!]
« Reply #6 on: 02 January 2025, 09:32:00 pm »
Thank you <3