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Author Topic: Clients on Drugs  (Read 5365 times)


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Clients on Drugs
« on: 24 August 2011, 11:56:29 am »

I am completely anti-drugs, but on occasion, I have clients turn up who are obviously on them. Sometimes it makes me very nervous and uncomfortable, especially when the guy can barely focus his eyes and is shaking. Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with this? I'd much rather turn these sort of clients away, but part of me worries they'll get nasty. Am I being silly?


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #1 on: 24 August 2011, 12:28:55 pm »
Am I being silly?

Not at all if someone phoned us totally drunk we wouldn't take the booking would we? It's no different.

Yes you'll get clients who have taken something and you might not even realise but you have every right away to turn anyone away for whatever reason if it makes you uncomfortable.


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #2 on: 24 August 2011, 12:32:54 pm »
No you are not being silly at all, neither are you being unreasonable. I too prefer not to see people who are high (or drunk). Before I became indie I met many cokeheads and WORSE, and my experiences with them ranged from utter annoyance (at the very best), to being pretty frightened.

You'd think that some things don't need explaining, but you could try putting on your website that you do not see drugged up clients, addicts, and you do not allow drugs on your premises.


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #3 on: 24 August 2011, 01:47:27 pm »
Yes some clients do assume that all WGs use drugs, and with their clients too. Thankfully they aren't common but it can be a little off putting when someone turns up drunk, stoned (which casn appear the same as drunk), high on coke or any combination of the 3! Of course if someone is in an altered state, to turn them away at the door could risk an outburst and of course you might not realise until you are closer to them - plus being wired on stimulants can just look like mere nerves.

My advice is to tread very carefully and weigh up the situation properly. I don't allow illegal drugs at my place, and despite what some people might think being drunk or high usually means the client isn't in a state to be able to enjoy sex.

A few months back I had a new client turn up late at night, having driven quite some way stagger in through the door red-eyed. Let's just say the whisky and smoking joints breath did not encourage me to kiss him. He said the whisky was to improve his performance and delay the finish. Probably was a case of dutch courage gone wrong, and he was the one who suffered since I could not relax and wouldn't accept his offer to extend the appointment.

Scary thing was he then trundled off to drive home. :o. Well claimed he'd sleep it off in his car but I couldn't be sure::)


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #4 on: 24 August 2011, 03:03:33 pm »
God, that sounds crazy. I can never tell if a client is drugged up, or drunk, until he's through the door, and that worries me. It doesn't happen alot, but I hate it. I have had a through cokeheads, who blame me for their inability to perform, which is so damn frustrating.  >:(


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #5 on: 24 August 2011, 03:11:44 pm »
God, that sounds crazy. I can never tell if a client is drugged up, or drunk, until he's through the door, and that worries me. It doesn't happen alot, but I hate it. I have had a through cokeheads, who blame me for their inability to perform, which is so damn frustrating.  >:(

Yes I've had that too. They get off their faces and then blame us they can't get an erection or cum. I refuse to see anyone on drugs now too. Not that I was ok with it before but sometimes you just don't know at first.


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #6 on: 24 August 2011, 03:20:23 pm »
Exactly! It's so hard to tell  ??? The last guy who accused me of being the reason he couldn't get it up, well I told him straight. He'd done 5 grams of coke apparently, but was blaming ME for his inability to get a hard-on.  :o ??? There are some crazy people around...


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #7 on: 24 August 2011, 03:27:09 pm »
He'd done 5 grams of coke apparently, but was blaming ME for his inability to get a hard-on.  :o ???

Bless. This is one of the inexhaustable list of reasons why I won't see anyone under the influence of anything stronger than espresso - I don't even particularly like seeing smokers, unless they're the kind where you can hardly tell.

I have it spelled out clearly on my website and rarely have problems, but I had to throw some idiot out of my flat for the first time ever about a month ago because he turned up pissed and stinking at two in the afternoon (I'd just changed work phones and hadn't finished copying all my blocked numbers across - if I had I would have known not to answer). Given the choice I would pick stoned over drunk, but it's easier to just not bother at all and concentrate on the ample number of nice, respectful punters with a shred of common sense.

I don't actually think it's  on my AW profile anywhere - this has reminded me that it's about time I added it :).


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #8 on: 24 August 2011, 03:35:58 pm »
You'd think that some things don't need explaining, but you could try putting on your website that you do not see drugged up clients, addicts, and you do not allow drugs on your premises.

Yes, I would do this (if you don't already).

I must be very fortunate as I've never - to my knowledge - had any client turn up who had been doing drugs.  You're well within your rights to ask them to leave, but I can see how you would be worried they might turn nasty.  Do you speak with them on the phone immediately prior to letting them in?  That might help (although I'm not sure how much you could tell from a telephone conversation)  :-\


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #9 on: 24 August 2011, 05:07:09 pm »
I don't think you can always tell on the phone, because it's easily mistaken for nerves  :-\


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #10 on: 24 August 2011, 06:49:13 pm »
It is even trickier with outcalls, they can be perfectly sober at 8pm when they book, but drunk as a skunk by 10 when you arrive.
It's rare though, most clients just have a glass of wine or a beer to steady their nerves as they wait..


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #11 on: 25 August 2011, 12:28:46 am »
Very true! I'm definitely going to write something on my profile about it, good advice girls!


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #12 on: 25 August 2011, 12:35:57 am »
Very true! I'm definitely going to write something on my profile about it, good advice girls!

Me too. It's a great idea.


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #13 on: 25 August 2011, 07:40:47 am »
Just to be the odd one - and please don't take this as me saying that clients on drugs are all pussycats really, but one of my regs is a coke dealer, who didn't give any hint of this in advance and the first time I met his was an out call to his place.

I had security on standby as he didn't have a landline, he lives in a newly built flat that google maps could only give a rough idea of the location of, and his town is an hour round trip from the city in the back end of beyond. (looking back I have no idea why I went lol!)

So he booked me for 4 hours, picks me up at the train station in his little boyracer-mobile and takes me back to his. He's young, fit, tanned and rather attractive if bordering on chavvy.

Then when we get to his he goes to pay me from a HUGE brown envelope stuffed with ?20s, and I noticed  a few notes on the kitchen counters all rolled up. He then removes the spot light from his ceiling and pulls out a bag of cocaine!

I have friends who smoke weed but thats as close to drugs as I get, I don't even smoke ciggys. I told him this when he offered me some and he laughed his ass of and told me I was so cute and that he's glad I'm clean and went on to expound the evils of drugs, while doing lines off the bench with a ?20 note!

The booking went on and we both had a lot of fun, so much in fact that he was knackered after 2 and a half hours but he paid my full 4 hour fee, plus ?60 because he knew I had misgivings about visiting him.

In short he was a lovely guy all around and I'm glad I met him as he is one of my nicest clients. I'm not saying anyone should take insane risks but this guy was over the moon that I didn't walk out and let him enjoy his hobby without judging him, and I was rewarded for that with his regular business.

I think you have to go with your gut, and if you turn out to be wrong finding a way of getting out of the situation is priority number 1


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Re: Clients on Drugs
« Reply #14 on: 25 August 2011, 11:54:37 am »
I think you are absolutely right. I have seen a few guys who are fine on cocaine, but then you get the others who are not.  :-\